Universal Anima ARPG 2020 (by Giovanni De Dominicis)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by anthony78, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I’m with you on this one.
    Really liking the game so far, I bought the special $1.99 package. It was worth it to get the extra character and storage slots, and to get the indestructible weapons was really good especially for starting characters.
    I can see I will definitely be getting my moneys worth just trying out the three different classes.
    The controls are spot on too, really important for an action rpg like this.

    The only problem I encountered was the home bar on the latest iPad Pro is white and the skill/inventory/quest buttons are right where the home bar is. Being white it takes just one upwards swipe to close the game. I accidentally closed the game a couple of times while accessing the inventory. Not a major problem but one to be aware of.

    Oh and yes! those mimics, lol.
    Apart from the excellent graphic for it, (scared the crap outa me the first time it appeared) it was like a dog on a bone. It just would not stop chasing and biting me. I finally killed it and the loot was worth it, but I really don’t know if I want to see another one for a while. :confused:
    anthony78 likes this.
  2. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    #22 macplash, Mar 19, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
    Nope. Not really. On top of that, I tried offline game only as the game asks me to create an account right off the bat which I really don’t like especially when I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. And I didn’t want to play as a guest in case I wouldn’t be able to change that later. Although I have no idea what difference does it make to play offline vs online. Except from keeping my progress saved outside the device.

    Also, I obviously didn’t experience that mimic thing you and @stubbieoz are referring to because I can’t remember anything that would even chase me. Every enemy so far was either slow or lame. But I have to admit the touch controls are spot on! Responsive, ideal placement - couldn’t be more satisfied with them. I wish the action was better so I can put such great controls in to some serious use. Oh, speaking about slow and lame - do I really have to tap on every item in my inventory manually and then again to sell it? (opposite to an option to “sell all”) Can’t I just select items and sell them together?

    Well, maybe I’m just not getting it yet? Maybe it needs to click with me. There are games out there with rough start that picks up a pace at some point. Maybe I’m not there yet? We can’t all be the same though - to like the same game. There’s so much stuff to play lately. I might be coming back to this later. Or not. Who knows? The point is, if you’re having a blast with it guys, good for you. In that case, you couldn’t care less about what I think, right?;)

    EDIT: gave it another hour maybe, online. Nah, not for me. Not for me at all. This is a mobile equivalent of lame F2P cash grab Drakensang - worse in every way on top of that. Mobile Diablo my ass! I went through the Gardens 1 to 4, Basement 1-3 where I fought those infernal hounds and the game crashed on me. Perfect excuse to delete it and never touch it again. I went through shop and this is a grind fest. You have to pay ridiculous amount of coins to play those Arena challenges or whatever it’s called, the treasure chests are crazy expensive and their amount is borderline nuts. Hell, you’re earning a few coins per enemy and there are chests, boxes or items priced like 7.500.000 etc. No way I’m wasting my time on this!
    ste86uk likes this.
  3. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    #23 macplash, Mar 19, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
    So I felt bad after reading @anthony78 ‘s observation in different game’s thread that we couldn’t agree on a single game this week and I decided to do something about it and gave Anima another try.

    I made it to that Mimic thing that you guys mentioned previously, which was pretty lame and went down after like 5 swings. Dunno what the fuzz was about. Afterwards there was this boss with spinning blades. Didn’t felt challenging either. So I went to Prison, started to record a gameplay video and got bored after a few minutes.

    I’m sorry, but this game’s just utterly lame. Often I can’t even see my character because he’s behind something. A cage or chandelier hanging from the ceiling or a pillar blocking the way. Enemies just standing there, barely swinging at me. The worst are those rising from the ground. I can’t hit them until their rising animation is finished and they’re standing straight up. I mean, up to that point I can swing at them 3 times, it just doesn’t register it. What kind of crap is that?

    And I dare everyone to spin that wheel of fortune where 1 spin costs an ad! More like the wheel of misfortune! Just for the fun out of it I gave it like 20, 25 spins? Yeah, I’m home, it’s boring, what can I do, right? From all these attempts I got always either 5 skull things or 500 coins. Once I got some box and once I got 100 of those skulls I don’t even have use for.

    Anyway. I really tried, but I’m not wasting any more time or effort on this “game”. I’m just not the right demographics. Deleted! (for good now)

    EDIT: on a positive note: after this experience I really felt a hankering to do some serious damage in good old Diablo 3 I didn’t play since Reaper of Souls, so after like 15 minutes of trying to log in to my former Battle.net account with all Blizzard’s games purchased, resetting password multiple times, answering security questions and eventually contacting their support, I got in and currently I’m installing on my laptop the newly purchased Rise of the Necromancer expansion I didn’t have and play yet before. So if I think about it, playing Anima was a good thing after all. Yay!;)
  4. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #24 anthony78, Mar 19, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
    Well, we all have different opinions and I find this game anything but lame or that it’s a “game” in mocking terms. Don’t think it would have 4.5/5 stars on Google Play with more than 27,000 reviews if most people agreed with that.

    So anyway, I encourage everyone to give it a try if they like Diablo-eque games and make their own mind up!

    And it is FAR from a cash grab. I have had no need to spin the wheel or pay to open additional chests or do the arena. If you are playing single player, I haven’t found any need at all to spend a dime. SOOO much loot and good variety of stuff to find.

