An Idea Man

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Hale, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. Hale

    Hale Member

    Jan 28, 2010
    #1 Hale, Feb 6, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2010
    Hello, my name is Joshua. I am really interested in the potential of this iphone/ipod system and am willing to help with fleshing out ideas or simple inspiration and innovation in the next gen. of gaming.

    I am very creative and original in my thinking. What I do very well is look at already formed plans and concepts, and see where they could grow or morph.

    I have original ideas but I am protective of them. I am interested in finding one or a few devs to bring them to life but im not sure yet if I want to "give" them away or sell them.

    Either way here is a simple example of what I do

    STAY= a balance beam game.

    Ive noticed that all the dropable pieces are squares.
    *So, throw in some other shapes to make it more difficult to balance them. ie circles, triangles, hexagons, polygons.
    They have a magnetic block.
    *Try a repulsion block to push them away.
    *enlarge the balancing beam.
    *change the weight of the balancing beam. Super light =more difficult, heavier=easier.
    They have a block that shrinks the surrounding blocks one time.
    *Try being able to shrink them multiple times.
    *a single block that breaks upon impact into smaller shapes.
    *multiple tiny blocks drop with a single hit.
    They already have a square expanding into a rectangle.
    *Try expanding in different ways: into a square, triangle, giant circle.
    *Blocks that lock onto the beam for a certain amount of time, unable to fall off.

    This is just off the top of my head for STAY. Simple game with some simple ways to progress with it. I could come up with more in depth and game altering ideas but I dont want to get timed out here and have to retype all this.

    Thank you, Joshua
  2. DrummerB

    DrummerB Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2009
    Hello Joshoua and welcome to the forums. Thank's for sharing your idea.
    Now, I don't want to dissapoint you, but most of the developers have their own ideas and visions for what they want to create. There isn't really a lack of ideas, just of time and budget. You might find a dev and inspire him, but I'm pretty sure that noone would pay for ideas.
    You should join the process of the creation of the game and by that I mean design, coding, arts, music, sound, marketing. Every member of a team has his own ideas and contributes to the main goal.
    An other option would be to hire someone to create the game for you, but I don't think that's what you're looking for.
  3. Hale

    Hale Member

    Jan 28, 2010
    #3 Hale, Feb 6, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2010
    I understand Drummer and thanks for the heads up.
    My services are free unless someone finds them so useful they want me onboard in a large capacity beyond simple ideas and feedback. The payment would only come into play if someone was truly interested in one of MY ideas that I have birthed myself. Which I am hoping my free services will lead to.

    And not to put anyone down in anyway. As I am truly a fan of many of the games coming out, thats why Im here. I am here to augment, add on, and progress already existing ideas. I have an original perspective. And to be honest I am able to see the next step. We all hope to make the next great thing that brings a new standard. Thats why Im here.

    Granted skepticism is a given when someone boasts to be part of the future. But the perspective is a possibility, and being dismissive because one already has Ideas is short sighted, dont you think? We all work best together and humble in a single of the future.
    I am here to be tested free of charge. Those who try me will see I dont have all the answers but I do have helpful feedback and ideas that might be useful and might not. Everything I say may not be where the Dev wants to go. I dont have the corner on creativity and vision, I am just one perspective. But mine is a unique perspective I will guarentee.

    Thanks for the feedback drummer

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