As Cooper suggests, you can choose between tilt and steer in the pre race menu, the one when you chose car settings and tyres Glad you think the game looks good!!! And I also hope that it’s just a first time impression about brakes, otherwise, I am here to hear your advices about it. After all, you are beta testers for this reason, to improve Ala Mobile In the menu settings there are only general options, like speed unity, music volume and enabling/disabling head protection system
All good.. I just tried a race in Austria, I’m already getting a better feel for it using tilt..... it is quite weird, but a couple of things I noticed were all the cars got stuck at turn 2 and I was unable to move, once they cleared after maybe 10 seconds, I noticed there were a lot of bumps, which would send the wheels of my car into the air and make me spin or almost roll. This happens to the AI cars too. One other thing, is there an option to turn off the camera tilt (horizon tilt)?
Yeah I saw the traffic jam too but I thought it was kinda funny and I also did a roll but it did a triple roll and I was like B O I but I mean the bugs aren’t necessarily annoying sorta funny honestly
:O I fear I introduced some kind of weird bug somewhere then, before submitting the app. Do cars fly off?? At the moment you can’t turn off camera tilt when using tilt steer. Can you pick a screenshot of this bug you are experiencing? Is it in easy, medium or pro AI mode? And on which device is it happening?
So, to resume the bug you are submitting: Beside the initial bottleneck, there is a problem where car start to literally jump from the road and do weird things?
I was easy AI on iPad Pro 9.7”. My car didn’t flip, but it got bounced quite a few times. I just raced in Aus. Won the race on easy.. It definitely feels to me that the brakes need more feel to them. It’s difficult to explain, but they just don’t seem to slow the car quickly enough initially, so I seemed to overrun the corners a lot. I noted some of the gear change engine sound down the straight in Aus was cutting in and out too. Sorry don’t want to throw a whole bunch of stuff at you straight away, just putting up, while I remember
Well I just had this weird thing happen where I hit something and the car decided it wanted to be a airplane and flipped 3 times and then landed also when I hit little kerbs they seem to launch the car about a foot up
It’s okay, I appreciate your effort in pointing out the issues concerning sound, I am aware of that strange bug, I’m scratching my head in solving it. Do you think a race line would help in getting the rights brake points? What would you guys do to improve brakes right now?
The race line may help for sure.. Let me think on the brakes feeling, I am honestly not sure how or explain it
Sorry to reference another game, but I just did a couple of laps in F1 2016 and the feeling with the brakes in that is they just seem to activate much faster, as y Soon as you tap them the car slows noticeably.. at the moment the feelin in ALA is that it takes a little time to slow.. Not sure if that will help
Kerbs are designed to push the driver to stay on the track. You can approach them on the track side, but if you try to jump on them, and damage are active, well, you will probably damage the car I tried to take an approach that is a good balance between arcade and simulation not only it helps, but I probably also found the culprit
I played another race and took your advice cvi I immediately start braking when I see a sign with 200 or something like that on it and it works pretty well thanks and I’m really enjoying it. The one other glitch I found which gps also mentioned is when your changing gears The engine audio cuts out, but I’m still really liking this game and I’m grateful that I got to test it for you
I’ve just noticed that in time trial, when I select Bahrain it goes to the China track, and when I select China it takes me to Bahrain. Also I think you have it spelled as Bahrein Instead of Bahrain. The only things on my wish list are the option to switch off the camera tilt, and either the ability to look rearwards to check where opponents are or a mirror of some time. Otherwise the more I play, the more I like it! Just raced Spa.. good fun
Will fix those issues ASAP Mirrors Are on the to do list, im trying to make them as lighter as possible in terms of performance impact No,you can chose tap steering. In the pre race screen, where you chose tyre and setup, you can switch between tilt and buttons