I heard apple is being sued for false advertising. The add "iPhone 3G: Twice as fast for the half the price" Or something like that. Well.. it isn't twice as fast as the older iphone, so someone has taken up lawsuit. Apple defends itself by saying consumers are stupid for believing what they read in an add. I believe they made a comparison to Red Bull commercials, saying you don't expect to sprout wings when drink a Red Bull. The thing is, talking about device speed is a lot more believable. A good comparison to what apple did is like labeling a Dell PC with a 2.0 GHz processor when it actually has a 1.5GHz. I don't remember all the details, I heard about it while skimming through the news.. I'll research it and bring back what I find.
I wonder what kind of dickwad would sue apple for such a stupd reason, its almost as bad as that hot coffee lawsuit with mcdonalds
I think the lawsuit is stupid but so is Apples defense. True there are a lot of ads that say something and they don't do what they say believable or not. For instance when a movie comes out with a catchy tag line that tells us how awesome its going to be. Well we go watch it and the movie isn't as awesome... I'm not going to put up a lawsuit. For one, Apple did say their iPhone 3G was better than the first iPhone so hey that's true. Now the whole 3G thing I find it fast and that of course depends where you're at and how much 3G is available. Again lawsuits seems pretty dumb and the defense is pretty dumb too... Just my opinion
True, but we're talking about hardware here... This is a physical item. Talking about the speed of a processor is different then calling a movie great. Because unlike the epicness of a movie, the speed of the processor isn't based on opinion.
Totally agree, but I kind of like Apples response -harsh but true (yet it's a bit.. weak I guess) . Why should some (I read he was 70?) idiot (putting it lightly) do something so stupid. I think Apple has a good response, calling him a fool, but they need to do twist it to be lawful, which I trust they will, somehow. How come these people exist? They are a waste of sperm (haha that was from a youtube comment I came accross once). But seriously, people who believe everything they read, or think they should believe, don't deserve a life. It's screwing the world up, causing everything to have some 'standard' to make sure no one can sue for some obsurd reason. It's so annoying! I'm guessing they just want to get money or something? Why else would they do this. anyway, it's advertisement, and on the most half, advertisement is lies to make you spend your money so other people can make money. then you get these wankers in between who just ruin the cycle!
Bah! This is HARDWARE! You can't label a PC as having an NVidia GeForce 9600 and give it an 8200! You're labeling processor speed! I think suing is too far for what the issue is, however. If I were in this position, I would take the time to point it out to apple, and if they fail to do something about it -- Take legal action. I, quite frankly, believed the ad for one reason: I never expected apple to lie about technical specifications.
This is interesting. I was always under the impression that when Apple advertised "twice the speed" they were referring to the speed of the network, thus the 3G brand. If indeed the lawsuit is over processor speed, it is in fact blatant misrepresentation of the product. As a previous poster mentioned, you can't sell a computer saying it has twice the capacity than the previous model, when it, in fact, does not - that is false advertising. Apple's defense does not help in the matter (if the first post got the gist of it right), like if a store posted a price for an item as being % 50 lower than regular price, and when a customer arrives saying, "You're stupid if you believe marketing adds". Needles to say one would be p**sed off, but as far as a lawsuit? On behalf of who? Does everyone who bought a 3g iPhone get money back, is this class-action?
Those adds were clearly referring to the network speed, which is twice as fast. There was no exageration or misleading. A woman from LA tried suing Apple for not making the iPhone "woman friendly" because she had trouble tapping the screen with long nails. She was going to sue for discrimination. People are stupid. I'd bet anything that this will be the last you will hear of this lawsuit.
I was just about to say the first bit of this in these EXACT words . beat me. Well anyway ^^THIS^^ is correct. nothing to do with clockspeeds. Hardware irrelevant.
The advert was removed in the UK by the advertising standards as being misleading, haven't heard anything about them being sued though
Compare the speed of your iphone to the commercial. There now you can tell the difference. This thread is going off topic. From what I read on Gizmodo, the problem is that the original commercial shows the iphone with blazing fast speeds.......while the real counterpart shows slightly or sometimes greatly slower speeds.