Universal Air Supply - Infinite (by Quantum Sheep)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by quantumsheep, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    Thanks! It's my first iPad and my first 64 GB device - I AM EXCITE!
  2. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    oooh! Nice one! :D

    The only iPad I have is the very first one - which is a bit of a monstrosity these days!

    I've tried the mini, and it's kinda lovely! :)


    Been very busy here trying to sort out some horrible tax stuff *eek!* and at the same time trying to make the original Air Supply work on the bigger iPhone 5 screens.

    It's actually a whole lot more work than you'd imagine :(

    It's getting done though! Sorry for the delay!

    I did manage to accidentally make a Mac version of the game though, so that was fun :D

    Speak soon!

    QS =D
  3. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    I feel bad for asking but is making the first Air Supply Universal in any way possible?

    Also, I've only just noticed that you're a fellow Londoner - I'm feeling an urge to deliver to you some sheepyhugs in person. :p
  4. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Haha this game is great! I've been looking for a new on the go game to play in portrait mode and this game is definitely it!

    Haha I've chuckled more than a few times at the writing. You can tell that the person who made the game (you, sheep) loved what they were doing just from a few minutes of playing.

    This game's a real gem and I look forward to what forge from the fires of your mind next :)
  5. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant

    I want to make it universal, I really do - and I think it's certainly possible. But it's taking longer than I planned trying to get the game fixed for the iPhone 5 screens, and it'll take even longer to get it working well on an iPad :O

    I'm trying to get the update to the first game out before Xmas - and time is running out!

    So first priority is to get it working/looking fab on iPhone5.

    Essentially, this is my workload right now in no particular order:

    Send Tax stuff off tomorrow.
    Send Yerzmyey (ASI's musician) a present :D
    Get Original Air Supply working on iPhone 5.
    Get other QS games working on iOS7 (that's 3 more!).
    Release the Mac version of Original Air Supply.
    Get Air Supply - Infinite working even better.
    Finish that text adventure for PC/Mac
    Prototype a possible new game.
    Watch Doctor Who Xmas Special.
    New Year.

    Once that's all done I'll certainly look at making the first AS universal. It's harder than I imagined going back to a game after 2 years!

    London born and bred - my fave city! You can buy me a pint when this is all over! ;)

    (also: I'm a modest person by nature, but I do give the best sheepyhugs) :D


    QS =D
  6. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Didn't realise you were a cockney, I'm a Geordie, was in London in October to see dirty dancing musical for our wedding anniversary, had a great time.
  7. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    W00t! I'm so glad you like it! :)

    As I've said before, I make games I find fun - otherwise, what's the point?

    Really fun games should have a personality I think - preferably reflective of the person(s) making it. Otherwise it might feel a little soulless.

    I really enjoyed writing the bios for everything. It's something that has no bearing on the actual gameplay, but is just there for fun. I'm glad you liked them, thanks! :D

    Having a great time is always good! Gratz on your anniversary! :D

    And I'm not quite a cockney - though I was born here, my parents are of Greek origin!

    I'm a mixed up little sheepy for sure! :)

    The thing is, and I think this follows on from what I was saying to JCho, the game has been downloaded more in the UK than the US. I like to think it has a pretty 'British' sense of humour!

    QS =D
  8. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Haha I agree. I'm American but my dad is British, so I've been raised on years of Monty Python and Fawlty Towers
  9. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    It'd be a privilege. :)

    Born and raised in London, parents are Greek Cypriot.

    Sheepybrothers! :D
  10. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    Your Dad is awesome! Play him some of the music from the game and tell him it was made on a Spectrum - I'm sure he'll get it ;)

    What are the chances, eh? :D
  11. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Christ...QS!!! I just found your PM in my inbox...like, what? A month later? DUUUUUDE!!!

    Any chance you might port this over to Android, buddy?
  12. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant

    SIR! :D

    You were here earlier in the thread! :O

    Hmmmm… Android.

