We usually get a couple of little snow or ice storms every year, but can't remember a wallop like this one in a long time. I'm from Pennsylvania so I grew up with plenty of BIG snowstorms. But now we're predicting up to 12 inches in little old Greenville, SC! Other areas in the South are getting ice rather than snow. You can keep that crap. I love the fluffy white stuff. So that means if I'm not playing out in the snow with the kids, more time for video games! We'll be lucky if roads are clear by Friday afternoon. Just crossing my fingers for no power outages....
In my area of Maryland they are wavering on how much snow we're going to get. It's supposed to start tomorrow night. I'm hoping for a day off on Thursday. I love snow!
No such problems here in Southern California! It's 78 degrees here for crying out loud! (Heh-heh, looks like no snow for us) People going to the beach! We are so spoiled with the consistantly best weather in the country! Guess that's why it's so expensive to live here. One earthquake, though, can ruin your whole day, I'll tell you what!