Universal Air Supply - Infinite (by Quantum Sheep)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by quantumsheep, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    #281 Andy C83, Sep 6, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
    Isn't it always the way? You wait ages for an Infinity Cup and then 8 come along at once! (Along with a new high score). :)

    So I decided I'd finally unlock the final story, which was Oman Mas's, while I patiently wait for Air Supply - SOS (sorry it's taken me this long) and I ended up with that pretty epic run. Unfortunately Oman Mas's story did not unlock for me. The little rascal.

    Attached Files:

  2. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    *tries the lights*

    Hmmmm... not working...

    *turns his torch on, shining it around the dusty thread*


    I'm sure someone was in here...

    *spots Andy*

    *squeels in fright!*

    Oh! Sorry! It's you! What're you doing in here?

    Oh. Trouble at Omen Mas Mill, eh?

    Well that's a bit annoying. You're the second person in the thread to *not* unlock Omen's story when you should have.

    Would you be so kind as to PM me any details you remember when you beat it? E.g. was Game Center on? Did you have internet connection on etc etc

    That might help me narrow it down a bit.

    Right, back to the SOS thread...

    *scampers off*

  3. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    #283 metalcasket, Sep 13, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
    I'll admit...I'm super late to the party and have contacted my dear Mr. QS through private message to make amends for being a total twat over the last few months with regard to Air Supply - Infinite. I didn't want to take this public, but I feel like it's my obligation due to the fact that me and QS basically connected on a brotherly level when the original Air Supply was released.

    Being swarmed with work and moving to Android, I hadn't really been on TA as much as I wanted to. I even posted twice in this thread and had no recollection of doing so until I went through every page in this thread after JUST purchasing Air Supply - Infinite in anticipation of SOS. To be honest, QS sent me a promo code for this game when it was released and I never even redeemed it. I was a twat and even though QS hasn't "been mad at me", I'm hoping he'll forgive me for the lack of attention I've given him.

    Now, I'm resurrecting a thread, right? For personal business? Somewhat. But...I've finally tried the game and feel like I have every right to bump this thread to say one thing (okay, maybe more...:p): dwofuho/weljfouopweuj;ml;JPUPOJL;NL;EFJPWEUFOPUN OH MY GOD, HOW FRICKIN' AWESOME IS THIS GAME!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    No, SERIOUSLY! QS and I both have fond memories of me freaking out while playing the original Air Supply and this is absolutely no different. I know it's a little late for me to be posting impressions (yet again....addictive gameplay, the best ****ing unlocking system in the galaxy, MY GOD THAT MUSIC!!!!1!!!!!!!!) so I have to thank each and every single one of you in this thread that showed both this game and Mr. Sheep some love. He deserves each and every bit of it.

    I hope sales have picked up since the "150 copies" message, and if anything...I hope this post encourages you guys who haven't checked this out to try out the game. It's a dollar, it's universal, it's made with love, it's funny, addictive, fantastic and will have your eyes and ears bleeding rainbows (in a good way). You people need some Air Supply in your life. :)

    Also, if this sounds like I'm trying to kiss ass for being a jerk...nah, you guys know me well enough. If I don't like something, I just flat-out don't like it. As simple as they may be, I'm pretty sure Quantum Sheep makes some of the best games on the planet.

    As far as this thread's concerned, if it picks up (and I hope it does), I'll send you all virtual hugs...and if not, y'all better be in the SOS thread once it's released! Got it? Good! :D

    EDIT: Oh, and those of you in shock 'n' awe...don't worry, I'm back to iOS full-time (with a hint of Android on the side). :p
  4. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    @metalcasket: Agree.

    On a side note, if you are into Twitter at all follow @Quantum_Sheep worrisome quantities of tea consumption there daily.. :D
  5. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    Better late than never! I'll send you a PM later on, sir!

