I guess. But it makes me wonder what the heck they were watching. "Its Godzilla!" "Scooby Doo!" "Midget!" "Cat!"
Glory be, the heavenly father TBN has sent his only begotten son, to deliver us from our retched unfunny lives. You must receive KGAMER in your heart, before you can be cleansed however.
What the heck? I'm wondering that too... Maybe it's Brittney Spears? Haha if you guys wanna see something else funny search Tomska ASDF 2 on Youtube. It's the epitome of random. Oh, watch the first ASDF too.
Ok, did. Also, everyone, I've posted 3 lessons at the time of writing this. So, if you're in the group, and haven't read it yet, go do it.
Sign me up for mod! Just for Aurora I will change my userpic to Pikachu wearing a cowboy hat, leather chaps, and some click-clacks. I'm sure he/she/it would appreciate the western twist.
Dude come on: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=40766&page=8 This kid by far the biggest douce bag on this site.