yeah, this happened to me too. but all i did was load the autosave 3 times, and it worked. now i still get some crashes, but its playable. i have i 2g too. try that, and if it dosent work, start a new game. ps. the autosave got me outside the house, not in it. if the game crashes while loading an area, remember that the autosave has saved the area you were going to, not the one you are in. so all 2g user try this. if it work than i rule. if you still get crashes, than at least i can play. sorry.
Hi, I have been playing this game for a lot of time but I have a few questions and hope you guys can answer them: 1.) Where can I get more mounts (dragon, bird, wolf, horse) 2.) Where is Sirius Wilhome? (quest: "a stolen jewel") 3.) Where can I get more crafting recipes? 4.) How can I get the guild quests? (I've been in the guild for a while but I haven't received any quest) EDIT: Nevermind, just solved the number two and four issues, but I still need help with the number 1 and 3 questions. Anyone know the answers?
thanks man but WOW. i'm really hating how i can't play these games anymore. infinity blade, and now aralon. i'm just putting my hopes and dreams on maybe being able to be able to play real racing
You're blind. Half the icons in the game are literally stolen from WoW. As in, screen captured, then photoshopped into a thinly-veiled 'new' icon. This is a wonderful game. But some of the graphic design is legally infringing on Blizzard's IP. As in, violating copyright coverage. It's only a matter of time before Blizzard serves them with a cease and desist if not a suit. (and I'm not even talking about the content choices and ideas Aralon takes from WoW, which is much tougher to litigate)
This game is kind of hard :/ not enjoying it much because I keep during >< I'm playing as a girl Mage and I can't find any armor for her >< is there female armor? Also does strength affect Mage spells?
I read log of posts complain about crashes, just wondering anyone did crash on iphone 4? I'm thinking of getting it, but downloaded ton of new game, need to finish them first.
Well I said I would get the game this morning, but continued mixed review from 2nd gen users, the developer's statement that they would now optimize the HD version for 2nd gens, and the countless crashes/bugs on all devices cause me to wait a bit and see how updates improve on these shortcomings. Then, on December 28th, I will make a decision
The more I play, the more it seems like some of the developers are definitely from New Jersey. So many building that share specific names with NJ landmarks and restaurants can't be coincidental. Are any of the developers from NJ? I'd guess at least one is.
I have this game and I have experienced no crashes throughout this game so far but one question, where is sirus wilhome? Thx
Is it only me or is some objects/environments a bit "out of proportion"? For instance, in the inn, at the bar all the bottles and mugs are Birger than the characters head, and the top of the table is like 6 feet up. In the first house the basket with frukt is like à small boat and the textures of fruit is showing apples big as basket balls. The windows are above the characters head etc. Nice game but it feels like I'm playing a very tiny character. Anyone else seen this as well? Playing on iPad btw.
yeah im getting crashing from v2.0 1.0 was running fun but now it crashes basically every time TESTED: iPod Touch 2G, iPad WiFi 64GB, iPhone 4 32GB all crashing with v2.0 but 1.0 is safe.
Has anyone tried being an outlaw? After I killed the beginning characters they didn't respawn... Does this mean the quests also disappear forever?
i just signed up to say thank you to the devs for making such an amazing game, im playing it on ipad/iphone 4, no problems so far, im leveling 3 different characters and then later on i will decide which one to take all the way first i love this game so much im afraid of finisshing it, any chances of getting expansions? more quests? more classes? also about, an online central market where all users could sell/buy their weapons and stuff? this is by far, my favorite ios game, ever thank you, i hope you will keep supporting this game for a while and give me more, a lot more
He is in one of the rooms of the Red Lion (Taryn Ridge). He is staying in the room that is locked, so you have to open it with bash lock.
The camera style that I'm using is: "3rd person Fixed". I use that style because the camera doesn't move.