    OR we can throw massive essay length posts at each other on the forums! I always enjoy that! 'Verbose' is my middle name! :)

    Why would I be mad at you? You were busy and on Android - I don't think anyone could be mad at you for that! (though you're mad to be on Android - welcome back ;))

    w00t! I'm getting deja vu ;)

    I am so glad, and frankly *relieved* you like Infinite! A bit of advice I've heard lots over the years is 'know your audience'. Keep them in mind when making your game.
    Well, *I'm* my audience. I make these games for me. That there are others that appreciate them too is almost a validation of my existence so I really appreciate that!

    So thank you all for that!

    As to the ones that showed me some sheepy love here - that has been truly unexpected and fantastically lovely! I owe you guys a lot, and I think I can objectively state you *will* be rewarded when SOS comes out :)


    After that post was made, the game was featured by Apple in their 'cool runners for $.99' promotion. When I got the email from Apple about it I thought it was a joke/scam thingy! It was seriously unexpected and got a little boost in sales from that.

    It was also reviewed (about a month after release) by Touch Arcade, which was great! Again, a complete surprise, and another boost there. I've been told that people in this thread brought the game to TA's attention.

    How lovely is that? Seriously, think about it. People liked something I made enough to try and get it some attention, without me knowing anything about it!

    As someone who makes things, there is no greater compliment I think! :D

    So it's sold just over 1000 copies now. I've made about $700 from it.

    I'm not getting rich doing this. If I wanted to do that, I'd make my games free with horrible IAP and adverts and stuff in them.

    But I have this ideology that I vehemently believe in. It basically says:

    1. I will try and make something fun for you to play.
    2. If you like the look of it, and armed with all the info, please consider buying it.
    3. I won't put ads in my games. Ever. They have no place there.
    4. I won't try and gouge you for extra money.

    So the game didn't make much money. But the most wonderful and important things about releasing this game are:

    1. It made some people happy!
    2. It made some people so happy, they got it some attention from TA!
    3. It made one of my childhood game heroes happy!

    That is just awesome, and I'm very, very grateful :)

    Firstly you were never a jerk! And thank you for the very kind words! My childhood heroes include Jeff Minter and Shigeru Miyamoto. If I can make my games half as good as theirs, I'll be really happy!

    Welcome back to iOS :D

    I really hope you like SOS when it's out! It's Air Supply at its heart, but very different to the first two games too.

    I'm actually working on *another* game right now currently called "Fuel Supply - Microdrive" - it's a bit like Tranz Am on the ZX Spectrum *hugs his Speccy* but with weapons and RPG/Rogue elements and unlocks and stuff.

    I'm having a lot of fun making it! When I work out how Testflight works now it's been swallowed up by Apple, I'll make sure you guys are on the tester list :)

    No idea when *that* will be out, but after that I may be taking a bit of a break. I am really really burnt out right now. In fact I have been for quite a while :O

    The people here, and on Twitter, have really helped keep me going. There's a huge amount of love, kindness, support, patience and just plain awesomeness here. I couldn't put into words what it's meant to me. I can, though, thank you all.

    Thank you!

    *Massive Sheepyhugs*

    Hello Twitter stalker, er, I mean 'follower'! I think you meant to write "worrisome quantities of tea consumption there HOURLY"

    *sips tea*

  6. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    I'm in absolute stitches right now. I was totally expecting you to reply back through PM after the first couple of sentences, so this *points above* bwahahahaha...amazing. Gimme a few minutes (or a little while if my stupid food gets here) and perhaps we'll see another wall of text. :D
  7. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Here we go!!! :D

    Even though Android did take me away from iOS gaming, I don't quite know if it's the main culprit here. Nothing comes out on Android, so I've still had to follow every single thread here the entire time. :p Thing is, if you've been around long enough on TouchArcade (users in general, I mean) you'll notice I had shut up for quite a while (other than my lovely "COMING TEW ANDLOID PRS?" posts >_>), but I'm back to posting and modding like I used to. The problem's, I'm afraid it's just the relatively calm season at work and once we start getting tons of programs in the next few weeks, I'll totally shut up again. :/ There's only so much patience you can have to come online once you've worked 12-18 hours. I ****ing hate television. Hopefully you guys reading this can beat some sense into me if I shut up again.

