This might be a long shot question given how old this game is; but can anyone comment on just how close this game is to the original xcom (ufo defense)? Like, is all the management and squad tactical gameplay the same, and close to re-skin. I'm really after something that is very close to the original.
If you're looking for something similar to the classic XCom, this is the nearest you'll get to it on iOS. The Onslaught mode is like the original XCom: build & manage your base(s), travel to where the conflict is, kill aliens, etc. Check the update history in the App Store/iTunes and the game description for more details.
if you loved UFO-Enemy Unknown, you gonna love this... it's a beautiful and perfect clone, could be easily the Enemy Unknown or Terror from the Deep sequel. still one of the best turn based/strategy games on appstore imho.
Aliens versus Humans: Support for 64-bit Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you know that we've just added support for 64-bit support for Aliens versus Humans. If you're looking for original X-Com love on iOS, this is it. We launched in November of 2011 and still support this game. Classic turn-based strategy at its finest. Still runs on the iPhone 3GS. Runs perfectly on newer devices. Al(ien)
devs have decided to add support for new iPhone and iPad screens on this gem... so, go back to the best UFO/X-Com tribute of all times in the app store!!!
Had some spare cash in the AppStore. How the heck did I miss this game? Hopefully the recent patch that supports the latest devices includes the large iPad Pro. Lets see.......... EDIT; Well, the game looks great on the iPad Pro though the text is a bit blurry, but I can still read it. I am having a problem though. In the Training Missions, the first one - Back to Roswell. When I have the 8 characters selected and tap on the arrow to progress the game freezes. I then just chose 4 characters and the game did not freeze. I then tried 5 and still didn’t freeze. But then I chose 6 and it froze. I then went back and only chose 4 again but now it froze. After some toing and froing with different numbers of characters it seems the game just will randomly freeze no matter how many characters you select. This is happening on both my iPhone 8+ and my iPad Pro. So questions.... Is this a known bug? Can I simply ignore the Training Missions and just play The Onslaught? Meaning.... is The Onslaught a full game within itself? Thanks.
I believe you can just go to onslaught. I had freeze issues with the training as well. You can look up YouTube’s of even XCOM UFO defense to see how to play as this is a right copy of that. That said, I’m a bit over it. The controls are clunky as crap, and I find it annoying finding and routing airships. If you even select an airship, I don’t even see a way of cancelling the selection. Rather you have to find a place near your airship and just make it travel there. But good luck finding that airship again easily if you’ve accidentally scrolled the globe map and you have other airships in the vicinity as well. And good luck with accidentally sending your soldiers Walking ahead in to their deaths. There’s a very specific way you have to assign orders to your soldiers. If you do it any other way, it could be a grave mistake. Stick with XCOM enemy within I say.
@Talbs Thanks for confirming it is a bug. I going to try to reach out to the dev. I played the crap out of the original Microprose Xcom:Enemy Unknown many, many, years ago. Loved it on my old pc. I also have Xcom: Enemy Within on my iPad. (as well as my pc) Played it a fair bit when it was originally Enemy Unknown on iOS, until they removed it from the AppStore and forced me to buy the re-released version, Enemy Within. Still sitting on my iPad, not yet played. I just like the old style graphics in Aliens vs Humans, very much like the original pc game. And the price was too good to pass on. I just played through the tutorial and while I agree the controls are clunky I am used to playing games with clunky interfaces.