Hopefully they are also hard at work creating some more content, like new levels. Not much of a completionist myself, so I didn't bother getting all starts on everything.
annnnnd he's removed from their TestFlight lol Seriously tho, the TestFlights i'm in, the devs ask for feedback on the forums. But, none of those games have actually launched yet..
You're right. I got a little too excited I guess. I haven't played AA2 since my GC died again, several weeks ago.
Changes in TestFlight Update 1.1.0: Daily Challenges with Game Center login issue fixed MFi controller, iCade Objectives progress in Pause Menu Mission Score in Main Menu -> Objectives panel Graphics issues fixed If you want participate in testing, please send us PM with your TestFlight account e-mail. ----- Other changes which will be in AppStore Update 1.1.1: Tilt controls Custom Weapons Buttons position Objectives fixed / lowered difficulty New Daily Challenges variations Campaign score issue fix iPod Touch 6 performance fix Orientation Portrait upside down ----- Any new content is postponed, now we are preparing AirAttack 2 for other platforms.
I just can't wait to be able to play the daily challenges and stuff again. This is fantastic news that it's in test flight. Billy
Tested MFi controller support (Horipad). It works wonderfully, except I think the bomb button is rather odd (right shoulder button). Anything else you wish test? I can dig around the build and report back later.
Anyone knows in level 2 what the third achievement destroy 50% enemies with tail gunner means? Destroy 50% of the enemies of the whole level or 50% of the enemies that you destroy? And is this achievement even possible? Because the tail gunner you can have only 5 per run and it is impossible to kill 50% of the whole level's enemies. Thanks in advance.
50% of the whole level. You have to time your tail gunner activation to get the waves just right. There are a number of challenges in AA2 that require memorization of the level and pretty perfect timings of various activation (tail gunner, special weapons, bombs). Some of the achievements can be pretty frustrating to get.
The one with the flamethrower is the most frustrating to me. To the point that the last three times I played it I moved the plane out of the way and just counted the enemies. Counted 46 every single time, not even enough to meet the requirement. Just like the one where you collect twelve stars or the destroy all enemies (where you only get it if you use a special on the spaceship). It seems like there are hidden ways to be able to achieve some of these (bs in my opinion). A friend of mine was able to get the flamethrower one by memorizing it and then tried mine and cant get it. He even said it seemed like it is missing a couple waves of enemies that came out on his. I gave up on the game, if you have the laser discharge upgraded you can not get the achievement for destroying with the laser. Has been broke for months and still no update so I am moving on. Skyforce has another game coming out in a month or two, wouldnt be surprised if it comes out before this game is fixed. Good luck to all! Dont want to come off "trolly", just giving an honest opinion. Really hope everyone is able to complete the game that are trying to.
So is this game just dead in the water. It was said there would be a first update soon and that was months ago...
I thought it was already being test flown? I haven't played because my Gamecenter is broken and there's no point since nothing is refreshing. Devs? Billy
When a superb quality game like this is created, no in app purchases, piracy out there, it's not exactly a wonder why there hasn't been an update. Another famous publisher that used to create $0.99 physics titles on a weekly basis screwed people by adding an insane amount of apps as well as removing most of them from the App Store. I'm wondering if GC works with games that are removed from App Store but are in your purchase history.
Well? Just checking in on an update again...sigh. Will happily pay for it! More than a million gold and a thousand bars, just sitting there...
I'm just happy to have the game back again now that finally Gamecenter is working. I can't believe you have so much stockpiled. Holy crap! Billy
It's a sad day that such a high quality game, where so much detail went into making it, from enemy patterns to the amazing destructible environments and diverse daily challenges - goes free to gather some exposure. It's mind boggling that people weren't willing to pay the ridiculously low $1 asking price. I gladly paid the $2 at launch and felt I'm ripping off the devs.