I think they only allow so many redemptions before it "runs" out. For the longest time I didn't even notice they added new sponsors. Either gotta check everyday every few hours or some have mentioned to check their twitter.
Two new sponsor apps here: Bloomberg Businessweek+, +80 credits, iPad only Tap Paradise Cove, +80, works on iPhone 3G Credits added within seconds on all my four iOS devices.
Yep, it pays to keep watching the site. Wish I had better wi-fi at work to catch some of these before they go. Anyway, if one of the mods is reading this thread, maybe we could change the title to something like "Freebies on freemyapps.com" or something. The thread's obviously gone way off topic from just Amoebattle.
I'm hoping they add MvC2 to the list of redeemable games! Can't wait to get it but only have 2 dollars left in my account.
Nice. That's only about 4 more sponsor apps. Now time to redo the waiting game, this time for Keynote
You're thinking the same way I am. I got Pages via FMA recently, and I'm getting the other Apple apps that way, too. Games and other companies' apps go on sale, these don't, so I figure I'll get all Apple's premium apps for the new iPad.
Thanks. Almost overseen that it's an Universal. Please somebody tell the FMA guys what's an iOS Universal App, they almost always declare them as "iPad only". This time I had to reboot my iPhone 4 before it was able to download Bloomberg. When I tapped "Install" in the store it opened the newsstand app and nothing happened but a message "You can install magazines from the App Store." I guess that's a bug of newsstand and not FMA.
I would be pretty upset if it doesn't come, I'm close 2600 points and that's what I've been saving for
Pages disappeared briefly several times during the time I saved up for it. It was always back within a day or two at most.