Ambiance - Huge update!

Discussion in 'iOS Apps' started by BrushMyNoseOff, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. BrushMyNoseOff

    BrushMyNoseOff Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    Coach / Photographer
    Ambiance was just bumped up to 2.0!


    *** Ambiance 2.0 Introductory Sale ***
    Get Ambiance for only $2.99 ($4.99 regular price) for a limited time to celebrate the release of Ambiance 2.0!

    * Ambiance has been featured in MacWorld Magazine!
    * Ambiance is one of the iLounge top 100 apps!
    * As seen on ABC News, Ambiance has tons of new and Amazing features!

    Have you ever had a hard time falling asleep? Tried to relax in a noisy airport? Read a book in a crowded coffee shop? Get work done in a rowdy office?

    Ambiance is an "environment enhancer" designed to help you create the perfect ambient atmosphere to focus or relax. You can choose from hundreds of free sounds, exclusive to Ambiance, to download and listen to, create customized sound mixes, cycle through playlists, wake up to relaxing sounds and more! Get Ambiance or Ambiance Lite from the iTunes App store, and create your own Ambiance!

    * Only download the sounds YOU want
    * Create unlimited custom sound mixes that have individual volume controls
    * Cycle-mode crossfades between sounds on your playlist
    * Shuffle mixes up your playlist
    * Choose favorites so you can find sounds easily later
    * Use custom image backgrounds with your camera or photo library, or use the custom image attached to each sound.
    * Use the alarm mode to fall asleep and wake up gently
    * Categorize your sounds in groups that you can use as playlists

    *** Try Ambiance risk free! ***
    Search for "Ambiance Lite" and try out Ambiance for free!

    ATTN: iPod Touch Users:
    Ambiance 2.0 does not have included sounds -- you can download as many free sounds as you want. If you do not have access to a wifi connection, you should not upgrade.
    What's new

    Completely New Ambiance!

    - Download Free Sounds from Ambiance
    - New sounds added weekly, already hundreds
    - Mix-Mode with individual sound volumes
    - Alarm Clock, with fade-in, fade-out options, snooze and more alarm sound choices
    - Shiny new Look and Feel

    ATTN: iPod Touch Users:
    Ambiance 2.0 does not have included sounds -- you can download as many free sounds as you want. If you do not have access to a wifi connection, you should not upgrade.
  2. I am intrigued by this. I kinda like white noise apps anyway, so this sounds interesting. Without hearing the quality of the sounds, the length of the loops and how seamlessly they loop though, it's a bit of a tough sell.
  3. BrushMyNoseOff

    BrushMyNoseOff Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    Coach / Photographer
    Lite version also just went live. Give it a whirl for free! The sounds are very, very realistic.
  4. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    #4 Adams Immersive, Feb 25, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
    I've used this almost every night for months. (It would be cool if they made a set that listed the original sounds, for those who want to find them.)

    Having to sign up with this version is slightly annoying, and I've had a few crashes while downloading sounds. But once downloaded you have them, and in the end, I do like the ability to cherry-pick from a big library of sounds. This still seems like the best "sleep" app.

    The thumbnails are a nice touch for finding a sound--much nicer than just a text list!

    I laughed out loud to see "Pigs" as an option! :D
  5. superbad

    superbad Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    CEO. Reviewer. Beta Tester.
    You need to stalk me?

    the new icon looks ugly!!!

    why AMBIANCE? WHY!!!
  6. Mandi

    Mandi Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2008
    wow. I hate everything about this update. I have to register now to use an app I paid for months ago? the sounds aren't self contained anymore? the entire interface is changed? Honestly, I feel like I just had my old app stolen from me. Crap.
  7. superbad

    superbad Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    CEO. Reviewer. Beta Tester.
    You need to stalk me?
    i agree!


    they had managed to make a simple app all the more confusing and dumb

    app deleted. :mad:
  8. 1337brian

    1337brian Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    In My Head
    Yep I concur, I'm not really liking this too much, ahh well maybe I'll play with it a bit and see if my opinion changes, but right now I'm kinda pissed...
  9. coneybeare

    coneybeare Member

    Feb 27, 2009
    I am the Developer of Ambiance

    Hi Everybody,

    I am sorry to hear that some of you are unsatisfied with the app. No longer is the app limited in the amount of sounds I can provide, Ambiance is a completely different animal now. Within months there will be thousands of sounds that people can download for free, much more than the 50 or so that are in any other app. No other app mixes sounds like Ambiance, allowing full volume control over each sound. No other app integrates an alarm clock as seamlessly as Ambiance, making it easy to wake up and fall asleep to the sound of your choice.

    These are just some of the new features added to Ambiance 2.0, all requested by over 250,000 users. I have developed this app for my customers. I acknowledge that I cannot please everyone, so I have just submitted an "Ambiance Classic" to the store.This app will be free for a few weeks so that people who are not satisfied with Ambiance 2.0 can be happy. Because the vast majority of people wanted the 2.0 update, I had chosen to give them the 2.99 update for free, and never planned on releasing a Classic version, but things change and I need to roll with the punches.

