Also, look what happened with Peggle Nights. A lot of people complained that it should have been free DLC, which is rediculous. I am more than happy to pay for extra levels for a great game. I would prefer that it was paid DLC but have no problem going this route.
It makes sense, and i kind of thought of that last week when i saw that Cut The Rope and Trainyard were catching up with Angry Birds.
Okay, there is *NO* reason this should not be universal. None. That ticks me right off. Sure, it's only $1 more, but if I want it on both, I have to pay $3 for skinned DLC? I right away purchased Angry Birds for the iPad, as I didn't own another version. But now that I have both and iPhone and my iPad, universal apps should become standard unless there's a SIGNIFICANT benefit to have the HD version, especially with the retina displays now, it's not like they have to heavily upscale anything! I do like the look of the game, and I like the new levels, but non-universal for a game like this with no difference between the two is frustrating. VERY frustrating. You know they're not going to "add more" into the HD version heer.
Listen, I'm all one for additional costs for the HD version if they actually ADD something to it. Spider is a perfect example, they added a very interesting multiplayer mode along with a strong game. The multiplayer mode alone made it wortwhile. And even Fruit Ninja added a great multiplayer mode that gave some support to its higher price. But these were all games that were re-released from the iPhone counterparts. Double dipping, then, doesn't hit so hard. But when you have the exact same game. Released at the exact same time. With the exact same content. Without a substantial amount of work, thought or effort put behind it - Why shouldn't I be upset? If you're going to try and get us to double dip, add something to the HD version other than adding "HD" to the end of it. Or do like Robot Unicorn and release it at $0.99 as well. To be honest, I think I'd be more inclined to double dip at that price. I don't know. Like I said, I normally support not having a universal app if there's SOMETHING more in the HD version. Here, there's not, so what have they done to justify another purchase at a dollar more?
so... are these totally different levels or just a skinned version of the old levels kinda like doodle jump updates?
I do not have the new game, but the levels in the pictures do not look like any I remember from the game.
You say that you don't spam every thread, and yet here we go again... At least buy the game before voicing how horrible you believe it to be, even though millions will probably buy it in the next few months and love it.
since rovaio have said they will be still updating the original i will pass on this. Put it as a DLC to pay for and i would have bought it. Dont like clutter which i would eventually see this as.
I know, he actually PMed me with a small rant about the post. I half-thought about reporting it, but it's not bad enough for an infraction.