I decided to get Amoebattle. It's fun so far. But I'm stuck on the 4th level. The controls are a bit confusing at times.
Yeah, level 4 seems to have been a problem for folks. Just keep expanding your sharks, guard the middle lane until the little robot chick tells you they're coming from the sides. Then rush one side with your units while slowing the other side with your ice spell thingy. At the end, when a mass swarm of sharks come, merely guard the bottom entrance with all your sharks and you should be able to defend just fine.
I kept expanding and guarding the middle, then broke my group into two smaller groups (deselect, circle half of them, and assign them to #1, other group #2...) and had one guard each side, staying close to the energy probes. At the end, brought the group back together, and sat where I entered the stage, using the freeze probes whenever I got overwhelmed... Took me 2 tries to beat it doing that.
Thanks everyone for checking out Amoebattle! I know building up those FMA credits can take a while, so I do a little victory dance whenever someone chooses -ahem- a tiny game like Amoebattle over rockstars like Max Payne If you guys don't mind though, the main thread could use some love also, especially if you're posting game impressions and strategies. Thanks!
"Thank you for your e-mail! Due to the overwhelming popularity of FreeMyApps, we are not able to respond to e-mails right now. We are busy giving away Paid Apps for Free!" wow... talk about FANTASTIC customer service!
Got Amoebattle yesterday for 800 credits on iPad, Max Payne Mobile for 780 credits on iPhone, installed both games on both devices. Everything okay so far. No scam. Legit. Saved eight bucks with one hour "tap work" (sideline job) in my rare spare time. Don't know if I should say thank you. Found two Sponsor Apps that I kept on device. Until midnight CEST there were some changes in the Apps list, today nothing. No new Sponsor Apps. BTW Amoebattle is gone once more. Maybe it's closed on weekends. Maybe try it in tA's sister site MacRumors' forum there is a thread with some critical remarks btw and some FreeMyApps employees seem to be present. Complete thread postcount=1 http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=14022175#post14022175 BTW what problem did you have? If I may to ask…
The list of sponsored apps quickly change... around Friday midnight (CET), they've put some 5 new sponsored apps. I was lucky to have all my iOS devices (some 7-8) around so I quickly made some $20 saving on future downloads... The new apps have ALL disappeared the next day when I logged in from yet another iDevice. So, it's useful to check the site, say, every hour not to miss these great new sponsored additions as they may just disappear after some hours.
Thanks, I'll keep all that info written down. But the issue was fixed... I got my nephew to sign up through a referral, but wasn't getting the 100 points... After he got enough points to get Infinity Blade, the points went through.
Yeah, I've been an FMA user for quite a while, and I noticed that sponsors come and go...so try to download them and get your credits while they're still there
I just beat level 4. Thank you guys for the help. I did it on my second try after reading your posts.
I just got it along with infinity blade 1 and fruit ninja puss in boots. Fma is pretty awesome so far, i checked a lot and it seems pretty legit, plus if an app developer is giving them so mcuh support, even better. I hope i dont get screwed over by these guys though. Anyways, amoebattle is such an awesome game, great art, cute characters and tight controls. Really, after playing final fantasy tactics you can really appreciate these guy's work! Although the robot reminds me of EVA from wall-e. hopefully disney doesnt sue you guys haha.
How often do they update the free apps? Amoebattle, Max Payne and Angry Birds Space are probably the few "recent" games. And some of the games are a bit overpriced for points -- like EA games that go on sale fairly frequently. Not that I'm complaining about getting free games, just would be nice to have a bit more variety. Right now I've got points but nothing I want to use them on.
Pretty rarely - it seems one a week. Yup, better to stay away from the Gameloft / EA titles - after all, they ALL can be had for $1 if you can wait 3-4 months on average. "Fortunately", Apple's apps never go on sale so it's nice to be able to get it from MFA.
Not often at all. All of the "big" names you see there right now ... they are pretty much always there. But I'd say maybe every 2-4 weeks something new might pop up, and when they do they usually go very fast. Remember, it's not FMA just randomly picking games to offer people ... these are apps placed there by publishers who use the site as a means of advertising.
got Garage Band and I plan on picking up all the Apple apps because they never seem to go on sale, everything else seems to drop to 99 cents at some point in time also, through the website I posted the referral link on Facebook to freemyapps, how does it link Facebook to my freemyapps account? and I know you get 100 points when they download an app, but do you get 100 points every time they download an app or just once?
Instabuy. As far as I remember it was 1,800 "credits" points before. So it seems they have their own sales independendly from the normal price in iOS App Store. We need something like AppShopper.com's App Activity records for FMA. They changed the view of the lists. Now you don't see anymore later what you "paid" (credits) once for your gift apps. I'll make notes manually. There showed up today two new sponsor apps with 160 credits (never seen so many before) if you download them. Had some problems with Zombie Jombie. It seems to be the first sponsor app where you actually have to hit "Play" otherwise FreeMyApps doesn't add credit points. And there was an error message on two of three iOS devices, a standard iOS text field “Uh oh! Something went wrong. Please try again” but credits were added.
Wow. Big visual changes to the site today. Don't see the 160 point apps, but I'm going to keep checking. Snake, I agree with you about the apple apps. I snapped up Amoebattle, but I think I might aim for iPhoto and some of the other Apple apps. I do however feel that it's a bit strange that certain developers are using the service. And by certain developers, I mean Apple. The daily as a sponsor app was really confusing.