Airpush AdNetwork now on iOS

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by Airpush.Bill, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Airpush.Bill

    Airpush.Bill New Member

    Sep 16, 2015
    Hello Touch Arcade Family!
    Airpush, the second largest Android ad network in the world has just officially launched our iOS SDK!

    Our 360 banners are the most innovative banners out there. They are full HTML 5 animated banners that automatically mediate between HD Video Banners, Abstract banners and Standard banners. Ensuring that the highest paying campaign will serve to your users. Performance and CPM so far has been 3-10X's greater than the average standard banner.

    You can check out the demo by looking at the link below.

    Please feel free to shoot me over an email if you're interested in hearing more! I'll be sure to manage your account and make sure you are taken care of. :)

    Email: [email protected]


    Bill Huynh
    Director of Publisher Solutions at Airpush

    You can signup for an Airpush account here

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