Hello i would like to share with everyone in this forum my open source cocos2d game, because i have very little time to work on this game so i have decided instead of keeping the source all for myself. i have decided to release it along with all the graphics (original) there is a class for the music and sound effect playing, but i have removed the sounds are they are not mine and i do not have the rights to share them. the game can serve new developers as a reference of perhaps how to develop a simple game in cocos2d and box2d or how to structure the game loop etc. the game makes use of levelhelper and spritehelper. enjoy. while i enjoy having my cake and a cup of tea it has mainmenu, chapter select, level select, and 1 fully playable level with other supporting screens and stuff. some screenshots below. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Q8-5fa16gTw/UHsbuTnn3ZI/AAAAAAAABS0/m7ePhiaQW6M/w497-h373/2012-10-14 https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-2UwHlS_1qpc/UHscaWJMu4I/AAAAAAAABTM/9NVHSUIBPn8/w497-h373/2012-10-14 https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-rf1kwlTn9HM/UHscxrlJGXI/AAAAAAAABTg/LzJMrm5sqTc/w497-h373/2012-10-14 https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-NsGKMnrsxEc/UHsdPRWkrOI/AAAAAAAABT4/67N8rEC0uFI/w497-h373/2012-10-14 raw graphics/animation files http://www.mediafire.com/?b89thr5fgjyc6p6 project and code http://www.mediafire.com/?th6a3r0bvo9lqdn