What you described would likely fit better in the context of an Aliens versus Humans HD iPad only game. Because, in order to do it right, you'd need the extra screen real estate. I suppose you could consider the current Aliens versus Humans intended for iPhone and iPod and compatible with iPad (not yet Universal) - "Pocket X-Com". Thanks for your feedback. Al(ien)
Game Impressions Mini-Preview: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel If you like the classic X-Com Games you will sure like this small One too, even it does have still some things to get on the right Track. It does not yet have the same Content as the X-Com Games but the direction is the same and overall i can say that it does a lot of things good enough to see hope while it does currently not yet reach the Level of the first X-Com Game. I`ll play the Game a little longer and report back as soon as i have at least played through the first few Mission to get a better overview.
ALIENS VERSUS HUMANS is one of the nominees for Touch Arcade Game of the Week. Do you like this turn-based strategy game of battling alien treat? If you think ALIENS VERSUS HUMANS deserves to be the winner of TAGOTW, give it your vote now! [thread=114248]VOTE HERE[/thread]
Time to Vote for Aliens versus Humans That's right everyone. Please show some funky Alien love and vote for Aliens versus Humans... http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=114248
My main issue with both this game and the original X-Com's gameplay is that your enemies are constantly on overwatch and basically are just wandering about the level, whereas the player is forced to explore and track them down. This leads to many situations where you blindly turn a corner and and overwatch alien takes you down before you can respond. I've only played 3 levels into your game, but in the original X-Com when your guys are unarmored, you could deploy robot vehicles to scout around and soak up shots. The robots took up 4 spots that could be filled with troops, but for the first part of the game they were far more powerful so the payoff was worth it.
You must be in mission 3. It's a night time mission and admittedly Aliens can see better at night than Humans (it's those freakingly huge eyes I tell you). However on day missions, Aliens and Humans can see equally well. X-Com was the same. With regard to AI, Aliens follow a FSM (Evade, pursue, pattern, shoot, throw) with varying probabilities of switching states depending on the type of alien and the mission. During the earlier missions the Aliens could be considered a tad docile but if you present them with a cheap shot, hey, they'll take it. So you have a few options to get through night time missions. 1. Use flares. Each soldier is given one flare. Put them to good use by throwing them just beyond the fog of war to extend what the soldiers can see. 2. Make the assumption that you can be seen by an alien. Use cover where possible. Throw smoke grenades to reduce their visibility especially at the entrances of your starting area. 3. Use the terrain to your advantage and hole up in a building with the last guy going into the building throwing out proximity grenades. Eventually the aliens will come looking for you and get a little too close.* *my personal favorite Al(ien)
Picking up new and dropped items / ammo (from dead allies) was a big part of x-com. Also, remote turrets and drones would be cool! My 2ยข.
hey guys, all here seem to have forgotten the in-game music... where is it??? i love tunes like the one on the tutorial video for this kind of strategy games, so why the game doesn't have any?
We had differing feedback on music during play. First we heard from some testers that the music was irritating (not that good) and second, others said that they liked listening to music while playing. We're looking into making in game music optional from a menu and improving the music in an upcoming update. Al(ien)
We're glad you like the game. Keep the feedback coming. We have a planned update that will hopefully make the cutoff of December 22nd. The update will consist of user feedback on some UI changes and a few very minor bug fixes (typos, etc). Al(ien)
Last call for feedback. Aliens versus Humans 1.0.1 goes into test tomorrow night. Keep the feedback coming either here or through our support email. Thanks... Al(ien)
Do you have any plans to include rpg elements such as picking up artefacts and tech then researching them and creating new weapons etc?
You can already recover alien artifacts. I think there are 4 or 5 missions that allow you to do that. Using those artifacts with some research is not a bad idea. Adding that for this next release doesn't fit but let me see what we can come up with for a subsequent release. Al(ien)
Anyone that wants to beta test AvH 1.0.1, please let me know either posting here, PM'ing me or emailing our support email. Thanks... Al(ien)
We are working on a Universal version of Aliens versus Humans and would like feedback from anyone currently playing on an iPad. If anyone is interested in beta testing a Universal version when one is ready, please PM me or contact us through our support page. All beta testers are listed in our Credits screen. Thanks... Al(ien)
Hey everyone. We are thinking of making Aliens versus Humans universal. The only screen that would really benefit is during the missions while the other screens don't matter that much. Anyone have opinions on only making the mission screen universal first while we work on the other screens over time? Thanks for the feedback. Al(ien)
Last call for feedback regarding tanks (or more like a small scout). Would this be a top feature or not? Al(ien)
I would be more compelled by RPG/research elements of a home base. Tanks/scouts sound cool but if they are too resistant/mobile it might denigrate the game balance and exploration mechanics.