Thanks! Like Mike mentioned above, we'll look into both these issues. There is an element of randomness to the game, as there are quite a bit of procedural elements that change every time you play, but we've set it up so that the achievements should always be achievable! We're looking into your specific issue with Sector 5, though… it's totally possible that we missed something! Glad you're enjoying the game, thanks for your support!
Luigi found the issue and fixed it! Unfortunately it's probably going to be two builds away, as our current update is being reviewed by Apple. Will submit a new update with this fix one that's been approved!
=D Great! As for the mineral counter, I'm fine with seeing what I got after a run, but if that's what people want, that's cool. As long as it doesn't clutter the HUD. Thanks! Sector 3 - High Score on Hero Difficulty KAMCORD VIDEO
dude they are only 4 man dev team which is pretty damn impressive for the amount of work and polish they have put into this game , i am blown the heck away. I also did get the doubler, ship countdown speedup, and add removal so worth it for the polish they put into this gem. Id like to see more ships added with a new character attached that would be slick imo, and rather than making a new game just do in app purchase for being able to play as the cats instead. All you would have to do is just switch up the menus themes for the dogs to the cats theme, the splash screens call dog-tech! instead of cat-tech... the other thing would be great is adding a endless mode just randomizing enemies, sectors and bosses but you can still collect minerals. rather than having the challenges complete to just unlock the difficulty reward us with some minerals or a power up or something? this game is incredible for the amount of work 4 people put into this i could not even imagine the undertaking of this, i dont mind the voice acting its cheesy has that Star fox vibe which i totally love. How long did this game take to develop? thanks for your time guys!
ohhh, the counter would work i know you can hit pause to see where you are on the challenges, why not just take your finger off it to slow it down and you have that info on the slowdown screen instead...
Neurowave, hello. Can you explain why rockets go everywhere except enemies? Maybe you should switch target priorities for the rockets. Also I tried to buy crystall doubler but something goes wrong and game wont start at all.
That's a really great idea! It could also list how many humans needed, ships destroyed needed, etc etc. it wouldn't clutter the play field ui in anyway. And I still want a mineral bonus for every human I save. Hehe I purchased the mineral doubler, ad removal, ships speed up, and purchased 3 of the mineral packs ($1.99). I believe wholeheartedly that if I enjoy a game and a dev team is active with the community, they need to be paid. This game is very rewarding and addicting with a great dev team. The game is well designed and implemented. When I wrote about how I was upset about an issue they even tried to give me my money back. I wouldn't accept that. But that told me they were honest people. Everyone should buy the iap in this game. At least the mineral doubler. You will love it. And with them having cloud saves you won't lose your progress or purchases. You simply cannot go wrong. Everyone wins. Except for the evil cats that I am happy to slaughter in this game. I hate cats. Lol Billy
they could totally use the slow down screen for the challenge info and just make it a bit smaller or streamlined so it wont block the view even if its transparent it would be fine there... and to add to your comment for a 4 man dev team this game is incredible the amount of polish and work put in is evident and mind blowing...
Did I read their is already an update coming and needed approved by Apple? If this is true is this going to be a dlc or small bug fixes or extra content? Is their a list you could supply of what is being updated Also I haven't seen a dev so close to its community and listens and literally replies to all feedback This is why I support this game besides being one of my favorite games. I drew some fan art and sent it on Twitter. Love this game and how it's developers respond to feedback. When the next update comes out I will buy more iaps to show my continuing support
Holy crap this was so rad and fun to watch! You are a beast! I know who to go to if we need new footage for trailers. Thanks for this awesome writeup, and thanks for supporting the game by purchasing so many IAP! Lots of good suggestions for updates to the game too. We've had some ideas similar to these ourselves, don't want to share too much right now, but we definitely hear you! There actually is Dog-Tech in the game already, keep your eyes open for it. Endless mode is also something we've thought quite a bit about, again, don't want to share too much right now we're focused on finishing the next sectors first. Love that so many players are relating this to StarFox, we totally love the series and are super honored! The game has been in development about 9 months now, but we laid a lot of the engine ground work with our first two titles (HexSweep and TwistedRun). Yep this could work. We could also make the UI for the minerals fade in when you collect them, and fade out to keep the screen clean. Then when you lift it's always there. We'll have to test it out and see! Regarding the rockets/missiles, they get better and faster at homing as you upgrade them. Check out Anotherkellydown's video above, they're definitely hitting enemies. Let me know if you keep having issues with it, we're totally open to tweaking and making sure we get it right. Game not starting sounds very bad. Can you email [email protected] with all your device information (this is the best way to contact all 4 of us at once). I'm assuming you've tried restarting your phone? Haha, awesome. Thanks for your support, you rule! We looked into this earlier in development and decided that it was too much to have all on the lift screen. A summarized version, as you're suggesting, is a really good idea though that could work well. We'll have to test this one out too. Thanks for the kind words! This update will address some of the early bugs players found and some of the first feedback we received (also from this thread). A few store and localization issues too. No new features or content yet! Fear not, though, we're working on it daily! Thanks for your support as well, we posted your fan art to our Facebook page!
I don't mind IAP completely. I do like this game & this thread loves it so in redownloading it. My only issue is spending money & still being hindered by the ship limit. I'll play more this time & really think about what it's worth it. I am very impressed by the dev involvement. That alone has me coming back. More thoughts later.
Hi Shin, At first I had the same concern as you do. I am vehemently anti free to play. I am an old school gamer and used to the old ways and that's why. But I will be honest. When you play this game for a while the issue of ship rebuild time isn't even effecting me. I've gotten several dog tech that have increases my ships to 13. I have never gotten to the point that I have had to wait to play. I do suggest you get the mineral doubler for sure though. And the ad removal of you have the money to spare. Billy
I think this is a great idea as well! Also, I think that adding the external controllers would be fantastic. My husband is a veteran, disabled from the war. He could not play for very long because it became to painful for him to keep that finger extended and swiping all over the place.
If u get more of one of the same tech, do they stack . Example I got 2 -5 build time . Would they stack and make -10
Neurowave, i mailed you as you asked. I must add that music in your game is too passive, it can't make the right "battle" feeling. Maybe you can add some sound agression )
Another vote for controllers, noted. Thanks! They do stack, you should see that if you open the Tech Screen. The stacking percentage is a little different than what you described. It's a compounded percentage. Let's say it takes a minute to build your ship. Your first -5% would reduce that time to 57 seconds. Your second one would take 5% off of the 57 and reduce it to 54 seconds, and so on. A lot of people have requested cloud sync. The system we're currently testing requires you play with the same GameCenter account in order for the devices to synchronize. Is that going to be a problem for anyone?
what does cloud synce mean anyways? Also can u make an iap to where I can buy an upgrade that allows tech boxes to appear twice as much as they currently do. Are these tech boxes random or do they account every certain amount of games played?
Basically, you can play the game on a different iDevice (iPhone, iPad, iPod) than the one you started on while preserving your progress. I only use one GC account so that works for me.
It's a bit of a combination of what you said, they are randomly weighted to appear at certain moments but the chances improve dramatically the more you play until you get one. Interesting thought regarding an IAP to improve the chances. We'll talk it over!