I downloaded Critter Panic and am really enjoying it. I have Match Panic and really like it as well. Missed the boat both times on Silverfish MAX so would love a promo code. Thanks.
I downloaded Critter Panic just to help out, even though I already own Match Panic. I, too, have missed out on the promo codes for Silverfish MAX so I'm hoping to catch the thread early if more are posted.
In a show of support, I too am helping the developer get on the charts by downloading Critter Panic even though I own match panic too. Hope it helps.
Thanks guys! I know a lot of folks got Match Panic during one of its free promos so downloading Critter Panic as a small thank you would be appreciated HEADS UP: I'll update this post with some promo codes in 10 minutes... Have at'em: Silverfish (iPhone/iPod touch) Code: 9XPM44MY4HRN FNXTX3RKTE6N P7R3AY4XTJ6R YFPFYX6N7ETA JWFAME3HMYT7 Silverfish MAX (iPad) Code: YPHAX99KFMFP EWLYKWEKATYP 4PXXLE9XMAY6 EXTEWF9X6JHL A4WLKX9Y3M9N nozoku (Universal) Code: PJT7T76ETETE HPPKRHFHPXYE KN3A3TTEXRW9 64EH7FA6KPXK 3FJMT7F4K3F9
I actually bought Match Panic, which was totally worth it. I was prepared to buy Silverfish if I had to but, hey, who won't take something for free if it's offered? Thanks so much. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we really appreciate it. I redeemed: Silverfish: JWFAME3HMYT7 Silverfish MAX: EXTEWF9X6JHL nozoku: KN3A3TTEXRW9
Don't know if it's just me, but for some reason I can't redeem any codes in the App Store. Once I put in the code all I get is the white background, no message that the code has been used or that it's downloading. Oh we'll, I guess it just wasn't meant to be!
I redeemed the codes at around 5:30 Central Time (8 or so minutes after the codes were posted) and didn't have any problems. I've never had that issue before, so other than trying the usual things, i.e. restarting iTunes and/or the computer, I can't think of anything else to try.
It works now, but of course all codes are gone. I tried rebooting etc. but still nothing. Then half hour later it worked.
Critter Panic got 585 downloads yesterday Yeah, still not much for a free game but a fantastic jump as far as I'm concerned Thanks for helping spread the word! So, I'm extending the sale on a day-by-day basis to try and maintain some momentum. If you're seeing this thread for the first time please check out the deals in the original post, and be sure to grab Critter Panic for free! Cheers
I downloaded Critter Panic and gave it a 5 star review in the Dutch Appstore. I also played Silverfish Max again, and man, I had forgotten what a great game it is. I highly recommend it to anyone that doesn't have it yet. I am blown away that this is made by a one man team. It's awesome. Now I feel a bit guilty about getting Nozoku for free (I normally just buy apps from devs that make games that I love), so I'll buy the iPhone version of Silverfish to make up for that. I hope to see many more games from Chaotic Box!
All I can say is that whenever I show Critter Panic to someone, I don't get my iPod back for ages, haha! My top score is around 170,000. Not great, I know. Some of the scores on GC are incredible. But I'm top of my GC friends by a fair bit, pretty sure I'm the best around these here parts.
Critter Panic is a free (ad supported) version of Match Panic. I'm in the middle of re-branding the paid version as "Critter Panic!" so this'll make more sense once the next updates are approved by Apple I should note that I've tried to keep the ads as unobtrusive as possible, and you'll never see one while playing, only in the menu screens. Both games share the same Game Center leaderboards and achievements, and neither have IAP. The paid version is just there for folks who really don't like ads.
Last chance to get in on the deals folks - I'll be switching prices back to normal in 2 or 3 hours. Thanks everyone!