Description : Aka Pee is an unique interactive toy for iPhone that delivers the fun of discovery and relaxation in the basic human urges in eliminating from the bladder a.k.a peeing. Also, we design this app with the hope that it could also help the people with Shy Bladder Syndrome who can't just do it no matter how much they have to. Interestingly, the experience of aka Pee includes some contemporary game elements such as first person shooting, but it doesn't come with clear objectives or endings; rather you make the rules and explore. With that said, relax, release and enjoy. What's new? Now you can write your own quote on the wall after experiencing euphoria! Here's the promos!! N3MWFF9YWRNY 9RKKLPH7K9XL A67H9YAAX9F3 EJPRHXA3N46F JW6EKT4MPEYL 7ERXPY4FJ9KK R3WEP6Y9N99R 3L9R3LMP9NKN ARJ7R3EWAEH6 HT6KW37PRNJL 3PK4R996HFR3 N4MFM7LT6M67 X3PATKE7XK67 AYFN4HYJXFAR RYTFJFKJW94X