Wallpapers: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.521805407984262.1073741829.283860965112042&type=3 Also you should already received notifications about two new daily challenges: Tail Gunner in Mission #1 and Spitfire (free) in Mission #13 (mission and Spitfire are unlocked for this challenge) Together 11 ingots for score + 6 ingots for position in leader-boards
One temporary solution to access Pilot page to see your stats could be to go there offline... And I will shoot blind here, but this solved my problem with connections of iOS devices to various services, maybe also here it will help: Replace your ISP's DNS server with Google's public server:, Make note of what you currently have before you change. Settings => Wi-Fi => Blue (i) symbol after your SSID's name => DNS Replace your current settings (after you write them down) with,
Nah... Despite me saying the ingot (secondary) currency feels misplaced in this game, i highly recommend picking this up without testing the free version. Here are some details that maybe holding back some players from picking this up: AirAttack 2 is not the same deal where you die in one hit, losing one life in the process. In AA2, you have an HP bar, and a mission fail occurs upon losing all HP. There are in-game pickups that heal, so there is no worry for those who dont think they are inclined with the usual shmups. There is also a revive system that uses up the secondary currency, but that can be earned in-game too, especially if you do the daily challenges. There are challenge missions that do restrict revive usage though, and some even only have you at one-hit-til-deads. There is an upgrade system that uses ingame earned currencies. It is a grind earning gold, BUT, take note, the weapon upgrades affect ALL ships you own, and those you will unlock later on, so in effect, you only need to grind for one ship, and switching to a different one doesnt need the grind anymore. As for the rest of the game details, i dont think i have anything more to add to how good the game looks. Maybe i should reiterate that THERE ARE NO IAPs... Just to get this out here (again ). I hope some of these details push a few other iOS gamers to pick this up.
Anyone want to describe plane differences so I can decide which to buy? Obvious example is fire vs regular bomb for first two planes.
What do you guys think of the homing missiles vs the electrical discharge? I finally got homing missiles on the 50 ingot plane but think I enjoyed the electrical weapon better. Perhaps at level 2 homing missile I'll change my mind?
Yeah I thought homing would be good but electric is way better so far for me. Electric is a constant damage with enemies nearby and the missiles you have to wait for a charge, and I also noticed they barely lock on. Seems like it has a very small range. A quarter of the time my homing missiles just fire straight into nothing even when enemies are on the screen.
I'm only upgrading my Spitfire and have no idea about the electrical potential of the P-38. Today's mission lets me play a pretty much stripped down version only. Not enough to convince me to buy it...yet. @ Devs Any chance will get to play all of the planes with a bit more "show off power" in the next missions? This could help some of us to make a wiser decision what to buy next. AND...is this precious featured in any country? It's not in my swiss store, and i hope the Devs don't have to pay the price for their ninja release last saturday. /rant on/ Those ridiculous chair-farters featured a bundle pack of ZEN pinball and an update of You Must Build A Boat (both NOT new) besides the usual and (arguable) worthless free crap. /rant off/
I still don't understand the point of getting new ships... They don't seem to provide more HP and/or fire power... I bought the P40 for 50 ingots and... it's weird. The Spitfire requires ingots for some of the weapon upgrades (wingmen etc.) while the P40 only requires gold (for everything). The main difference seems to be the special weapon (black hole instead of flamethrower).
The p-38's bombs do Lightning damage and also it has a Lightning arc gun that hits multiple air, sea, and ground targets all around you. That's why you want the different fighters. Billy
I wonder why some challenges end with (free). Will there be challenges that require gold or ingots at some point? On another front, it would be really nice to be able to view/upgrade planes, look at missions/rankings etc. without committing to a mission (or restarting the game). This game already feels like a friggin' iOS classic.
i believe free means the aircraft becomes availabe on that challenge even if you dont have it unlocked.