Universal Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition (by DANGEN ENTERTAINMENT K.K.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Makara Nou, Mar 26, 2020.

  1. @metalcasket yes thats what i meant. @macplash thx u for trying to help, anyway.
    I also reported this and the screen rotation. The dev said he would try to fix it in the next update.

    @anthony78 There is an option in the setting saying Pixel Perfex. If we disable it, the game will auto stretch to full screen. Thats for the ipad game. Not sure if it works on iPhones with a notch
  2. lilneo

    lilneo Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    Work in State Government
    Hello! Anyone knows if the game support Spanish?
  3. Only English and Japanese are available
  4. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    I seem to have missed a shed load of games this week and have had to catch up on a few, which Is weird because I’ve not actually left the house...

    Isolate to this people and stay safe with a JRPG
  5. Darkfyra

    Darkfyra Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2017
    Wow for a game made on RPG Maker it look amazing, though I wonder before buying it, does it play well and how long it is
  6. It is a good game. But it was not originally built for touch devices. It is playable though
  7. Darkfyra

    Darkfyra Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2017
    Thanks and also I want to know how meaty it is( length, stuff to do)
  8. E3752156-B50C-4155-9BF2-B8B65542D2BD.jpeg
  9. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    I was a little standoffish at first because of the rpg makerish quality—but the design is actually really, really good! Battle mechanics are fresh because you refill up and magic after battles, but mp is a tight resource you regen so it becomes much more tactical. Story is great and a well built, original world. The music is awesome.

    my only complaint would be that I tried this with a touch screen and found the virtual controller a little disorienting and went with my Bluetooth controller. I think if I stuck with it, it would have been fine. If you don’t have a controller but are a fan of the genre I would say go for it, just be patient. If you unanchor the virtual pad, where you touch becomes the center, and then you go in a direction from there, and that just doesn’t work well imho so stay anchored.

    There is a stat reset option available from early on, anyone know if here are skill or class resets available?
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  10. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    i don't think we can change class, the reset is just for skills imo.

    anyway, this game is one of the best i'm playing atm, really wonderful and underrated jrpg.
  11. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    I’ve actually started a 2nd play through —no new game plus unfortunately, but I wanted to try the other classes and expert mode.

    Adrian as a paladin can do a lot to replenish everyone’s life or magic,
    Better than Lita as a Valkyrie

    first time, did elementalist, ranger, paladin, cleric

    so now. Attlemage, Valkyrie, berserker, and occultist.

    i am dying more but it is expert level. This 2nd group is definitely more offensive than defensive, with lots of power buffs, and enemy pow/defense debuffs. Losing the life mark/life option definitely makes it harder to keep everyone at full health.

    the occultist ability to steal hp is pretty underpowered thus far. Maybe it will get better, only level 30 and some of those skills need level 40 or higher and tier IV gear, because your damage starts to go up faster than your hp for vampiric attacks, for example. Enjoyi;g second play anyway...just trying to remember where I got that enlightenment rune for bonus experience...
  12. I choose the easiest mode as I remember. And i still can't get past the first boss :oops:
  13. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    #33 Solarclipse, Apr 7, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2020
    the first boss in the prologue, or chapter 1 mr. arger?

    Lita is very fragile for a while, so use adrians taunt frequently. The multi shot skill is a bit better for conserving magic, keep some handy so she can do first aid, or keep a potion of life or mending handy

    also, you can grind some more and craft gear. Do al the quests in town especially the Apple. Buy the great relic I think it’s only 100 go and gives you a couple hp. Doesn’t hurt.

    edit: forgot you don’t have multi shot, but you can have her use items to heal or poison in between charged shots

    note on classes for Lita, valykerie is pretty awesome because of the elven focus upgrade for boosting power when she takes hits. For big boss fights she can have over 10 boosts to her power and jut gets stronger and stronger.
    Makara Nou likes this.
  14. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Just beat it on expert, actually at a lower level than I did my first time around on hard. This game is a lot more open than many rpgs as far being able to explore the world a lot more, less on rail with quest after quest. With the classes and difficulty levels, it makes for a fairly satisfying playthrough. No new game plus, but hey.

    Some tips on classes:

    Valkeryie is pretty awesome, the elven focus power upgrade when you are hit is very powerful for boss fights. She can heal the party with her charged arrow, or give magic with the multi shot. The re-raise everyone on the sun fury is kind of nice for boss fights on hard difficulties.

