I "bought" Hugo with my US account and it worked flawless although the e-mail address which I used on registration years ago isn't valid any more. Highly recommended movie! It seems to stay free for another 20 hrs or so. The US version is 5,1 GB on iPad and English with some subtitles—English, Swedish, Polish, Portuguese, French (but no German subtitles). Trains! History of movie makers! I'll buy the 3D Blu-ray disc as soon as possible. Alone the shots at the beginning in the railway station are delightful.
If it doesn't come with an extra controller it's not worth my time to download. Psh thanks anyway Red
Yep, that's happened a few times. Some of the gifts have already been free prior to being announced on the Apple 12-days App.
Hopefully they have thought about the people that already bought it. I bought it before, tried playing it twice and never really got into it. I gave it two fair cracks though! In other news remembering my password for my US account means I now have Hugo may have to watch tonight! (Either that or play KOTOR - which one will be the most fun way to see in the new year?)
Yep that was yesterday's gift, got both! Seems like all the gifts are actually going free the day before and staying free till the day after! (Well at least the yesterday's and tomorrow's and possibly when tiny theif went on sale!)
Because I am in the UK. I was gifted a game by a friend once but it turned out to be for the US store, so I made that account into a US one, so now I have both US and UK. There are guides online on how to do it...
The game doesn't require iap to have all levels. They can all be unlocked by playing the game. This is a full game.