I've never cared a bout voice recognition, so I'm not particularly distressed that it's only coming to the 4s. Am I the only one? What are folks using it for?
The only thing I'm planning on using Siri for is reading texts aloud when I'm driving. I could care less if it's there or not, I've had voice recognition in my 3GS for two years and never used it.
this was awesome! as far as gimmicks go, it's one of the best. And if you can actually search for stuff through SIri, it's actually going to be very useful
I don't get why you'd use it most of the time. Why would you ask what the weather's like when tapping the weather icon is probably just as fast. I could only see a use for it for more detailed or complex tasks - most of which I wouldn't use an iPhone for anyway.
Nope not the only one I think it's gimmick people will be bored of in a week or so it's typical Apple overhype and from a lot of UK press articles it seems it only really works in America anyway.
Because Apple said it's cool, so it must be I've been doing the same thing with Vlingo on my Android for a year now; while it has its uses, try using it public without feeling self conscious.
Don't know about accents but it's been getting a lot of storys about the searches only working in America and some sillier negative storys like this one . Also seen a few about the server issues and it hardly ever working plus I actually seen one in local newspaper saying it's basicly useless and can't even open apps or tweet for you. It seems a bit silly to me mainly because you have to keep touching the screen anyway to use it, to me that takes the whole point away.
I haven't used voice recognition until now, as I dont want to speak to my phone in public. When I do it at home I get "did you say something" from my wife. But I could use it when driving to and from work. Opening weather app and stuff isn't that much of a problem, that's why I didn't feel like I need it. But making new calendar entries is another thing, that would make things easier. So if Apple has sold enough 4S it hopefully comes to iPad 2 as there is no excuse why it shouln't.
and you thought your girlfriend could get on your nerves.. i see siri getting beat around a few times.. i wonder what siri response would be if you asked her about "violence to computer/printer'.... I do/have used dragoon naturally speaking since 90s... it works fine. so this technology is advancing at a slow clip but now apple is pushing it as there own magic.. who knows what will happen ( googles version works just fine, been playing wit it as of late trying to compare it to siri.. i would need both devices.. if you come across such a video please post thank you in adavnce.. ) .. is apple gonna open up its API for apps/ if so, that could lead to some cool game play? also dose siri learn as it goes? or is it always gonna be as stupid as the day you install it, til you get updates/ my pharmacy where i get my monthly pain meds filled uses a voice system ( chronic pain patient ).. and iv had zero issues with it too ( getting it wrong in this situation probably lead to law suits dealing with privacy ambulance chasers will sue anyone for a buck.. but then i guess if people have zero issues with facebooks privacy policy's no one will blink a eye over there pharmacy's record/automated system and at least mine dose not sound like some women from a eastern country.. .. should be interesting to see if this technology advances any quicker now. when i i tried dragon naturally speaking for the first time in like 1996.. i was blown away by it ( i figured this wont work.. etc etc.. that software shut me up in a hurry.. even tho its only as good as the time you spent to train it ) granted training it sucked.. you can only read the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy out loud so many times before it gets old repeating your damn self. bong hits may or may not make your millage vary chris.
I suggest that somebody with a 4s ask the question, "Why should I care about you, Siri?" I'm curious how it would respond.
Siri seems pretty great so far, if you do something that doesn't end in "Let me search the internet for you." It's excellent while either driving or walking, when you don't really want to be looking down at your phone and typing. So far my favorite functionality of it is using Siri to set alarms, appointments, and timers. None of those tasks ever took very long, but just saying "Remind me to grab my coat when I get home" is so much faster than paging over to the Reminders app, tapping new reminder, setting the location, typing in "grab my coat" and setting it. Similarly, "Set timer for x minutes" is stupidly useful when cooking.
so far i like the response siri gave to: "im drunk" siri: "calling you a cab" using one of 6 that are the closest near you etc.. brilliant. my college days could of used that.. but then i guess would give me less reason to try and get the cute blond to take me home if all i had to do was tell my phone im drunk and and wait.. chris.