    The berseker does a lot of damage, but ends up being a lot of support in boss fights because of taunt-mark-reflect. The paladin's mark only gives 15% damage boost, vs 20%, but with the life steal you don't have to heal very often so it ends up giving you more attacks anyway. If you use a lot of magic, I'd recommend putting a mp leech on the whirlwind, even if it hits only one enemy it will give everyone enough magic to do what they need.

    The occultist never does much damage with the healing, so a lot of his skill upgrades are lame. You don't need much magic, but this isn't a problem with the cleric either because his basic attack is an mp leach, and you get double mp.
    The cleric's regen with MP might be more useful, if you don't have other MP leech skills, since Adrian or Lita can run out of magic sometimes. Double the regen is more practical though, especially if you get it early on. Alter time: go for dodge bonus over speed, as you should be getting enough agility form levels to mostly go first in battles anyway (for the crit and dodge bonuses) His holy blast gets really powerful, I'd recommend the extra potency upgrade, using Seri's magic/Adrian's whirlwind/Lita's multishot to do crowd control.

    The elementalist can channel your ultimate bar really fast, which is pretty useful. If you go this route, it might be better to have a berserker to follow up with whirlwind or power strikes when she does lightning.
    The battlemage can really do some damage, and doesn't need much magic. Really ice and lightning are all you need. It's great to target a group with lightening knowing that whenever you get around to Seri hitting them, she will do double damage. Pair that with taunt/mark/occultist's alter time, and its pretty awesome.

    Lita is really the best damage dealer all around no matter what though. Aim for 66.6% or 75% crits by time you have tier 4 gear :)

    So with all said and done, I'd recommend Valkyrie and Cleric—the other two you could go either way and make synergies. But those two classes seem a notch above their counterparts.

    One last tip: in the area with the wasps there is a cave with a relic which will occasionally net you 3 resources instead of the usual max of two. You can avoid/run away from all the wasps and get that early on—it will give you a little leg up on crafting.
    Gwarmaxx, ThirdMoon and Makara Nou like this.
  15. Brightsiderus

    Brightsiderus Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2017
    Just wanted to clarify something. Original Ara Fell was made on RPG Maker, yes.
    But the enchanted edition that you can play on iOS and other platforms was rebuilt on Unity.
  16. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    still don’t understand people’s tastes this days!
    this game is a gem, an excelent jrpg with an outstanding art/music and a beautiful story, why the hell nobody is talking about it???
    maybe ‘cause it wasn’t previously hyped???
    macplash likes this.
  17. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #37 ste86uk, Apr 24, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2020
    The icon put me off even looking into it really as it looks anime to me and I don’t like anime. Which made me just think it’s like a foreign RPG with poor English usually.

    I know the pictures of the game itself don’t look the style of the icon at all which is good. But is it good for normal RPG fans? Is the English good too? Sorry if it’s made by an English speaker and I’m asking.

    Games like this make me think of the old Zenonia games before they became trash, I use to love playing a little every night before bed and couldn’t believe I had something so good on a phone. But rarely when I play them so they live up to what I hope for with a great RPG on iOS anyway.
  18. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    nooooo, nothing to do with Zenonia series and all that kind of parasite games, this one is a real jrpg with a really good story,fresh ideas, and an excelent UI... no iap, no paywalls, no nothing... look at it like as the Chrono Trigger/Secret of Mana younger brother ;)

    look, i've played it for almost 20 hs, still on chapter 2, and i see the end still far far away, imho is much better than any Kemco jrpg on the store.
    ste86uk likes this.
  19. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #39 ste86uk, Apr 24, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2020
    I’ll take a look at some gameplay when I get home. Is the combat turn based? edit: I did search and see that it is although that unfortunate review said it’s deeply dull and unchallenging combat.

    Also I like that it says open world but one thing I hate is if I’m given no idea where to go and just randomly wander around. Do you still get told where to go so you can just explore on your way there? Or do you have to find your own way everywhere and figure it out?
  20. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    so, speeches are all in good english and combat are turn based.
    then, about the open world, i can say the map is big, but you can back to previously visited zone through portals to collect some new quest items or search for newly hidden areas/treasures, even if you moved on to the next chapter... and you have also a menu with an option to check active/completed quest as a todo reminder.
    ste86uk likes this.

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