Appstore Marketing 101 by Professor Natron

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Natron, May 3, 2010.

  1. BazookaTime

    BazookaTime Well-Known Member


    I think some people need to realize how lucky we are to be included in this process. Everything from early development information, beta testing and the varying stages of game builds are openly shared around here and that is a wonderful thing. As a long time gamer, I feel fortunate to be able to view the process and am amazed how much time many of the devs spend here.

    I can't count how many times a member blows their top because a game didn't make it out when expected.
  2. Derochea72

    Derochea72 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2009
    Floor installer
    If they could just learn what info to give then there would be no problems but there will always be complaints
  3. Harpgliss

    Harpgliss Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Here No More
    #23 Harpgliss, May 5, 2010
    Last edited: May 5, 2010

    Great information and feedback coming from all the armchair developers who have produced nothing, telling real developers how to go about their business and conduct themselves.

    It is simply amazing that even if there is nothing to complain about, someone makes something up.

    Good luck to the developer as this looks like a great game and my sympathies for having to deal with rude and impatient customers like those in this thread.

  4. steelfires

    steelfires Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2010
    Candy Mountain, Charlie!
    Feel the same here. Who cares if it's released 2 days later? It's not freeverse's fault. It's apples approval process. So just shut up people who are complaining.
  5. Derochea72

    Derochea72 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2009
    Floor installer
    I give up on this site, to many morons who look at everything as a complaint. I think you guys & gals just come to this site to bash everyones opinions. Everyone is entitled tu their own opinion wether you like it or not and anyways all everyone is saying is that the devs should not give release dates on something they have no control over and that is the bottom line so all you bashers should just shut the f€>> up once an for all and let everyone speak their peace.
  6. Harpgliss

    Harpgliss Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Here No More

    Derochea72, if it had been as simple as you present, there would be little fallout from your prior comments.

    Tone and content weigh heavily in how people take comments posted, yours were negative in tone, content, and simply served no purpose, except to criticize.

    The situation needs patience, exactly what you are showing a very big lack of.

    You appear to take the fact this game is not out yet, as a personal affront to you, it is not.

    If you cannot get over the fact your behavior, in this thread, has been less than stellar, maybe you have given up on this site before your last post.

    Opinions are one thing but insults needlessly thrown around does not help get the game out sooner.

  7. Derochea72

    Derochea72 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2009
    Floor installer
    Exactly what I'm talking about, people like you taking everyhing out of context and missing the whole point and making it out to be something else, you must be a woman.
    I am still buying the game whenever it comes out and I will say this one more time. ( devs should not give release dates because they have no control over that part of the proccess )
  8. Big Albie

    Big Albie Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
    Casual gamer/marketing dude
    San Francisco, California
    I think this part of your comment alone proves your maturity level.
  9. Harpgliss

    Harpgliss Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Here No More

    A woman?

    I suppose that was meant as an insult having been married to a wonderful woman for a good number of years, I will take that as a compliment.

    With the opinion you express of women, I just shudder to think.

  10. Natron

    Natron Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    Sales & Marketing / Commercial Real Estate
    Los Angeles, CA
    #30 Natron, May 5, 2010
    Last edited: May 5, 2010
    First of all those who want to get physical I promise y'all could line up and I'd smack ya down one by one. It's childish to even go this route as it proves you have nothing to verbally combat my argument so you turn to being a typester toughguy. Laughable.

    Onto the discussion however. Freeverse is not a kid who I'm picking on at school, it's a established company. Being such, if it's inflamed by a forum post I feel bad for them. This game hasn't been delayed just a couple days (this time yes by Apple, so we are to believe) You can google and find postings of this game and delayed releases rumors of the project being dead, etc. for over a year.

    I'm not an armchair developer either, have no aspirations to either to the moron who made that smart pants comment. Wow got any more zingers pal??
    The few freeverse games I have purchased have not disapointed and have been favorites of mine out of the hundreds I have purchased on the iPhone. That combined with my love of baseball has me excited for this game. So if I vent frustration it's out of "love".

    The fact that I post a comment while stuck on a runway for hours on end that more rips apple and not so much freeverse ( though they aren't above being ripped either) gets a response from Lydia, meanwhile a polite E-mail requesting information on the title sent to her a day before my post goes unanswered is absurd and showed me a lack of appreciating a customer. That's why when a represenitive of a company calls me out and quotes me when I'm just one of many that find the further delay no matter how small to be, in the least ironic all history known of course. Well you want to take me on as a customer that's fine. But you better have the facts and truth on your side or I'm gonna get to shreading your heat.

    The facts of my last paragraph goes to show a sensitivity that only one who has been battling this fight with others could be a victim of. Being in marketing I understand her frustration, but to let it out on a forum is complete amatuer hour on her behalf and my ass would be out of a job if a talked to a consumer that way in my job, I and most others in our field. The customer may not always be right but it's a saying for a reason folks. (This one, I'm 100% dead on about everything I said however).

