Universal Apocalypse Meow: Save the Last Humans (by SplitCell)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. cirrus82

    cirrus82 Active Member

    May 30, 2015
    They are two separate purchases. That seemed like a pretty common model, and most players seem to have responded positively to it. We're totally open to feedback, as you can tell from the rest of this thread, so please let us know your thoughts!
  2. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    I heard some free games remove ads when you buy anything.
    So I thought I should ask...
  3. Kotovsky

    Kotovsky Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2012
    Ipad air 2.
    Any boss.
    Rockets don't hit them, just go down offscreen.
  4. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Can volume sliders be added? The characters' dialog is much louder than everything else. I'd like to adjust it.
  5. cirrus82

    cirrus82 Active Member

    May 30, 2015
    We've heard this one a number of times now, we're going to be rebalancing the audio soon. We've considered sliders but haven't tackled them yet. We definitely hear you!

    Our highest priority right now is completing the rest of the sectors. We have some tweaks to Sector 6 and a bug fix for the lasers on older devices coming up soon, that'll be version 1.5. 1.6 will hopefully include the crazy fast Sector 7 and the audio re-balancing!
  6. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Sounds good. :)
  7. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Suggested tips for stage 5? I think I'm doing something wrong because most of my gear is level 3 or 4 now and I've yet to make it past stage 5's first cannon :/
  8. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Will I stop getting duplicates of a tech once I have the maximum amount of it?
    If cat techs are this rare, I hope so. Eventually I'll have all the dog techs... I have very few cat techs.

    What are the maximum amounts, anyway?
  9. FairPlay

    FairPlay Member

    Aug 31, 2015
    Central Kentucky
    #229 FairPlay, Oct 4, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
    Sector 5

    I must be doing something wrong as I can't clear the "save humans" objectives in Sector 5 Brave despite dozens of attempts. For instance, there seem to be two large pockets of humans to the rear of the base. But if you go up the left side after the end boss comes out, you get locked into the left side and can't get the ones on the right side, and vice versa. It doesn't seem possible to get to the rear of the base before he appears though to get the other side's humans. Thus, I've been unable to rescue enough humans; I'll get one of the pockets then collect all of the few that show up during the scrolling portion of the level. Where am I going wrong, anyone have a hint? Thanks in advance!
  10. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #230 Intendro, Oct 4, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
    You get locked to one side? I don't...
    (Also, I have cleared that, on the difficulty you said.)

    *tries to think of possible explanations*
    -You can fly over the whole base.
    -I'm using the relative touch controls.
    -I'm on an iPhone 6 (a glitch on your device?)
  11. LudoPantsman

    LudoPantsman Member

    Jan 5, 2013
    Continuing to love the game and looking forward to Sector 7. However I have couple issues/questions.

    First, it seems impossible to beat the following:
    Sector 5 (Hero) - Destroy 60 Asteroids
    Sector 6 (Hero) - Destroy 487 Enemies
    I've tried A LOT of times!

    Secondly, I've never collected the 4th Dog-Tech. I've got 14 bloody -5% Build Time, but this 4th slot remains empty.
    Has anyone collected one?
  12. LudoPantsman

    LudoPantsman Member

    Jan 5, 2013
    I would also love to know the answer to this.
    So far I have:
    Dog-Tech #1: 7
    Dog-Tech #2: 11
    Dog-Tech #3: 14
    Dog-Tech #4: 0
  13. cirrus82

    cirrus82 Active Member

    May 30, 2015
    Spoiler alert below in case you don't want to know what Tech is currently available!

    Dog-Tech 4 is actually the most rare tech. It's a smidge more rare than the Cat-Tech damage increases. It's a 30% decrease in mineral price across the board for all upgrades.

    All Dog-Tech is infinte, you can keep collecting them as they are compounded percentages.