    Always been the biggest Quantum Sheep fanboy out there. :3 I can't help it with you and your silly games. It's bad enough you just can't put them down because you're steadily unlocking stuff..then the music hits you. GOD, THE DOPFJULWDKFJWE MUUUUUUUUUUSIKZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!11!!!1!1!!! No, seriously guys...if you want some of the best chiptunes on iOS, look no further than this game and Air Supply - 1bit Run. Incredible stuff. We're talking on par with VVVVVV's soundtrack!

    Love it! I quite frankly feel like a douchebag for taking this long to check it out. I literally didn't put down 1bit Run until it was entirely complete...and it looks like this is not going to be any different. It helps tide over the wait for SOS too. :) Also, I'm glad I didn't redeem that promo code back then. <3 supporting this guy.

    You've already got a solid track record...keep making these games for yourself and I think the lot of us will be more than happy. :)

    Yeah, after purchasing Infinite, I immediately checked out this thread and I was pretty much all smiles. The one thing lacking was someone freaking out over how awesome the soundtrack is. :p Also, that one quote of mine that Andy posted took me back. It's funny...it seems like it was just yesterday that I was gushing all over Air Supply. It's been 3 frickin' years!

    Again...SOS? I wasn't kidding in the upcoming thread. You never fail to amaze me, dude. DO.WANT.

    That's awesome! My heart sunk when I read that you had only sold 150 copies at one point. :( Also, it's not surprising that people would try to get the game attention...IT'S A LEGITIMATELY FANTASTIC GAME. It's all a matter of getting people to try it out. I feel Shelly Alon's Partyrs is going through the same thing right now. Just need people to take a chance with it!

    One would hope you would have made millions, but what can you do? :( In the end, as long as you're proud of what you've made and there are people who believe in you and what you do...**** it. There are more important things than money. That said...hopefully SOS will change things.

    Speaking of SOS and the second part of that quote, I've got the perfect idea for SOS to make money. Consumable IAPs...for...get this...OXYGEN!!! YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS~~~!1!!!!1 GET IT!? AIR SUPPLY?! OXYGEN!!! PROFIT~~11!!!!11111111111!!!!!

    I hope people are reading the above. Seriously...how can you not want to throw your money at someone as awesome as this? Air Supply SOS is coming out soon...do right by buying it. Okay? ;) No, but really...mobile's becoming a pool of absolute turd and it doesn't look like F2P is going anywhere. Thank God/Satan/Odin there's still a handful of developers with integrity who aren't trying to shove their hands in our pockets.

    You were talking about Minter when you said Infinite made your child hero happy, right? :) That's frickin' awesome.

    Unrelated: If you're in contact with him, please ask him to come back to iOS. :(

    Kill me. Now. When is this coming out? Tomorrow? OKAY, I'M IN!!! :D :p Sounds incredible. Can't wait!!!

    When that does eventually happen, hopefully you'll be on vacation in the Bahamas, bathing in dollars. :D Whatever happens though, don't pull a metalcasket on me and disappaear! ;) :p

    From what I've read in this thread, the upcoming SOS thread and even the TA review of Infinite, it seems like you have a lot of people that have fallen in love with your games and your incredible personality and attitude. You deserve all the sheepy love in the entire universe dude. You're awesome. :)

    Also, apologies to all of you whose eyes have been burnt to oblivion by this wall of text. I can't promise this will be the last one. Depends on how Mr. Sheep responds. :p If any of the other mods want to shout at me to take it to a private message conversation, firstly I'll scoff at you and then I'll politely do so. :p
  8. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    What a lovely post! Thanks!


    :D :D :D

    QS =D
  9. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    Now this is why I love toucharcade.
  10. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    That was lovely to read and heart warming. Group hugsssss.

