So Gameloft is a copy cat but FreeAppaDay, OF's free game of the day, FreeAppCalendar, GreatAppaDay and so on aren't?
I'm referring to advent calendars in general. They've been around for hundreds of years. Blacksmith Games was the first to decide to translate that over to iPhone games.
*lol* bought this yesterday since I've never heard of it before and it looked pretty neat - dont buy in the time of the appventcalandar *haha*
Glad to see FMX Riders is free. Although I already previously purchased it for $2.99 (and it is well worth that price imo), this promotion will hopefully get the multiplayer aspect of this game going. Add me on Game Center if you want to race. GC id: aoeder
FMX Riders had 187.583 downloads yesterday! Thats incredible! Thanks for all your support! And keep on downloading the free games and apps
Its double bubble for games fans today. The game is The Screetch - Drop7 meets World of Goo in this addictive puzzle game. Сrew of Screetches capturing cloudy spheres, your goal is to release them and catch all Screetches into flask. the app is Scrambleface which is also a game (I'm the developer) - Introducing Scrambleface – one of the most innovative games for iPhone and iPod touch this year. Scrambleface takes a live video feed from the front facing or back camera and makes it into live action sliding puzzles. Watch in amazement as your lips are on top of your head. Laugh at the crazy combinations. Don’t stop for too long as everything is moving in real time! Laugh and your mixed up face laughs, frown and you frown on screen, cry because you are stuck on a level! Please tell all your friends, retweet, link to it on Facebook, blog, thanks!