App Promotion, Site Promotion and Job Listings Policies

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by arn, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    Hi guys,

    Just to clarify what I consider our policies here.

    1) Developers are welcome to post an announcement about their apps and engage in discussion with our forum members. This has worked really well, and I think everyone's interests are aligned. I ask that developers clearly identify themselves, however.

    2) Site promotion is not allowed. Posting new threads for the sole purpose of linking to your site is called "spam", no matter what the topic. Whether it be about your iPhone site or about "Making Money Fast", it's the same intent, so we don't allow it.

    3) Job recruitment. This can be a more borderline topic, but there are many companies who are looking for iPhone developers, but we don't allow such recruitment posts as they are commercial in nature, and maybe we'll open a job board, but right now we don't have one.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  2. STP_Steve

    STP_Steve Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2008
    Editor of
    San Francisco, CA
    Hi Arn--

    How about linking to stories on other sites that pertain to a discussion?


    50HellsofPain likes this.
  3. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    That's allowed within reason... In the end, people should be participating in the conversation, not just trying to promote their site. (MattB of FingerGaming, for example, does a very good job of that, and I appreciate his participation on these forums).

    50HellsofPain likes this.
  4. Hitman45

    Hitman45 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2008
    iPhone Gamer
    Williamstown, NJ
    Rules sound fine with me. But how bout avatars or moderators. Any chance of us getting them.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  5. STP_Steve

    STP_Steve Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2008
    Editor of
    San Francisco, CA
    Sounds good. This is a great community and an awesome resource; I'm going to try to bring something to the table.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  6. mek

    mek Well-Known Member

    bascially, dont believe anyone who has only one post under their belt...
    if the developers want to create all these fake accounts, they need to have at least 10 to 25 posts before i take them seriously

    this is a very warm, open place...and consumers can congregate and discuss their passions, developers..there is no reason to pretend your a random folk who just stumbled upon an app that changed the world...
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  7. dudehuge

    dudehuge Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    Hey mek stop stealing my lines :(
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  8. mek

    mek Well-Known Member

    hey im always saying where are ya -lol-
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  9. nickels

    nickels Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    Product Designer/Mobile Game Developer
    PA, USA
    What about average Joes like myself posting that they have an idea and looking for developers to help turn it into reality?

    Of course, I have to get my stuff in order before I go that route, but I am well on my way!
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  10. BulletDev

    BulletDev Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2008
    produce applications under "Bullet Development"
    Vancouver, BC
    Oops sorry! I already posted a job recruitment thread but now that I know...... well I just won't do it.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  11. Dimsum

    Dimsum Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2008
    To be honest, I don't see what the big deal is if someone here - a TouchArcade user needs help with a game idea - either graphics or programming.

    1. The people who are here and who make these requests are just regular Joe's like you and me. This is not a place EA or UbiSoft are going to be advertising in, trying to find an extra person they need on their 30 member teams for each game. The people who develop here are just people doing it in their spare time or needing a bit of help. We can't all be programmers and graphics artists.

    2. If people want to request help for something, then they should be allowed because it is not like they are going to be posting and starting new topics and discussing their development here. A simple "can anyone help me with graphics" and a simple reply "yeah sure, send me a PM and i'll contact you" is pretty much the start and the end of the matter.

    3. Nobody has been openly advertising that they need a certain amount of help and that they are willing to pay $---- for that help, so really there has been nothing to that extent here on TA.

    4. TA isn't know to be a game developer hangout, but if people do seem to drop by here (and the numbers certainly seem to be increasing from what I see) then you should embrace the increase in popularity and give developers some support. Who knows, this could become THE place that game developers choose to chat and talk about future ideas and rather than giving it a chance to develop, you are shutting the door. Not a smart move.

    5. I cannot see how requesting for help for a potential game can be seen as bad when you allow developers to openly post and advertise their games. I have noticed a particular advertiser starting 3 separate threads about their 1 game - why is this ok? The games section will soon amount to developer spam if this is allowed to carry on. Most developers who post are just shamelessly promoting their own product, some of which members here in TA have been stung by after so much hype. If developers are allowed to advertise their wares post production, then I don't see what the big deal is asking for help in pre production. If you allow one part of it, then you should allow the other part too, just to be fair.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  12. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    That's because we've deleted those posts. iPhone developers are in high demand and we do see recruitment spam about a company who needs to hire an iPhone developer, please send your resume to [email protected]

    Like I said, we may open a dedicated area, but it's not something that we want to closely moderate at the moment.

    50HellsofPain likes this.
  13. dudehuge

    dudehuge Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    #13 dudehuge, Oct 22, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
    Awwww dimsum do you have a dream project that you want help with? Do you want cheese with that whine?

    Just wait, arn will open a dedicated spot for that, after he sorted all the kinks out. Right now the rules are rules, no job postings here.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  14. mek

    mek Well-Known Member

    what about organizing open source community projects? or is that considered job recruitment?
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  15. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    Spam Warning

    There's really been a rash of site promotion that has crossed the line into spamming.

    Please don't spam your site on this site. If you the content of your post does not actually contribute to the conversation and is simply a link to your site, it will be deleted.

    I'm going to get strict on this and if it persists will ban linking to certain sites.

    I was initially trying to be lenient on this, but I think people have taken advantage of it. When you see a thread when half the posts not even saying anything productive about the game itself but talking about the poster's sites, then it's clear these posts are just detracting from the actual discussion.

    50HellsofPain likes this.
  16. Armbruster

    Armbruster Well-Known Member

    Arn's pissed at me now. Sorry, man.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  17. moopf

    moopf Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
    Are you pissed at me as well, Arn, for posting about my review scraper? I don't want to cross any line so do let me know if that wasn't welcome.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  18. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    no, I send pm's to people who were going overboard.

    50HellsofPain likes this.

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