    Cat-Tech is limited as follows (note that when you equip one you equip the multi-version of the item into one single slot):

    Backwards gun - Max 2 - Rare
    40% Increase Missile Damage - Max 2 - Extremely Rare
    40% Increase Bullet Damage - Max 2 - Extremely Rare
    Laser at Start - Max 2 - Very Rare
    Bomb at Start - Max 2 - Very Rare
    Wingman at Start - Max 2 - Very Rare
    Shield at Start - Max 2 - Very Rare
    Double beam length - Max 2 - Rare
    Fire Rate powerup at Start - Max 10 - Very Rare

    We keep trying the objectives people are having trouble with and we are able to make them. Some of them are quite challenging, but we think that's part of the fun. Maybe we'll do a little tweaking once we release more content and shift the challenge to the newer sectors. If you thought Sector 6 was hard...Sector 7 is a monster.

    Our latest update should get approved sometime this week (this is mostly a bug fix update, Sector 7 will be in the upcoming weeks).

    Thanks for playing!
  14. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    So it's going to take forever to get all the cat techs... :(

    That thing where your chance of getting a tech increases until you get one, that is brilliant. Maybe it should happen separately for dog and cat techs.
    (And no useless duplicates show up?)
  15. LudoPantsman

    LudoPantsman Member

    Jan 5, 2013
    Thanks for posting that Luigi,

    First up, in regards to Cat-Tech:
    I have collected a few of those, however it seems as though the Bullet/Missile Damage powerups increase damage by 10% at a time.
    I have:
    10% Bullet Damage
    20% Missile Damage
    Next about these objectives:
    Sector 5 (Hero) - Destroy 60 Asteroids
    Sector 6 (Hero) - Destroy 487 Enemies

    I’m not sure if the amount of asteroids of enemies change on different devices (I’m playing on an iPhone 6) - but I believe that these tasks are currently impossible.

    I’ve destroyed every asteroid or enemy in these levels many times over. The amount of asteroid/enemies change from attempt to attempt, however there is never enough.

    Can you confirm anyone internally has managed to do it?
  16. cirrus82

    cirrus82 Active Member

    May 30, 2015
    Those numbers did look high when I initially posted that. I was mis-reading the numbers (40 is something we use for weighting the randomness).
    It is 10% each. You have two missile ones?

    We'll run the numbers again, 6 Hero was brutal but I think Mike got there. We are going to tweak those down a little for the next build. Just a heads up, 1.5 is In Review now and should be available soon! 1.6 is where we'll tweak those numbers and get Sector 7 out too.

    Intendro, we have a few ideas for how to allow you to get Cat-TECH more quickly. The obvious ones are mineral/store related but we'd like to see if there's something skill related that can reward you (like beating the Sector 6 boss, or killing all the convoys in Sector 6, or not letting centurion take any damage at all in Sector 3). Please let me know if you have ideas!
  17. neurowave

    neurowave Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2015
    Hey all, sorry for missing some of these questions earlier! I'm going to put the spoiler tag on, in case anybody doesn't want to know the answer to this.
    The key to these later levels is to make sure you load out your ship effectively. Shields on Sector 5 are pretty much a necessity.
    Super spoiler next:
    If you haven't figured it out yet, shields are particularly nice against mounted turrets… you can pretty much clear out all the turrets before any of the Wave 1 enemies come out at the start of Sector 5, which will make your life a lot easier. :)
  18. cirrus82

    cirrus82 Active Member

    May 30, 2015
    It got approved. Update is available! There were some tweaks to Sector 6 (audio and difficulty related). Should be a little more forgiving but no changes to the objectives yet.
  19. LudoPantsman

    LudoPantsman Member

    Jan 5, 2013
    Yep, two missile ones.

    Thanks for the reply and thanks for the continued support/development. It's a fantastic game.
  20. hanklupo

    hanklupo Active Member

    Mar 3, 2014
    Pretty big glitch right now. I can collect daily reward multiple times. Did it a few times thinking it might be a promotion thing where you get a couple weeks' worth for free, stopped after I realized that it appeared I could collect it infinite times.

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