    And almost everyone I know says the same who has played the GP version. This is a great game and easily the best F2P system I’ve experienced in a long while. Glad to get my Diablo fix on the go!
  5. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    And you most certainly are entitled to your opinion. The same way I am. We won’t agree on this game after all. But judging the F2P game by its reviews is pointless. By this logic the best games out there are those like Candy Crush, Asphalt, Clash of Clans and whatnot - none of which I would touch with 10 foot pole. So, most people can agree on whatever they want. I’m not going to be one of them. So, yeah. Peace!:)
  6. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #26 anthony78, Mar 19, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
    There’s a BIG difference between this kind of game and other F2P games. And I’m judging from actual people I trust that have played this on Android.

    You have been so harsh in your statements that all I’m saying is everyone should play it yourself and make their own decision.

    How condescending you are is kind of demeaning. These devs seem to have spent a ton of time on this game from what I’ve heard to make this a consumer friendly Diablo experience because they themselves as fans wanted to have an ARPG like it on mobile.

    This is NOT a pay to win, F2P crap game. It’s a loot game where there is tons of stuff to find and not necessary at all to spend a single dime. I honestly haven’t even thought of buying items from the trading post. I sell items to make room because there is so much loot but that’s it.

    For a dev to have a wheel of fortune just because they may get a few pennies from people watching an ad, oh, how horrible!

    Anyway, I’m done arguing. Play the game yourselves and just listen to one person’s opinion when many others have different ones, especially when they are acting like they are better than the rest of the lame people who wouldn’t touch games like this with a 10 foot pole.

    Am finding more and more just how rude you can be, like the comment the other day about someone asking if there’s an iPhone release of an iPad game. Your reaction was uncalled for.

    Is there a way to block people on this community?
    solarnya, sharfaust and L.Lawliet like this.
  7. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @anthony78 this discussion somehow took a wrong turn, so I’m not gonna continue in it, especially if I’m about to be called rude, condescending, harsh or “acting like I’m better than others“ just for expressing my opinion.

    If you feel it’s necessary, you just tap on my nickname under my profile picture (not the picture itself) and that popup window has an option to “ignore” user exactly in the middle of it.
  8. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    I hope the devs who have dedicated to trying to make this a game for fans like themselves with no need to spend a fortune and come here and read this:

    “This is a mobile equivalent of lame F2P cash grab Drakensang - worse in every way on top of that. Mobile Diablo my ass!”

    Yeah, not even close but...
  9. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Everyone has their own opinion on games and we aren’t all going to agree but we can’t blame one another for not thinking the same thing. It’s the different opinions and thoughts people share that help others decide if they want to buy a game or give some time to a game if they are unsure.

    The game seems fine if you want a free game to grind away on for little fun at least for me it is but someone else may love it. But as I said I couldn’t help expecting more options with skills and abilities and only being able to have 3 active isn’t very fun for me. Other games I’ve played have done it better and that’s without commenting how I feel on graphics and animations. But again these are just my own thoughts.

    If someone enjoys a game and I don’t it’s not an attack on them for enjoying the game I’m happy they found something that bring them fun. If we all liked the same exact games and everything else life would be pretty dull. I feel like @macplash give the game a shot and some time and it just wasn’t for him which is fair and he’s entitled to his opinion from what he played.
    macplash likes this.
  10. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #30 anthony78, Mar 19, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
    It’s not just having opinions but the way you say it.

    And @macplash has been pretty flippant lately like that aforementioned jumping down someone’s throat in another thread for asking if there is an iPhone version of a game.

    Then saying:
    “So, just this once, can you suck it up and let us have it so we can enjoy the moment?”


    But whatever, he just rubs me the wrong way on the way he says things and I guess hitting ignore is the best option.
  11. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    Real smooth @anthony78 taking it out of the context (as you did in previous posts as well). If you’re on a personal crusade against me for whatever reason, just hit that ignore button and everything’s gonna be fine. The whole thread HERE.


    And I’m done reacting to you. Howgh.
  12. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Ignore done.

    And for the rest of you, I also wanted to counter the inaccurate statement that this is a “F2P cash grab” as others have said.

    Frankly I’ve found MORE valuable items in the dungeons than in the store. There is no need to spend any money on this game. At all.
  13. thanks for the video. The game actually looks good.
  14. gmattergames

    gmattergames Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    At the end of the day the most important questions are ...
    -Is the game fun?
    -If you had to spend real money for whatever reason, was it a good value for your entertainment dollar/pound?

    Everything else is moot.
    anthony78 likes this.
  15. jdjleo

    jdjleo Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    Don’t let Captain Asshat distract from conversation. This is a great game! It has a few IAP options that are utterly unnecessary. I purchased simply to support this developer.

    everyone says how tired they are of the big studios and their cash grab games with paywalls, yet are quick to criticize any indie project. Here’s a protip: if you want better independent games then support independent developers.

    If you like the old school ARPG hack n slash dungeon crawling experience and want it on your mobile device? This game is for you.
    anthony78 likes this.
  16. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    What in the hell happened here!? Okay, putting my foot down. Discuss and argue all you want, but no name calling. Thanks.
  17. jdjleo

    jdjleo Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    anthony78 likes this.
  18. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    I’ve butted heads with @macplash before but I don’t think he’s a bad dude, nor do I think he’s trying to condescend, he’s always just struck me as opinionated and blunt. Sucks to see people getting after eachother like this
    Ijipop likes this.
  19. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
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    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    This was a real blast from the past, like when every big game release on TA would devolve into a huge argument. Thanks for the memories.
    houseofg, adin, Ijipop and 1 other person like this.
  20. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Just play the game and make your own decision. It’s free and if you are a fan of hack n slash games well worth the try.

    Also went to support the dev with the Welcome Pack, which said $1.99 and it only charged $.99. Will buy some gold, even though I have thousands and haven’t used any of it, to donate more to this great indie effort.
    stubbieoz and L.Lawliet like this.

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