    I'll think about it. Maybe add that to the list of things to do! (especially as when I was making this game I was always thinking 'I can't wait for Metalcasket to HEAR this!' :D)

    Hope you're well, sir!

    QS =D
  13. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    #133 JCho133, Dec 10, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
    Ok so I made it to the Void on planet 2 and I saw an infinity cup appear but I ran out of air on the other side )':
  14. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    So close! :D

    Believe me, I know how that feels - the air was no doubt blue! ;)

    I got another review btw, here: http://www.gamesfreezer.eu/2013/12/air-supply-infinite-full-review-quantum.html

    Cool story with this one - I started following this guy on twitter, and noticed his avatar was of a black and white freezer.

    I asked him if he'd be up for having himself in the game and he said yes!

    So in he went. The games freezer will freeze an alien (if they're on the planet) and will give you +1 star to your total.

    It's quite a fun power up in that it can be useful, but can also land you in hot water as it were. And it wouldn't have existed if I hadn't followed the guy on Twitter.

    Human interaction can be wonderful :)

    QS =D
  15. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    That's a pretty neat story! It's amazing where ideas can come from.

    Btw this has one of my favorite unlock systems out of any game ever
  16. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    It really is. I've written so much in this thread so forgive me if I repeat myself with this little story!

    I'm a real fan of time travel. But I already told you that next week ;)

    So I was thinking of time travel, and how all the Air Supply games in my head waiting to be made are not linear - they don't follow on from one another. So the timeline for the games are a bit screwed...

    The whole Time Travel/you from the future storyline came from this and from thinking up fun achievements, with the 'From the future' one being my favourite
    because it makes no sense till you get the payoff later!

    Out of that came the concept of the Infinity Cups (which are an homage to the eight cups of Ultimate from the ZX Spectrum game Tranz Am - one of my fave Ultimate Play the Game titles!)

    The nice thing was that because I already had several Air Supply games in my head, I could also plant the potential seeds of future AS games in the endings of this one.

    It turned out quite nicely :) OR wibbly wobbly, timey wimey as the good Doctor might say!

    Thanks very much, that's lovely to hear!

    One guy said the same about the original Air Supply, which was most gratifying. Reviewers of that game suggested the unlocks should come faster, but the actual players seemed to really like it - which is what really counts! ;)

    This is how I work out the unlock system:

    I had a timer on the test version of the game, and instead of showing how many things you need to get the next unlock at the bottom, I had how many they'd actually got.

    I could then work out how long it took people to get stars, distance, air and kills.

    About 25 people tested the game, so I got a good spread of results back from them, and worked out an average.

    I then put these values into a table, and played the game to unlock everything.

    If I felt it took too long, or too little time to get an unlock, I adjusted it and played it through again.

    I then settled on numbers that *felt* right. So it starts out very scientific, and ends up being based on a gut feeling!

    I'm glad you enjoy it!

    QS =D
  17. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    This post was originally quite a bit longer, but I'm just gonna keep it short.

    To the Space Chicks fans out there that haven't bought Air Supply - Infinite: you're doing it wrong.
  18. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    I was seriously just thinking the same thing. Just got a new high score to register on GC.
    Just one small-ish thing. I got all then trophies as Omen Mas but it didn't unlock the ending for him/it. No big shakes but all the planets have the trophies lot up. I'm going for the hundred trophies now and then I'm sure someone will overtake me on the leaderboards.
  19. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    That is really weird - he's unlocked for me :O I'll see if I can find what's wrong with him (he's probably just feeling a bit poorly or something) ;)

    I'd not seen Space Chicks before - I'll have to give it a go, but I do personally tend to avoid games with IAP in them.


    Also, thanks to those of you that have left reviews on the app store and for your kind words there - it's greatly appreciated! :D

    QS =D
  20. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012

    It was good when it first released for $.99, but after about 4 days they dropped it free and rebalanced it due due apparently to "high piracy rates." :/ Oh well. Still has good gameplay

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