I feel like there's a lot of untapped potential in this idea of mirroring the iPhone/iPad screen to another screen (or to the Internet). I want more games to do this, and more better support for it from the hardware side than what we currently have. It started with the old 30-pin to HDMI adapter (HDMI mirroring is dead, long live HDMI mirroring). I was kind of blown away that a phone that fit in the palm of my hand (4s) had all the electronics necessary to both play a game, and power a multiplayer gaming session, and output that to a TV so that everybody could play together or spectate (e.g. Real Racing 2 party play, Cro-mag Rally spectator view, etc). Then there was AirPlay mirroring, which wasn't perfect, especially for gaming, but wasn't too bad for sharing just about anything else. Then the unfortunately crippled Lightning to HDMI adapter, which is somewhere in between AirPlay and true HDMI. Nowadays, the phone doesn't fit in the palm of my hand anymore (dem plus sizes...) but the same technology is still there and the CPU/GPU inside it have gotten so much faster and the results look more impressive. Maybe the Lightning to HDMI has gotten better than it was at the introduction? I don't know, I can't tell exactly--I don't have much in the way of objective tests. It's a little clunky to set up in my case since I don't have a TV or an HDMI capture card; I use a 2010 iMac as my monitor, and an Atlona AT-HD620 converting the HDMI signal to the DisplayPort input (or passing through my PC's DisplayPort out). It seems like AirPlay is doing 60 FPS now. I very regularly AirPlay to my PC via AirServer (the lag isn't too terrible most of the time with AC wifi on the phone and gigabit ethernet on the PC). It's more convenient than the HDMI since I can do it in a window and still do other things on my PC. Once, I even thought of setting up a Twitch stream to air my crappy gameplay to the internets. Went as far as setting up Open Broadcast Software to game capture AirServer, and I had to change some BIOS settings to enable my Intel graphics card so it could do Quicksync, or the whole thing (incoming stream and all) would just lag out and be generally unusable/unwatchable. There are some games that have built in Twitch streaming support, like Asphalt 8, but I'd like to have that kind of thing global to the system, or at least easier to set up than it currently is. There's a few games who seem to have forgotten they had added external display support and are no longer working nowadays on iOS 8 / iPhone 6/6+... Asphalt 7 just shows a black screen, Real Racing 2 has gone molasses for some reason and is locked at 10FPS. Am I the last one left that wants to do advanced stuff like this with their phone? (inb4 "just get a PS4/XBOne")