So the price is going to go up? When will that be? I've got too many other games already, and other things to do, so I may not get around to playing it for a month or two. Should I still buy it now, as the price is going to go up?
I'm still baffled by the detail and depth, but it crashes constantly when I enter a new area on my 2nd gen iPod, and I think it needs a tiny bit more polish. Still, truly amazing. I'll probably play this properly once I get a new iPod...
The drakes - in the latest version - are faster than the White Steed. But they are so big that I had to turn off front end collision knockdown's because he was bumping into everything and knocking me off.
List of fixes going into 2.11 to be submitted (Today) -General bug fixes and balance tweaks -Better animations for pick pocketing, fishing -Temple, Dungeon improvements and fixes -Level loading crash fixes -Improved Boss Battles -Performance enhancements -Additional quests, crafting recipes, items and content -Enhanced spell effects -Enhanced Fishing -New Mage and Troll Henchmen -New Armor Shop in the City -Icon fixes -Weapon fixes and improvements -Tons of collider and various level fixes -Improved NPC greetings and more animations -Armor fixes -Mount fixes and animation improvements
Sorry to keep on JoshCM - but the tantalising amount I've played so far has been brilliant - but the village door glitch is stopping me from going any further. Seems to be a few people having the same problem as well. Just for the record, thanks for putting so much into this game (and Ravensword). I think you've done a superb job...
So Far, So Good - Some likes/dislikes (minor, minor spoilers) I've played a few hours and here are some random thoughts: Graphic textures are a little blurry, but I like that the style is consistent. It's a huge world to explore and I can't help diverging from the road to see what's over the hill or behind the rock or up the stream. I like the detail that makes the forest alive. Buildings/structures are bigger on the inside than what they look on the outside. That bugs me a little. Sound effects are serviceable, but the music is too repetitive. I couldn't manage the default movement controls but I resolved that issue by changing to the 3rd Person Fixed setting. That feels more intuitive. I like combat now that I'm used to it but it still feels a little awkward sometimes. I do like it when you have to time your block based on your enemy's stance. Linking your weapons and special skills is a must. Upon first playing, I started assuming some things that were just random elements of the game but are now being revealed they're specifically related to quests. For instance, why were there so many bandits on the road? I just assumed the devs put them in there just to have random encounters. Nope, it's explained later on in Taryn Ridge that bandits have been attacking travelers. Not only that, but a related quest gets offered asking you to help when the bandits attack the town. You can also hire one of the dudes in the tavern to help. That's cool! I hope other random elements can be explained later. I doubt this one will be: why in the world does a gnoll lair be allowed to exist within the village walls? That's why I assumed the road bandits were just another random issue. I really like the game so far. Kudos and my cash to the devs. I hope to see updates that refine some of the issues.
What is the bank used for? I'm in Callaheim now (and level 11) and was wondering if I could deposit items in the bank or is the bank just there because it wants to be there? EDIT: nevermind, figured it out.
This is just a dumb statement. If anything it would be considered more like Oblivion. Either way it's just like any other fantasy RPG. WoW didn't invent the wheel, it just perfected it.
After exiting a Gnoll cave I keep falling through the landscape and getting stuck there.... the stars are nice and all but I'd like to play the game. Hopefully 2.1 will fix this.
WoW copied Dark Age of Camelot which Copied Everquest. Big woop, who cares? Also this isn't much of a copy. Play it and find out for yourself. This is more akin to Elder Scrolls if you have to compare it to something.
I was more onto the art style/direction than anything. But there were also quite a few other elements: the fishing + progress bar, the rogue stealthing, the floating combat text... and that's only from what I saw of the trailer - that seem to be "borrowed" from WoW.
