If it is still not working, please contact [email protected] with info about your iOS version and connection type (WiFi, LTE, ...).
AWESOME!! I voted already, can't wait to play it on my PC! I'll try to spread the word too, this game needs to be on Steam!
It's probably just something on Apple's side. They've been updating apps' signing certificate or something like that. It's not on the devs' side, so that's why it's not adding any new features or supporting recent devices. If you check the app's changelog history, you'll notice the last update is from 3 years ago.
I don’t think it’s fair for devs to demand a game that came out before iPhone X to be compatible with 2:1 aspect ratio, for free.
This is excellent! How did I miss this? So much better than Sky Force! Love the destructible environments. Only a few levels in so far. Does it have a choke point with forced grinding or paywall?
If I remember (been long time ago since I finished it), there’s a bit of a grind if you want to upgrade everything. But if you play for fun and for I think the daily missions, the grind is lessened. I tolerated grinding pretty well back then so my impressions may be different now (I don’t like grinding as much anymore..especially in action games if each stage is exactly the same).. Since there’s no IAP, it seems like the game is pretty well balanced..just if you want to upgrade everything.
Thank you. When I saw the double currency I figured that IAPs must be in there somewhere. But I was wrong! Great game, even if the events and leaderboards are turned off and it’s not full screen for X. Honestly, some of the best environmental destruction I’ve seen in a shmup on any platform. So good.
[Redownloading] I always forget why I bounce off of this, but I'll give it another go. Edit: Ended up playing it for two hours straight. Bombing buildings and vehicles, whether enemy or innocent, is fun. Wish it had gunfire sfx in regular play, similar to the gunner sections of the game.