Universal Alto's Odyssey (By Snowman)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by nyanpass, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. peon2000

    peon2000 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Really enjoying the game so far. I do agree with the TA reviewer that it seems to take a little longer than I’d like to build up enough coins for the large items, but otherwise it’s a great experience.

    I have to say thanks to the devs for the positive messages at the end of each run.
    Its a small detail that makes playing so much more enjoyable to me.
  2. DerDree

    DerDree Active Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    You need to start the grind in the last 4m. So when grinding jump shortly before the end of the rail so you touch the last part of it again, that does the trick.
  3. Maslan266

    Maslan266 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2017
    Thanks Nyan for clarifying! I will still buy it at full price next week to support the devs.

    Oh, and having expansion packs and updates in the future is a great idea.
  4. altosadventure

    altosadventure Well-Known Member

    Official Main Theme (Soundtrack on the way)

    Hey TA!

    For those who've gotten a chance to play the game so far, and have been enjoying the sound and music, we just wanted to drop in and give a special shoutout to composer and audio designer Todd Baker. You may have heard his stuff from the excellent Monument Valley 2, and he's come on board this time to do our soundscape and main theme.

    We'll be releasing the official Soundtrack in the near future, but as a thank you, we wanted to make his main theme available right away. You can find it right here!


    All the best!
  5. WilliamG

    WilliamG Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2010
    FYI, bug on level 28. You need to get 25 coins with the Wingsuit - both me and my friend did it without having even purchased the Wingsuit yet. Lol.
  6. shfrost

    shfrost Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
    Wooded area
    #66 shfrost, Feb 23, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
    Well, the 5,000 coin purchase of the compass was a letdown. Once you get it, you have to spend 1,000 more coins to use it! And I'm assuming each time. Maybe I'm just cheap but that bugged me.
    Unexpected scam (tongue in cheek) aside, I still love the game.
  7. altosadventure

    altosadventure Well-Known Member

    Compass Purchase

    In terms of the cost of the compass, we thought long and hard about this during development, and did experiment with a per-biome travel cost that was a fair bit lower.

    Ultimately, what we found from our tester feedback was that it truly detached players from the joy of discovery. The net effect of an extremely inexpensive compass trip was that players felt they were spending more times in menus, to the detriment of experiencing the game.

    Furthermore, we made the conscious decision during the design of the game to emphasize the idea of Odyssey’s world as one with new sights waiting around each corner, and resisted decisions that would add artifice to that experience.

    The idea is that the compass is there to help you out in truly stick situations, but that for the most part, you're still encouraged to learn to master the environment and survive long enough to achieve each goal.

    As for coins, we offer no in-app purchases, so we feel that with everything earned through real gameplay, there isn't a "scam" element to things.

    Hope that helps clarify!
  8. altosadventure

    altosadventure Well-Known Member

    Fix in process

    Thanks so much for pointing this out! This has been brought to our attention and we have a fix in process to ensure this is patched in a coming update :)
  9. Maslan266

    Maslan266 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2017

    That is awesome! I LOVED Monument Valley 2. One of my favorite iOS games of last year.
  10. shfrost

    shfrost Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
    Wooded area
    When I mentioned "scam," it was intended as tongue in cheek. I edited my post in order to clear that up. I certainly don't detect an actual scam. Sorry that wasn't clear.
  11. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    #71 Andy C83, Feb 24, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018
    Not my best score, but near enough.

    I didn't know proximity backflips were a thing until after I'd watched the video back, haha. 300 points if you can start a combo with one of them. ;)

    Beautiful game.
  12. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    no problem @sugimulm, im enjoying the sequel too now more than the first one. keep failing on later levels that keep getting harder, but nothing that keep me from coming back and play the game again. this game is 4.5 out of 5 for me. wish to see more tricks and not only backflips on the next updates maybe?or on later levels.
  13. sugimulm

    sugimulm Well-Known Member

    Yeah I’m loving the second even more. I really stink at it, but hey, it’s Alto, can’t complain.

    More tricks would welcomed indeed.
  14. WilliamG

    WilliamG Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2010
    No problem. While you’re patching, it’s a bit odd that one of the quests AFTER the Wingsuit/25 coins is to buy the Wingsuit in the first place. Like, huh?
  15. boshek

    boshek Member

    Jul 19, 2014
    what controllers are working with Mfi in Alto’s Odyssey

    To Javdevil and others playing Alto’s Odyssey with an Mfi controller:
    What controller are you using? Anyone get it to work with a Steelseries Stratus? Thanks.
  16. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    Thanks, that worked!

    I'm having another issue now, and maybe the Devs can look into this -
    The walkie-talkie boost - the gifts drop way too slowly, 90% of the time I'm long gone by the time they are halfway down.

    I've triggered them tons and tons of times and have literally only intercepted them twice.

    In a game where we are encouraged to build and keep up speed, these buffs need to drop much faster so we have a chance to grab them.
  17. Jaydevil

    Jaydevil New Member

    Feb 6, 2012
    New Orleans, Louisiana
    I have and use two. Steelseries Stratus (the $10 deal from eBay). This is a mini controller great for on the go and iPad gaming. Has full extended controller support. PXN Speedy (full sized Xbox layout controller with phone clip). Pretty much everyone else will have the Nimbus.
  18. WilliamG

    WilliamG Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2010
    I intercept at least most, most of the time. The key is to slow down as much as you can. Jump etc, don’t do tricks, time your landings to fall through vines if you’re on them.
  19. Maslan266

    Maslan266 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2017
    Damn, I really think I should play this already.
  20. Maslan266

    Maslan266 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2017
    I just bought the game and played it. I am on rank 11 and I am enjoying it so far. The soundtrack is much better than the original, and and I love the new mechanics like the wall riding. I also love the new biomes, like the canyons and the temple. There are also tropical trees, bridges, hot air balloons, waterfalls, tornadoes, runes on the background in the in the temple biome. So the eye candy is varied! Loving it so far. Better than the original game.

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