    I only ask for email to keep people from abusing the system. In the user agreement, it specifies that I will not even use your email with partners, only for important Ambiance announcements. You can also choose to unsubscribe after the initial validation email. I do hope you will reconsider using Ambiance and I do appreciate the feedback, whether it be good or bad

  10. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    That's a great idea--above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks! I'll probably get it just "in case" I want to go back to the old way, but I already prefer the new app (now that I've loaded up on 150 sounds!) and I'm sure I'll stick with the new one. I can verify that although the app currently crashes too much after downloading a sound, it does NOT crash when it comes to playing sounds. Which is, after all, the main thing.

    Ambiance now seems to be the "ultimate" bells-and-whistles sound app. Some may long for the simplicity of the original, and I'm sure a few rough edges remain to be polished, but I think the new features are well worth the transition. (And for the record, I like the new icon a lot.)

    Now I'm off to mix Pigs, Rolling Thunder and Brown Noise into the ultimate evening of porcine relaxation! :)

    Welcome, and thanks for dropping in! (Remember that humans are more motivated to comment when it's a complaint than they are to say "this app works great." So don't take the complaints too hard. The happy users simply stay silent.)
  11. Steve2000

    Steve2000 Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
    What a bunch of crybabies. The new ambiance has all the same types of sounds that it had before plus many more and you only have the sounds you want loaded so it saves space. You're actually whining because you have to sign up? Are you kidding me; it takes 1 minute. It's ten times better than it was before the update.
  12. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    By the way, if anyone was wondering: the new one does seem to have all the same exact sounds as before (plus more besides--many more versions of rain and wind for instance). Some have changed names ("Machine"--one I was surprised to like--is now "HVAC Unit" for instance). But you can probably find your favorites pretty easily with the Search.

    Also, I didn't at first notice that within Search is also a Browse tab. That's categorized (though Noise and one other category don't seem to work yet) and is the best place to start, I think.
  13. Donburns99

    Donburns99 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    ColdFusion Web Developer
    Rhode Island
    I am LOVING this update.

    Just last week I was thinking of how nice it would be if Ambiance updated to something just like this.

    Imagine my shock just now when I noticed it has. :eek:

    Big thumbs up to the Ambiance development team, I for one am beyond impressed.
  14. coneybeare

    coneybeare Member

    Feb 27, 2009
    Ambiance Classic is Released

    Hi Guys,

    Ambiance Classic is now available for free for people who do not want to setup an Ambiance Account. It will be free for a few weeks until most everybody has upgraded. I do want to take the time to ask you to try out Ambiance 2.0 however as it has proven to be remarkably popular and successful. Less than 1% of upgraders are upset about the new Account Requirement, and the other 99 are loving the new update. If it still not your cup of tea, Classic is there for you.

  15. 1337brian

    1337brian Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    In My Head
    has anyone tried the mix out? Mine never sounds good at all, just jumbles up and "skips" the sounds... I still don't like the new one, i think I might just stick with the classic ver.
  16. Donburns99

    Donburns99 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    ColdFusion Web Developer
    Rhode Island
  17. coneybeare

    coneybeare Member

    Feb 27, 2009
    Mix Skipping


    The mixing usually start of staggered to ease the load on the iPhone processor, but after awhile it should smooth out. It will of course take much longer to smooth out if you have a mix with many sounds, but if you use mixes with 3 or 4 sounds it should be ok.
  18. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    I've tried the mixes, and they work. And they're a great way to prevent any perception of repeating: the different clips will repeat at different rates for an ever-changing result. (Athough the Ambiance clips are generally long enough that repetition isn't too obvious anyway.)

    But it may depend on the speed/age of your device. On my iPhone 3G, I can mix at least 4 tracks together reliably. They DO skip for a few seconds as they load, but they play just fine after that. (Occasionally--not often--they will continue to click or skip every few seconds, but you can tell that right away. Just exit and relaunch the app--a memory issue?--and the same sounds play fine the next time. This does not develop over time as near as I can tell: if the mix plays smoothly after loading it will stay smooth.)

    One bug with the mixes: if you adjust the volume of one track, the change is sometimes forgotten. The first and last tracks in the mix list seem most vulnerable to this, and I find that if you PLAY the mix (rather than just exiting) after making a change, that helps the change be remembered.

    And occasional crashes (exit to home screen) do happen in the interface (but not once a sound is simply playing--that goes on all night without a crash).

    But I understand that it's a major new version--I can accept a few temporary glitches like that. A few little fixes will polish this up into something really great.

    Meanwhile, it's cool to have the old Ambiance available as well :)
  19. 1337brian

    1337brian Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    In My Head
    @ Coney, And Adams,
    Thanks guys, I have to be honest i didn't really give it a long enough try to see if it would "level" out. I will try when i get home later tonight, I love the idea of the new interface, I just take awhile to adjust to change....
  20. coneybeare

    coneybeare Member

    Feb 27, 2009
    Bug Fixes

    I have identified a good majority of the bugs that were released with the app and fixed most of them. Expect a new bug-fix update next week.

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