So not all of you may agree with GOTY of TA. But I challenge you to disagree with my pick for iOS FOTY* 2010 !!! *Fool Of The Year! This guy, digigala, I'm not really sure what his issue is really. He trolls. And he trolls a lot. Go through his twiiter feed and you'll find more then a few gems in there. I thought he was just another troll who had something against TA but once I saw his twitter feed, it wasnt just TA. He'll pick up on anyone and everyone talk rubbish about them. But boy was I wrong. He's not a troll. He's just another fool. Though, admittedly, he does excel at being a fool. I have yet to see so much crap in one post. Disagreeing with a GOTY from some website is fine and it's bound to happen. There cant be any game which everyone likes (i never got into Infinity blade or GTA or even spider for that matters). But the way this guy showed his disagreement with TA's pick, he's pretty much proven that he's nothing but a desperate foolish troll. Just take a look yourself.. About a 150 new games per day in appstore. Barely 2-3 gets a review on TA coz rest of the others mostly sucked or just werent good enough (in TA's opinion). TA should definitely post about those games instead and make sure each and every one of these crap games get a review here!! Yep. TA should only review games which they think are bad. Who wants to know about good games anyways. Gimme 100 crap games everydays instead of 2-3 good games you idiots!! Now what is that I dont even.. Are you sure digigala you didnt mix up 2 posts on different subjects and posted them in the same article by mistake oh, SM is wonderful and yet when TA picks it for GOTY it meant TA has gone nuts. Cuz its not 'legen---dary'. Ehm OKay.
How is Infinity Blade legendary? describe! Fruit ninja has all these loveley squishes of fruit juice, wich infinity blade just needs. Ok, now, that post was abit confusing for me, was he talking about the GOTY or about being run over by a bus?!
I have No idea. I am trying my best but to understand a FOTY, you need to be a genius. Guess I'm not genius enough to understand his crap I dont have any problem with IB being the GOTY even though I only played it for less than an hour and never touched it again. Didnt delete it yet only coz my 5yr old had been waiting for IB ever since I told him that the real game made with Epic Citadel will be out soon. And turns out, he loved the game. So cant delete it anytime soon. For me personally, it's a waste of my 6 bucks which prolly wont be of any use for me until maybe Online multi shows up. But, lots of people loved it so thats a fine enough contender for GOTY. What I dont understand how much lifeless/dumb someone has to be to obsess with some blog's posts this much? And its not just TA. He trolls everyone. And even funnier thing is, he @mentions and talks to celebs on twitter as if they were buddies. And he doesnt care if none of them ever bother to reply him or even follow him back. Oh well, desperate troll is desperate.
Glad you took screenies of that since it was down by the time I went to check the link. Got to say I agree with your choice - even with some other worthy candidates. He likes the game it seems butttttt I dunno... Uhm yeah. Fool is right.
Is the FOTY okay in their head? Cause, I mean, I'm a little bit worried about him/her after reading that. Definitely don't want anybody jumping into traffic after they play a game.
Wow. Although I don't exactly agree with TA's decision either, the way he presented his opinion was... off. I don't think digi was speaking truthfully either. Yeah, Infinity Blade and Real racing have great graphics. But do they have great gameplay and replay value? What about content(Infinity Blade)? Graphics don't mean crap if you're looking at gameplay, which I think he's proposing. Infinity Blade may be fun to some people, but others will always have differing opinions(Directed at Digi bashing TA). Oh yes, he's wacked up in the head too. How about let's throw him in front of a bus and see what he thinks now? And there's always the TA community too