Do planes generally get higher stats as you unlock them? The strongest being the 50 silver plane? Or are they all generally the same? I'm trying to figure out where to spend my upgrades or save for the final plane. Also my plane lover friend requests there be a P51-d Mustang. Apparently it's supposed to be amazing And he's surprised the Corsair is the starter plane!
Just added you - fantastic game I am currently #1 worldwide on day 1 bombing run with 80! Added you try to beat me
Just remind you AirAttack HD is free now. AirAttack is not retina for iPhone. AirAttack HD is retina for iPad.
It's very kind of you Thank you and your team for making such a great game, instant buy for any game lover. In the world of IAP sucking the shit out of people blood, this game is a blessing, If it costed more, I'd totally buy it. I really like the physics and the way that players can interact with the surrounding environment, especially when they drop bomb, people can really see building and houses collapse, airplanes crash, all that stuff, I'm guessing you guys are using the new Metal for designing these elements, it looks so damn real, please fix me if I'm wrong. I personally don't like the first menu when you start the game, it looks kinda messy and complicated, but its not a big deal for me, someone who loves vintage designing style may love this feature. It reminds me of the arcade era. Not just that, the game is very re-playable, if you're not getting 3 stars for this mission you can return and play it later, it still has tons of fun. I'd replay those missions when I upgrade my plane later in game. There's no IAP at all so just enjoy the ride. I'm not against IAP or anything but recently it really got under my skin because those features start to ruin many potential games, i'm talking about Rayman Adventures, FIFA 2016, Warhammer 40,000: FreeBlade. Anyway, Congrats on this incredible game, looking forward to seeing more games from Art In Games.
As a cynic I have to say that this game has either been designed to be paymium / freemium at a later date or was freemium but had a last minute change of tack and decided to charge for it instead. Two currencies...grinding etc....that's not to say it isn't a great game, but don't be disappointed if it goes free in a month or two
Thank You for balanced fun from your Teams creation. I'm with our TouchArcadians that this iz an underpriced masterpiece. I ask for more in terms of getting featured in The AppStore like more exposure for a fresh addition to AirPlayKit Everyplay or/& Kamcord? I know it'z too cold right now but i want to go swimming.
Bought to support! Will leave review after playing! Good luck guys! Bought and loved the first one years ago!
There are now 2 comments in this thread by the developer saying this will not become freemium. Can we stop with the freemium stuff in every thread?
What's special about the P40 vs other planes? Trying to decide if I should save my ingots for the P40 or use them for the Lightning Bomb upgrades.
Im really enjoying this. Love the visuals and the gameplay. However the secondary currency feels out of place. I think there is huge opportunity to improve this part of the game, like an experience-based upgrade system or something like that.
Agree completely about the second currency, doesn't seem well thought out. And devs, any chance of the most beloved P-51 Mustang making an appearance and the Japanese Zero?
P-51 ... We will think about it We do have few extra 3D model and we might add them in the near future... but We would really like to hear from you what kind of planes you like and what should be they special abilities ( super weapons )
I also agree about the second currency. I'd rather have high prices in gold...or, as you said, an experience based system. And just do away with revives.
No. I like the revives. I think they need to leave it for people who are frustrated with levels. You don't want to go the hardcore route. Leave them. Perhaps use the ingots only for this purpose or drop the ingots and use only gold. I like the idea of having just the gold currency and using experience/levels to unlock special abilities. Billy
I think using ignots only for revives sounds good. That way revives are still limited. But everything else should be gold or experience related. Just feels too freemium with it (even though it isn't and won't be).