Played as ranger again and stuck in a corner cuz my mercenary is blocking my path and bugger just wont move. I hope The devs are reading this sigh.
Thanks bro, finally someone reply's I've done so many post and no one thanks again I was thinking something wrong with touch sucks this does happen cuz the game is amazing, does this also happen on a 4th gen touch?
No, you need to not be so damn lay and read the thread. This has been answered on just about every page.
Anyone with an iPod Touch 2G have problems playing Aralon? Whenever I try to play, it either crashes or shows a blank screen.
I downloaded it on my 2g. I only experience crashes every 5-10 minutes, which seems low to me for a game such as Aralon.
Having a good time, there are some small quirks that typically get ironed out in updates, i.e. targeting a chest thats also next to an npc. The only gripe I have is the constant loading between rooms in the same house. One request I have: Change the color of the "!" over an npc's head when you have completed their quest/quest line.
After trying out every class several times and not finding a healer(or is healing a hidden skill later on?). I decided to run with a Human/Ranger and am having a blast with him. Damn this is a great game. Hard to share time between this and RR2 at the moment but I'm making due. Thanks for an awesome game CM!
Already suggested this. You can make this and other suggestions over in the Aralon Suggestions Thread.
It's been running fairly well on my 2g with virtually no crashes (after I stopped fiddling with the graphic settings >_<) However I have encountered a rather strange bug. Whenever I try to go through the village gates it loads and I appear very far above the ground. I then fall to my death and haven't been able to continue beyond that point :/