    Sheepy is one of my fave devs and also fave people, I love reading your twitter posts and posts on here because you are so rambley and quirky and funny, the good kind of quirky I mean lol, you've stayed true to what you believe in and it's obvious each game is like a child to you which makes playing them all the more special.

    I really do hope good things happen to you, you truly do deserve it.
  11. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    I've been playing the heck out of this today...absolutely have fallen in love with this wonderful game. Believe it or not I have a confession to make: until today the only QS game I owned was Attack of the Kraken! I too had my own hiatus from iOS gaming from 2011 to the end of 2013. As a result I missed a LOT. Of great stuff. So, here are my two puny dollars in exchange for this handful of retro gaming goodness.

    #SOS. Please :D
  12. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    It's pretty awesome. It's one of the lovely things about the internet, and this corner of it in particular! :)


    What a lovely thing to read - it really made my day, thank you! :)

    I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but the United Nations has sanctions in place to stop me reproducing! Which is a shame, as I'd love to make a sequel :)

    So really, my games *are* like my children. Every time I send one out to the App Store, I imagine it's like sending one of them out into the world to fend for themselves!

    Bless 'em! I should send them a packed lunch or something!

    That people are very kind to my quirky little kids is heart-warming to say the least!

    How kind! Thanks!

    And well played! You have the least amount of time to wait for SOS for coming in so late :D

    You can find the SOS thread here I'll try and update it if I get some news about the game's status at Apple this week! :)

    I hope you've all had a fab weekend! And thanks again!

    QS =D
  13. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    I've just loaded up .matrixxx on my iPad. The music just fits perfectly there too. Quality stuff. Had it for years but just never got round to playing it. Roll on, SOS.
  14. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    #294 rIcHrAnDoM, Sep 15, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
    Ok... GameCenter is working fine for One Bit Run buuuut not for Infinite :( I've tried all the usual; restart device, log out/in to GC etc but SAMs communicator seems not to be picking up the frequency. Any ideas?

    I should add tag it shows up on GC my scores just appear not to be syncing. I have a board for furthest run and a full cupboard but no scores showing...am I missing something?
  15. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    I have a fond spot for .Matrixx - it was the game I released after the first Air Supply and I still love to give it a go - very addictive! :)

    I'm considering making it Universal at some point so that non-iPad players can give it a go - I honestly thought it wouldn't work well as an iPhone game, but you know what? I've tried it and it's pretty fun still!

    Unfortunately Sam's communicator has some interference problems with Infinite. It may just take a while for scores to appear, but I'll be going back to it to update it once SOS is out.

    You may also find that the game runs out of memory quite quickly if you go to the 'info' screen (it's the 'i' button in options) or pause the game. Again, I'm hoping to have that fixed in the update.

    The reason I'm waiting till after SOS is out is because Apple is going through some transition changes with submitting apps and stuff (as seen with my SOS problems). I believe iOS 8 is out at the end of this week, which will no doubt have a few teething problems too.

    I'm not trying to blame Apple for anything - the responsibility is entirely mine - but I hope you understand why I'm not rushing to fix stuff till things calm down a bit!

    I hope the GC problems don't spoil your enjoyment of the game too much!

    Thank you :D

    QS =D
  16. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    No, not at all. I can't STOP playing it, that's the only problem ;) I'll just sit back, hold tight and continue to enjoy the ride.
  17. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    *does a happy sheepy dance*

    I'm so glad! I love hearing that kind of stuff :)

    QS =D
  18. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Blissful, isn't it?
  19. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    Yep, annnnd scores and achievements just caught up to GameCenter! I'm #2 of my friends, just a few hundred behind Andy C83
  20. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    I'm glad it's working for you! Hurrah and huzzah!

    It *can* be a bit erratic though, so I'll take a look at it after SOS releases!

    There's plenty of info in this thread, but if you don't fancy reading through it all and have any other questions please do let me know and I'll do my best to answer :)

    QS =D

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