Personally overall I believe the final plane is the best. Bonus? EVERYTHING on the final plane is upgradable with money. So the 50 ingots are worth the investment. After lots of play time with all the planes unlocked the only other plane that really sticks out aside from that is the Lightning.
Any idea when I can buy this for the original price, which I had planned to do after making room on my phone for this? I have just backed up all my pictures and movie clips of my daughter being cute, now I'm torn - I actually think, what was it, 2.99? is a steal already, but I do want to play the game. I want games like this in the App Store so I want to pay for them. And I don't want to be a statistic promoting the notion that 0.99 is a good price point for a game of this quality.
........... : ( How about buying one for yourself and one for your friend (who may also pay it forward as well)? Can't really help much with the 99 cent comment though.. That's just how the app store runs unfortunately.
Any advice on level 6. The three star requirements are 6 guarding helicopter 6 drones 10 boats I just got 100% of enemies destroyed and zero of the above achievements. Maybe that's an achievement in itself. Would really like to see a n of 6 destroyed to get some feedback. Edit: Answering some of my question: you apparently can destroy where the drones come out too fast so that you don't have an opportunity to shoot at six of them.
Just tried it, it is working, but it is a little bit tricky: you have to keep doors/garage (from where this enemies spawn) alive long enough till all enemies required for objective spawn and you destroy them. So you should avoid shooting on these doors/garage. In case of boats, avoid shooting on the tower, which is about to be destroyed at that time, so enough boats will spawn on left and right. This is not a bug, this is a tricky challenge in these objectives...
Hi all, can you please take a minute and fill this poll about feature requests for updates... Thank you.
I voted what i felt were NECESSARY. MFi controller support, switch specials button positions, additional missions, and additional ships.
So any tips on using the Touch control scheme? I'm used to the Relative Touch but have been trying to use other with not much success. Thanks
I personally got the last aircraft, and im loving it. I have enough ingots to buy everything available to me except for the final rank up of the Orb Missile for my main ship which im prioritizing.
You can change controls to Relative Touch in [Settings] (in-game Pause menu, or in Main Menu). Sensitivity should be set to max, if you are using thumb on iPad...
Answered the poll. Some extra feedback below: You know what would be really cool as a special weapon? NUKES! With some overload visual effects (like your screen will flash all white) and massive destruction of everything on screen! And maybe it's just me, but I think the wingmen are really really weird. Instead of drones I would prefer smaller planes, like it used to be on the first AirAttack (and the 194x series). Also, any chance we could unequip the wingmen after we bought them?
Seems like Tail Gunner parts would be better with Touch, so was thinking of trying to switch but having problems.
Any help on good levels to grind for money / ingots? I have through 7 levels open and found that level 3 so far gets the most bang for the buck - only takes a minute or so to complete, get an ingot and about $2000 per run. Jut trying to upgrade things to get more stars on levels. I have unlocked the Yaz and have wingmen, level 8 machine guns, still just level 1 bomb and have not purchased the auto fire stuff like homing missiles. Should I just progress in the game as far as I can rather than trying to get stars early on? Also, any point in "leveling up?" Does having a higher level do anything for you stat-wise?