    To the guy that said I kinda have a point, thanks man. (maybe overboard in my delivery but Im dead on in this whole thing, not just kinda) Too many guys on here with their noses up an industries collective hole. Too many who want to comment without having real imput that supports their argument. I can't believe one guy even said he was done with this site. Bye bye. I see way more people on here blowing smoke up their aces and others then I do of people willing to speak their mind. As a consumer, that's your right. As a company, thats the price of doing business.

    Love ya all, peace and love, kisses!
  11. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Well, I think Lydia has been out of the office getting oral surgery so hopefully next time she considers your needs before scheduling medical procedures.
  12. Natron

    Natron Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    Sales & Marketing / Commercial Real Estate
    Los Angeles, CA
    #32 Natron, May 5, 2010
    Last edited: May 5, 2010
    Just to finish, sadly one of my few talents, at the expense of spelling and grammer is being able to type just as fast as I think something. So those who agree with me I have no problem writing a Bible at a time on your behalf on a subject because it only takes me as long to type it as it does for you to read it. And either way you fall on the fence, to take the time to read what I have to say is appreciated. All jabs, name calling and chest puffing on both sides aside.
    If I jab or offend to get my point accross it should be fine, as long as their is a point I believe. If I like something and I feel the fact I paid for it isn't love enough, I'll give up the love. When on the opposite end and I feel like something is wrong well this is the spot to spit out my wrath so to speak.
    Until they boot me off for being nothing more than subjective and honest I'll continue to do so.

    You can't be subjective when your reviews are either a big jerk off session professing your utter devotion and love to a game and your negative reviews are simply "well maybe not my cup of tea " politically correct, don't want to offend a potential sponsor response. Nah there is nothing real in that. If your gonna give up the love when you feel it's due you gotta bring the heat when it's warranted as well.
  13. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    Wow this is all totally out of control here. Ok, so some people took the date as a set in stone release date as opposed to expected date. Yeah I made that mistake at first too but guess what? I got over it! For those that are hanging on to this for days on end here please get over it too!

    Yes we heard speculation and conjecture about this title up to the eyeballs, but now it's in review, so patience is a virtue and it will be out when it is out. No point starting a flame war here. And wow - emailing the dev to bug them about a date? I bet they are waiting TOO!

    And what is with the generalizations @Derochea72 about women? What a ridiculous statement. Especially since Harpgliss signs his posts "David" so uhm, yeah, kind of insulting I would say, or you simply don't read and merely react. Probably don't ask for directions either. And did I say this is over a GAME?
  14. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    Ok this to be honest did not make any sense to me. Lots of words but all of them are saying "blah blah blah" to me. Maybe you should think slower so that you can make more sense.

    You really aren't making any insinuations about reviews are you?
  15. Natron

    Natron Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    Sales & Marketing / Commercial Real Estate
    Los Angeles, CA
    Like I said, above, and to further floss on this as you appearently void of comprehension logic or common sense.

    Did I expect a response to my e- mail Monday? No, would have been nice, but figured it'd go unanswered.

    The fact that I got a response on a forum post defending her company and calling out my comment and others similar of thought in a belittling tone shows medical procedure aside she did appearently have time to do her company a diservice instead of using that time as any sales or marketing person would be better suited addressing a customers e-mail. Does that not make sense? Ridiculous, absurd, and poor priority managment on her behalf, and equally absurd for you not to comprehend such and make the comment you just did in order to sucker sympathy.
  16. Harpgliss

    Harpgliss Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Here No More

    My wife read his comment about that I must be a woman and she was the one who felt insulted. :eek:

    She said I would not make a good woman. :D

  17. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    Wow. It's amazing to me that you live a life that allows you to feel justified typing manifiestos on proper marketing etiquette on a gaming site while seemingly feeling no shame at the ridiculousness of such behavior. One of the greatest aspects of this site/forum is the active participation of developers. I fear that as more hotheaded, ignorant "marketing experts" try to tell them how to do their jobs we may lose some of that participation. Unfortunately one of the downsides of the Internet is that everyone can pretend to know what the hell they're talking about. It's amazing how many marketing/sales/development/promotional "experts" have regurgitated their pearls of wisdom on this forum over the time I've been reading it. Fortunately, there are enough people who can form a reasoned argument (whether I agree with them or not) that I still enjoy my time here. Hopefully the same holds true for developers.
  18. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    I just have one question for you, Freeverse:

    How dare you?
  19. Derochea72

    Derochea72 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2009
    Floor installer
    I made the comment about being a woman solely because in my life that is how all the women I know are (particulary my wife) and to all the women out there that are not that way should not take offense if you are not that way.
  20. Big Albie

    Big Albie Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
    Casual gamer/marketing dude
    San Francisco, California
    Um, yeah...I don't think you're helping your cause.

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