Technically its the cold sand hold. I spent about 15 minutes wandering before I realized thats where your supposed to go. It'd be nice to have a map that's more accessible, like a transparent HUD.
I'm being killed by everything and I'm only on the second town (after taryn.) Did I miss some huge fighting sequence and miss out on a lot of XP or what? Annoying since half the quests require me to kill something way stronger than me.
I've never really played rpgs (more a shooter fan), but want to get into them. Is aralon a good game to start from or is it way too complex to get the hang of for someone new?
yeah sorry - I'm thinking file names not actual name locations. Like the name of Cold Sands Hold scene file is called Fort.unity southern kingdom is called contsouth.unity and I've been working with the files for so long that I never call them those actual names.
On an iPad, you can't leave the cold sand area. When I try to go out the north exit the game crashes, it's happened three times so far. This game is buggy but I don't mind for a few reasons. One, the devs are actively working with the community to fix them, and two, id rather have the game as it is, and be able to grind or explore or whatever while I wait for updates, than still be waiting for it to release.
Lol, I haven't even had a chance to play this yet, been so busy with Dungeon Defenders, but everytime I come into this thread to read some posts I see more stolen icons... I know Josh will get them fixed, but I can't believe how incredibly brazen this "icon artist" was in his copies
Wohoo I just got the drake egg! so now I have a dragon! just a question: Is the drake supposed to fly, because mine doesn't
yeah I fixed the 3 'copied' or 'faked' icons and we're submitting the update as I'm typing this. It really sucked that I had to take time out from fixing other stuff to redo freakiing icons. Suffice to say that guy will never work for us again.
What quests have you done in the Taryn Ridge area? You should be able to get yourself up to level 9 or 10 before hitting Callahein. If the quests in Taryn Ridge are too tough, hire the mercenary at the inn.
yeah the winged dragons are more like cut scenes - that get you to a certain place, or you could even call that 'on rails' we may eventually have an area where you can fly a dragon around, but that also raises a lot of other issues...
Hey Square or Josh, Maybe one of you can help me as I'm stuck at the quest from Eckar about the corruption in the city. I go to the bar and talk with Rufus with the Brew password, he then sends me upstairs to talk with Nevin. I cannot get any information from Nevin as my two options are Rufus needs you downstairs and I know your corrupt are my options. Either of those makes to have to go downstairs and kill Refus and Nevin and I get no information to report back to Eckar. What exactly am I'm doing wrong here?
I'm in the same boat. The only NPC in 'Pig and Hound' is the bar tender and the two people I've killed. I have no idea how to complete that quest.
I fell once in the field by the witch caves. Any word on why it crashes when you try to leave through the north exit of the cold sands?