Lol, And they all copied Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien), who copied George MacDonald, etc etc etc
Here's another review!
10+ hours into this game I haven't found a single thing that resembles WoW and I played WoW for 4 years from closed beta through the Burning Crusade. Please tell me what you've found in this game that resembles WoW.
Well, according to the iTunes page, you need a ipod 3g or higher for the game. So I guess us 2nd gen users will be waiting for the rumored 2nd gen version of the game!
I don't know if it's a bug but I've been farming the second knoll cave/ dungeon. The one right after the bandit dude tries to jack you. At the very end of the cave is a chest that gives epic loot everytime you go in. On my ipad I'm level 5 and the chest gave me a 75 axe for primary with +2 str +1 end. Which promptley replaced my 22 primary axe. Plus it gave me a ruby worth like 250 gold and some sweet leg armor with like 32 armor I think plus 153 gold. Then I can go back in and it respawns with more cool stuff. I did it 3 times on my iphone 4 at level 7 and its similar epic loot. Not tryin to be a jerk but it seems unfair to be able to gear up so easily so early. Does make stuff easier thought with epic loot. . Am enjoying it by the way even thought the controlls need a sensitivity adjustment badly for us the don't want motion sickness lol.
i keep falling to my death at the village gate so i cant play until this get fixed and sometimes the game crashes at village gate im playing on my ipod touch 2g
Nope, the game does actually work on iPod Touch 2s, it just hasn't been tested as much as on the other devices, but it does run.
You never played a rogue, have you? For one thing, they completely ripped off the Slice'n Dice icon, even went to the lenght of inverting it along the Y axis for some reason. That alone tells you WoW was more than just an inspiration to the devs of Aralon:
It may "run'. But from some of the evidence of the posters since the release, I wouldn't say it runs well. So keep that in mind if you purchase it with a 2G. Frequent crashes and other issues HAVE been reported.
I'm having issues with one of the Knights of Callahan quests. It's the one where you go the mansion grounds. After listening to the conversation, the game freezes up. Is this happening for anyone else? edit: nevermind, helps to read the thread.
Can someone please tell me how much this resembles ravensword I. Terms of gameplay. I know it has better graphics, rpg elements, and a bigger world, but if the gameplay has remained the same I will have to skip this. One of the the things I hated about revensword was the amount of bugs. I
Went to the same gnoll cave near the lake and got a 110 power sword. And I'm got it when I was level 8! Don't know if it's random or something...
Hey guys PLEASE for the love of GOD tell me: HOW THE HECK DO YOU GO TO the village of Karn from Callenheim? I went to the Red Rock bay or whatever its called, i farmed on the giants there, killed ALOT of minotaurs, bought the best gear available and became level freakin 28 but i simply cannot find this goddamn village. HELP! P.S.: In the Callenheim sewers, a lvl 35 ancient vampire guarding a chest can be found. Instead of fighting him just open the chest, take the AWESOME goods inside (got a battle axe with 143 power xD) and run away! You can get ALOT of gold and epic goodies there!