Exactly, which is why you didn't buy it right? The second quote is from somebody who bought it complaining that the game is exactly what it was years ago. Calling it Gamelofts soulless game, when in fact it's just a port.
well, to be honest, their games DO kind of lack depth.. since Driver has never been anything but a me-too clone of Grand Theft Auto, id say its a match made in heaven
Oh no doubt I agree about the Gameloft comment, though I don't really count this as a real Gameloft game though. If it is soulless, which I don't really agree. Simple, but not soulless. Then that's the original devs fault, not GL's. Nice dig at GL , I don't like them much either.
Only Driver did 3D first, which was THE reason why any real GTA fan had to get it. ...and it's not about being a gangster, it's about being a (generally) non-biased getaway driver, purely for the money, no emotional ties. Plus the actual police chases and car physics are better than anything GTAII/VC or SA ever managed to provide.
That's posty worthy right there, since Driver beat GTA to the 3D open-world-driving thing by two years.
...and Driver 2 beat GTA III as the first game to let you get out of the car by one year Edit: Oh, and Driver had a replay mode. Make your own classic car chase sequences. Epic.
Yeah... basically anything by that guy. Yes please. I would like to correct everything that is wrong within that sentence.
So... *does the math* he'd only have to play Canabalt for 15 minutes to be happy with his purchase, right?
Can I just meet tsharpfilm in real life and give him $3 to finally free himself of the Canabalt curse?
I just wanted to point out that ANYBODY, who will readily admit to getting chocolatte froo froo half foam starbucks coffee's have NO chance of beating anyone's ass.