Warrior's 2-Handed Weapon Skill Trunk Well, it's not a skilltree. Going for 2-Handed as a Warrior really leaves you with the short end of the stick: No skills except for the one that gives you more damage. Even more important: No skill that allows you stun an opponent. @JoshCM: Do you have plans to add more skills for 2Handed in a future update? *sigh* I really looked forward to Aralon2, and it is playable; guess I'll even complete it, despite the various shortcomings. But the longer I play, the more questionable design decision I encounter. Definitely takes a toll on the experience.
Hmmm... So Ive lurked the whole 23 page thread and nobody has yet mentioned a Warrior related exploit. Leveling up your STR while you have the Fury buff will give you permanent +6 bonus (5 from fully leveled Fury and 1 from level up). I was surprised when I discovered this. It basically overpowered any power spike the game threw at me and by the time I finished Thalos I had over 200 str.. Suggestion: Please oh please let us ride Icefang wherever and whenever after you finish the game. Im sure this feature would cover up for the lack of different mounts (I wouldnt care for any mounts as long as I get to ride a badass dragon!)
to late I'm finished it, was fun but not very challenging and deep as number one. I would loved to have mory story and details in it and less diffrent monsters.
I think we all appreciate what you bring to the mobile platform JoshCm hope you don't take our positive and negative criticism too harshly. We each iteration some things have improved and other areas that definitely need work as with all things as a game developer evolves with experience. It's a bit rough but I've always enjoyed each new release from you guys *thumbs up
Hey Josh ! Any chance for the good ol paladin to come back ( from the first game ) ? He was kinda of my main it was fun to play as a knight kind of warrior with he ability to summon powers from the Gods lol . I also think working on adding more side quest or overall increasing the content of the game overtime would be helpful. I do remember aralon 1 took a while for me to beat probably put in 50 hrs ish exploring different things and killing different creatures lol like a dragon. Keep up the good work keep working hard and don't be discouraged !!!!
Taryn Bay is the body of water in Taryn Ridge. Swim around basically anywhere in that area and look for twinkling oysters at the bottom of the bay. Some of them will contain pearls.
Is there a way to rebuy things you sold? I accidentally sold the hammer that is used to free Thalos and complete the game.
Have fun restarting the game, brosef. Can we have the interaction between summons and mobs from Aralon1 back? Back then, the mobs used to focus the summons first leaving the rather delicate Mages to do their jobs without worrying about death for a brief time before the summon die. Now, mobs rush towards you and club you to death. Also, please consider my previous suggestion of riding Icefang whenever wherever after you finish the game.
Honestly I was loving this the first few days after launch but havent touched it since for some reason.
@Josh CM Hi Josh, absolutely loving the game so far. Quick question, I understand this is most likely harder to do than I image,but, will we in the future be able to see the helmet our character is wearing? (Some of the Npc's have awesome helmets). It dosent really effect the game play but I enjoy finding new armour pices and it gets up my OCD nose when I equip something and I can't see it xD Thanks again for an awesome game, and communicating with the community! Joel
Same here. I got rather far but stopped once I heard an update is on the way. I'll restart a new game once the update hits.
Adding helmets - well - I'll definitely ask as so many people want it. I can't guarantee it though. Still waiting for that update to get approved!
Finished my second play through and am still eager to keep going. So far, I've used a human male mage and an elven female ranger. It seemed a little easier with the ranger, but that might have been because I'd already been through once. My plan now is to start a game with a warrior class character and wait to use a rogue until after the update. I don't know how many times I've played through the original Aralon, but I don't see myself getting tired of this one any time soon. The inability to see helmets is fine by me. I always thought characters from the previous game in the series looked better without them. Josh, I know players can be fussy about IAP, but I'd definitely put some more money into this game for some additional class-specific items or something. I'm also gifting this to a bunch of people for Christmas this year.