Coming Mid 2015 True Cross-platform Hack and Slash RPG PC (Facebook) , iOS and Android Cinematic Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Gameplay Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Ehh first thing first will this be freemium or premium ? Impressive trailer for an ios game by the way. Wonder which is better this or Implosion.
Well the PC version will be on Facebook so i bet its F2P The Cinematic was done by Blur studios (Avatar, Halo series)
Looks great! I'm getting used to the F2P on these types of games. That's pretty much what works nowadays for devs to stay in business. Might as well get used to it too. The other methods just don't pay the bills
So will this be another "press your thumb on the attack button while your other thumb fumble around" freemium game like Taichi Panda, Dungeon Hunter... ? I'm disappointed, not that I don't understand the devs reason, I'm just disappointed.
Greetings! I'm Milo the Community Manager at Fincon. I'd love to help answer any questions you may have about our upcoming title. First off, we recently did an interview which may give you a bit of background about me/us - Here! As for the payment model, we will be going with F2P. That specific model gets a lot of (often well deserved) flak. That said, I personally believe that if done correctly players will want to pay to support our game, and never feel pressured or bullied into it. We've a lot of experience with our first title, Hello Hero, in keeping a good balance with that, and I hope to improve on that experience with Angel Stone! As for the controls, depending on the size of your device, you should be able to play one handed (though I wouldn't recommend it for boss fights). I have an iPhone 5 and would play on the subway while grabbing onto a railing, we are trying some fun stuff out with the controls and think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Also, if you're looking for some downloadables, want to get updated on release date, or make sure you don't miss your chance at upcoming beta-testing, feel free to check us out on Facebook - Here! Please feel free let me know what you think or if you have any questions!
That's interesting. You can play one handed on a landscape game? Or does this game support portrait orientation?
I can play one-handed on landscape on my iPhone 5. I hold the phone with my index and middle finger holding top, with ring finger keeping it in place at bottom, and thumb doing all the important stuff There's a few other orientations that work, but just an example. ^^
Free to play can be done very well, Micro payments for content/skins/etc (Like LoL/Dota 2), Hell even energy isn't too bad. Just remember that bad kind of F2P you mentioned is the kind with a gatcha mechanic for all the top items, there is no way to incorporate that into the game and not fall into the bad kind of F2P pile. None. Flat price for an item/skin/character = Good ~$5 for a random chance at that same item = Bad (Being able to slowly accumulate the premium currency used for those rolls without paying doesn't change that) Anyone playing know if its the good or the bad kind?
So far it's been on the good kind. very generous while in the current beta but who knows since things can change still upon release. Dungeon link for example had a different monetization during beta as oppose to the final release of the game which is straight up greedy. But based on fincon's track record I don't think it will go really bad as they have pretty good track record as far as I have heard. Also I have not actually seen an in game shop to buy stuffs for iap. Maybe not added in yet I am not sure or probably I miss it I don't know but I did try to look thru and not seen it. The only iap I can see so far is you can buy gold as well as the iap currencies. Iap currency in current beta only being use for refilling energy (which is pretty generous in the beta) and also for resetting the daily limit of each level. No idea how the pricing model will be either as purchase is current not enabled.
I play several F2P games myself so I can understand worries about the payment model. For the biggest testament to our approach towards monetization I'd like to point you towards our existing title Hello Hero. See how we manage IAP, free resources/premium currency through in-game and community events, and so on. I think our actions over time speak louder than any words of promise or reassurance that I can write here^^ Either way, development is looking solid for a late July release and so you'll be able to see first-hand soon enough! -Fincon Milo