I don't know if anyone knows about this but if you select a chest to deposit your items into and select an item to deposit but then select cancel, it puts the item in the chest anyways. -_-
Game Impressions My impressions, coming from another thread: I bought aralon yesterday, and sunk about 2 hours and a half of gameplay into it (i know it's not much, but hey, i have exams ). At first i was impressed by...well, by the game itself. Huge places to explore, awesome lighting effects, a nice cinematic intro (normally cutscenes are abysmal on iOs...) As time went on, howewer, i found myself more and more irritated by the long list of small shortcomings that the game has. As the camera suddendly moved in the wrong direction for the hundreth time leading to my death , after the game crashed on me for the tenth time (and i have a 4G, for godness' sake!), when one of the saves became corrupted, after my henchman fell for the fourth time in the river...well, those were the moments in wich i just shut the game down and took a break-otherwise i knew i would have started hating it. I know making games is hard. I know galoobeth and crescent moon are, together, like four people or so. And i know the huge ambitions between this effort. I really, really wanted to know the game. Howewer, i cannot. Aralon is such a huge production that ultimately it collapses by its own: the greatness of the game world and of the scope of the product kills the product itself. I had the same problem with last year's ravensword: it was something the platform had never seen, but was downright irritating to play and took me weeks to finish, because of the multiple breaks i took when it started feeling like a chore. It was too big for what it was possible. On the other side, Rimelands was awesome. It had a great story, awesome gameplay, pushed the graphics was a fantastic product. That why i had great hopes on Aralon. And that's why this failure is even bitter: Just like ravensword, Aralon feels like an unfinished game Most people are liking the game. I myself will not delete it from my home screen, as i'm sure some day i'll finish it. Aralon does a lot of big things right. The problem is that it does about ten times more small things wrong. From the npc/enemies selection method (frankly: it does not work), to the dumb AIs, from the graphics popping and short clipping planes to an unusable inventory system, this game feels, unfortunately, really unpolished. I did not want a portable oblivion. I just wished for ravensword 2.0: a few tweaks and a slightly bigger game world would have done the trick. Howewer, CM and GG went far: too far. Day/night cycle, fishing, swimming, henchmen, guilds, cities and villages are nice additions, but only if the underlying base is solid. Aralon has some awesome moments when you see the small touches that the developer put into this labour of love: howewer, for the most part it just feels like a chore to play. The moment does not help me to love it, either: last year's ravensword was something so bright that you could forget its shortcomings just for how brilliant it was. But, with all the new releases that iOS has lived in those last months (weeks?), the flaws of Aralon cannot be overlooked. Everyone is loving it. I tried too. But Aralon in my eyes fails: it could have been the best game on iOS, instead it is simply the biggest. Quantity unfortunately trumps quality. Still, even with all those shortcomings, it is still the best free roaming game on appstore. I am disappointed-but i don't see why a serious iOS gamer should not have this in his collection Overall, a 8 on 10...could have been a 10, but it's still impressive, even as it stands.
Been playing since last night, at work playing it now LOL here are my impressions SO FAR: Graphics - For the iOS and this type of game they are good. People are SPOILED by Infinity Blade because they now think every damn game should be like that and I'm sorry but no, ever game shouldn't be like that. IB was designed with graphics as its focus, this game is based on what should be an excellent story. 8.5/10 Controls - Takes like 5-10 minutes tops to get used to, now after playing for a while they feel natural. The only problem I have is that they feel a little "loose" and not tight enough. 7.5/10 Game Play - I'm playing a Mage, who's currently lvl 11 going down the ice line and I'm having a blast. I throw up my Ice Shield, use Ice Fist to knock them down then use Ice Bolt and I usually 2 shot the mob. Combat seems fluid in the sense that things are real time, spells cast at a great rate, etc. 8.5/10 Content - I've only progressed the main quest perhaps 2-3 times and I'm lvl 11 from just doing all the side quests. There seem to be a lot of them and they give great exp and some nice rewards. They weren't joking when they said 30+ hours. I'll probably put in 60+ to complete it because of all the side quests involved and world exploration and then I'll start the game again as another class. 9.5/10 Now for the cons/things that need a lil work: I was riding my horse and a Hill Ogre hit me and I fell through the world, my previous save was like 30-45 mins prior to this. I wasn't pleased but sh** happens. The Map - Can we perhaps get some form of mini map w/ a compass that shows what direction you're going in? Having to bring up the big map often breaks the flow of the game. Forgive me if this already exists as I haven't checked the options screen as I've been glued to the game and don't want to stop for a minute. Skill Respecs. I want to try all the skills so that I can make a mega character after I'm done with the game. Not being able to test out skills hampers the game play a little bit, hopefully you guys can implement this with ease. The target select as far as combat is concerned can use some work but you learn to deal with it. Crafting - Can we PLEASE get a craft all option? Item/Armor Purchasing - A compare window to compare your current armor pieces against a piece you're interested in purchasing would go a long way. Overall this is an AMAZING game and they did an excellent job with it and I'm sure they have much more in store for us with the updates they plan on pushing out. If you're into RPG's and have had void that needs to be filled because of the lack of GREAT RPG's on the iOS than this will fill that void two fold.