playdek and inc? anyone know why they keep Ascension in Playdek and all the other games in Playdek INC? why not keep them all together
Probably because Apple doesn't let you move apps from one account to another - I've seen several devs have to re-publish their games under their new accounts (which hoses people who owned the original app...)
Ok, nightfall or penny arcade? (Any other suggestions would be awesome) I have Fluxx and one of the other ones, can't remember.
Along with Summoner Wars, Nightfall is the deepest and most complex of Playdek's games. It's tough to learn but very satisfying in the end. It's the game that best combines Magic's full on confrontation with the deck builder genre, at least in Playdek's catalog.
of all the games which iaps are a must get? wasn't sure what to get, so i got them ALL using GE for free now i'll check out the iaps. for anyone that owns every game, can you suggest what Playdek games (all or some) IAPs are a MUST GET for a new user?
I'd recommend Return of the Fallen and Storm of Souls for Ascension. You might want to play with each game a bit to see what you like better, but Ascension I think is easier to get into, and both expansions add quite a bit to the game. The promo cards are neat, but aren't serious game changers. Also: Ascension was free a few weeks ago, there should be plenty of people playing it. Feel free to challenge me to games, i'm drelbs
I completely agree with drelbs as these two packs add a lot to the basic game. Ascension is my favourite Playdek game and easy enough to get into for novices. I picked up Penny Arcade and Summoner Wars so I now have pretty much the full set of Playdek iOS games. Nightfall is another great title with a good expansion pack, but is more complex than Ascension, and needs a few play throughs to get into. I haven't really played these games for a while so will have to get back online. Good luck building those decks
Searching for Ascension on my ipad (have it, installed it on a device it's better suited for), ot looks like it isn't a Playdek game anymore. Regarding Summoner Wars, does thr complete bundle #1 buy everything? Is that the iap that ised to be 7 bucks? I never played it long enough (to hard on the eyes to play on my iPhone) to completly understand the iap structure. Could soneone tell me what's covered in iap bundle #1, and what additional purchases I might want to make, if any?
Yes that is the iap that used to be 7$. It includes everything so once you buy it, you have nothing else to buy until they release more factions.
I know it's not play dek but if anyone is looking for a really good, I would say tier 1, card game check out shadow era. Best of all it's free.
God lord! I love you guys! I just bought RoF and SoS expansions for the princely sum of £1.38! Just when I was running down my Ascension games and taking time out (Mass Effect on the Xbox 360 and Chinese study). The Ascension addiction will start again!
But it takes up a lot of space and isn't free free. Just installed Sol something or's just a demo apparantly w/no full version out, but a great game none the less. Oh, and for a single player game, you should check out Alien Menace (Back in the store, yay)! It really shows how creative someone can be in turning a real cardgame into an ios game. Not your like the typical straight Kiniza job.
...and I guess Playdek will get mote of my money. I have Penny Arcade, Ascension, Food Fight, and Nightfall, how's Flux and the other one? And the game I mentioned in my last post is Solforge. Might be iPad only, not sure.
Got all but Cant Stop and Nightfall. Thanks OP for the heads up. Now I just gotta learn how to play them. =)