Universal Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp (by Nintendo Co., Ltd.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Eli, Oct 25, 2017.

  1. Porsupah

    Porsupah Well-Known Member

    That's actually a fair point. ^_^ I hadn't factored in that now, each camper will tend to be more generous (though certainly not always) - and I did nonetheless overcome the lack of Natural essence eventually, so the Tree House is on its way, at long last, leaving only the Sporty types to be "uncapped" to the current maximum of 20. (Which will probably entail having to endure a lot of being called "brosephine".. to quote Charlise, "urgh")

    I do still prefer the original scheme, I'll admit - I miss the additional interaction. It feels rather odd, dropping into the campground, and only occasionally being able to "chat" with any campers, beyond plaintive requests for more snacks. (But you've got a wonderful afternoon tea selection right there, and an entire cake over there!)

    I wonder if there'll eventually be some kind of exchange possible from materials to essence? As is, the materials economy feels quite unbalanced - I keep having to sell off surplus cotton and so on, as it hits the 999 limit, when I'm struggling to gather essence. Still, Nintendo's clearly actively developing the title, with datamining rounds uncovering future reveals, like the forthcoming Rustic animals.

    Mm, I'm in this for the long haul. ^_^
  2. Luckycat777

    Luckycat777 New Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    Add me: Todd Id: 60498876083 Animal Crossing Pcket Camp

    Add me id: 60498876083
    Butterflys, event helping hand, selling, watering, etc add me “ 60498876083 “ :rolleyes::D;)
  3. Kim Walter

    Kim Walter New Member

    Jun 2, 2018
    I need friends to help with quarry, sharing creatures, etc. 8947 7971 722. Thanks!!

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