learning how to play same here and it looks fun... got Nightfall for the hell of it. is anyone getting "Can't Stop" j/k now i plan to get a few iaps other suggested and learn to play are these games about the best of this type of game? or is there something that tops them
Listen, buy all the games. But nightfall even if you aren't sure if you'll enjoy it. It's a dollar for a game that is worth significantly more than that. I initially shrugged off nightfall as too complicated and finally went through the tutorial. While it is a bit more difficult, it's still not that tough to get into after a few games. Buy them. And the IAP. Best to waste a few bucks now than regret not getting it later. The only other card like game that come close is Magic. Spectromancer is another one I bought that shares some similarities, but for this genre, this level of accessibility, BUY. Buy them all. You'll have endless replay here. In fact, I play the playdek games far more than Magic, and I've spent a lot more on that game than everything from Playdek's arsenal.
This is a great sale. I got Ascension, Summoner, Nightfall and all the IAP for those plus Penny Arcade.
Yes it's free... Ya you can opt to buy starter decks and boosters packs but you can earn that stuff just by playing the game, I played it totally free for months. You can buy any card you want using gold coins and you get gold coins for winning battles So technically its totally free and theres pc and mac versions as well as android. They also just recently released actual physical cards you can order because its got a huge player base and its a pretty good game. It's simple to pick up and play and it's got depth once you see how everything works.. I'm just letting you guys know since you all like card games, I didn't know night fall existed. Sol forge was just totally lame and in honestly didnt like anscension either. I guess once you've played magic2013 though its hard to give anything else a chance.
Does the "everything" IAP bundle of Summoner Wars really unlock everything? I'm a little confused, the details only lists all the reinforcements, but not the summoners.
Sorry I don't know I've had magic for a while now and bought all the expansions as they came out what's this premium you're talking about? Sorry I dont know
Yes, everything. All factions plus all reinforcements and you get even a mercenary card pack as bonus. Get it asap, cause 1 buck is ridiculous cheap for this!
i had several of these already, but i got the 'everything bundle' in summoner wars, and the expansion for nightfall (i figure i'll probably give it another shot in the future). last time they did this, i got ascension and its expansions. for the guff it gets, it's still pretty fun and easy to figure out/get into. can't stop was well-reviewed, so i got that too. and while the card version of fluxx is a lot better than the ios version, i've been playing that every day since it came out. the key is to play with the same people you play the real game in. as i don't live with/near those people, having it on ios is a huge boon.
yes in ascension if you enable a expansion set both you and AI use those cards, i think in nightfall is the same since is kinda like ascension you dont have a deck
I would suggest Ascension or Penny Arcade offer the best deal for anyone who wants to get into the deck building genre, with the former having 2 excellent expansions which make the gameplay deeper and more challenging. Nightfall and Summoner Wars are also highly recommended, but these games are more difficult, and require a number of playthroughs to gain a full appreciation of the various stategies on offer. I also have the game Food Fight which is simple enough, but a little dull in comparison to the others. Can't comment on Fluxx or Can't Stop but didn't bother with these as I understood that the iOS versions of these 2 were not that great. Please feel free to enlighten me I if am out of line here If you only buy one game, make it Ascension, and do pick up the IAP as it really makes a difference. Summoner Wars also offers incredible value, since it is free and you can unlock everything for a $ (normally $7) so I think this is a must buy too.
Played Penny Arcade for the first time and it's very easy to understand. It reminds me of Dominion so is a plus for me! Personally I find Fluxx a little bit abstract but I must play a little more to absorb the rules. P.S. Speaking of Dominion, when an official version of it will come out? I know many people are waiting for it!
The best deal of the bunch, IMO. Food fight and Penny Arcade are a bit "meh" to me, but that's just my opinion.
Please don't just buy one thing. Buy them all!! At least buy Ascension and the expansions, Penny Arcade, Nightfall and its expansions and Fluxx, especially if you have people to play with Can't stop is fun, but it's a much different game. Watch the gameplay video. I seriously can't stress enough just how great these games are. I truly cannot recommend them highly enough. Even though I overpaid by $4 versus the sale, but the game is so good, I barely care. If anyone wants to play and is a medium skill player, hit me up, please. And message me on the boards, I want to be able to chat when I'm getting my rump handed to me GC: andsoitgoes
They won't be making an iOS version. They made their own HTML5 version that was released for like a day, but had so many bugs they removed it to work on it some more. http://allthingsd.com/20120821/gokos-html5-game-portal-goes-back-to-beta-after-failed-launch/
I already owned Ascenscion + Nightfall but they were a pain to play on my iPhone. Now that I have an iPad mini, I bought the Nightfall expansion, Summoner bundle, Food Fight, Penny Arcade, and the 2 "main" Ascension add ons. Can I play ppl in Ascenscion who have the promo card addition? Also, what does it do? That might be the one IAP I skip. I'm down to 57 bucks in my account. GCon'tShoot!