Agency Wars

Discussion in 'MMO Codes and 'Add Me' Requests' started by spawn12345, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. jcde7ago

    jcde7ago Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    I am with you guys...without a substantial upate to this game in the very near future, SGN will not see another dime from me with any other game they come out with...there are far too many developers out there (some with much cheaper prices than Agency Wars) who show a lot more care towards both their product and their fanbase to be hung up on a developer like SGN. Credibility goes a long way in the iPhone gaming/development industry, and these guys are certainly no Gameloft, ngmoco or bolt interactive....
  2. lvsmr2

    lvsmr2 New Member

    Mar 25, 2009
    I recently updated to v2.0 & maybe I am going crazy but my experience points have now gone back to 0, so I haven't been able to level up like before. Anyone else experience this problem with their update?
  3. blackjacky2k

    blackjacky2k Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    #383 blackjacky2k, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
    i just started this game a 2 days ago and was encountered wiht the leveling bug problem. reseted my character yesterday and it's been fine ever since. maybe i just got lucky. now i am not missing attribute points. it's not that bad starting over.

    this is way better then that iMafia bullsh1t. MR Charley knows all about it.

    there will be an update so that lvl 25+ playters will havesomething to look forward to. it's like Imafia, 40+ and you dont have anything else to strive for, but when the release came out, there was a LOT more.

    SGN is gonna milk this game, every dev would.

    anyways, good luck and happy gaming to all of you.

    oh and Ramses (dunno if you read this board) i am sorry about raiding your piggy bank, but you are one rich mofo!! can't help myself to some of that $$$

    94394 is my friend code, add if you would like,. thanks

    blackwolf777 aka blackjacky2k (reset my chracater and cant use old name)
  4. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    I have to agree. I reset as well to see/hope that the level bug was fixed and it does!
    It also seems much more difficult to level up now which will likely add more longevity to the game. If they do add more weapons, I'd be ecstatic but I'm happy the game wasn't forgotten even if the dev is no longer active here.
  5. j-u-r

    j-u-r New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    #385 j-u-r, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
    Well, so they disabled the possibility to lvl up more than one at a time. But as I already said some time ago, I don't think this is satisfactory. First you have to reset if you don't want to lack your points any longer and second the game is completely out of balance, as now you have people who started (or started again) with the "new rules" and those who already played with the old ones. Therefore you still have all the people on the leaderboard at lvl 27.212. With the new rules you will never make it there - at least not in the next few years!
    What's the incentive in playing the game if you always have to look at a leaderboard when you'll never be able to make it there?
    It would only work out if all the leading players would reset, too. Therefore I suggested to "end" this game and start all over again for all players. Or alternatively just to give everyone their due points and go on just as it is with the possibility to skip lvls. This made sense after all - why shall I not be rewarded for very succesfull missions or fights by leveling up according to my exp gained - and if that's more than one lvl, fair enough!
    And I think it is clear to see, that SGN did not communicate this bugfix in Appstore because they dind't want to wake up sleeping dogs! After all there are lot more players than those who read this forum. And maybe they just dind't realize so far that they are lacking points or just put up with it. SGN wants to leave those players in the dark, not giving in that they messed up and explainig why you'll probably have to play every day for two years to make it to the leaderboard - where the players listed there got in just two weeks!
    Not even mentioning that there was a major bug that is being fixed by the update seems like fraudulent behavior to me! The people should know what they bought and have the chance to decide whether they want to reset or not!
    Maybe SGN even likes the idea of an out of reach leaderboard as an incentive for players to spend even more money for super weapons, hoping then they could make it there...
  6. djn_2004

    djn_2004 New Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Same here (before and after their update). It sucks! :mad:
  7. blackjacky2k

    blackjacky2k Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    leaderboard has been adjusted. no more super lvl players. cheers

  8. j-u-r

    j-u-r New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    That is good! I can't imagine that all the super lvl players did reset - I wonder if they made them to, or if the leaderboard just doesn't show any old players? I presume the latter ist the case because I think even after you reset the game your old charakter seems to "live on", which is a bit strange - I reset the game and found that I could attack my old charakter at my real world position :eek:
    As my old charakter has a higher lvl than all the players on the leaderboard right now and is not listed there, I think the leaderboard just ignores old players. If that is true everybody is indirectly forced to reset, which was one of my suggestions after all - but still: the players have to know about this! I can't believe that this is not being communicated, not only in this forum but in App store!
  9. blackjacky2k

    blackjacky2k Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    what 's the problme with being able to see ur old character??? if you attack it, does it give you xp? or money?

  10. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    Shouldn't that be a "conflict of interest"? :eek:
  11. j-u-r

    j-u-r New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    I haven't tried to attack my old self, yet - I can't bring myself to do it :eek:
    And as my old self kind of passed away, shouldn't I as his closest relative enherit him and get his money? :confused:
    After all I deem it ethically questionable, having all this late agents around, with the new players picking over their bones!
    SGN should urgenly set up an ethics commission debating this issue! ;)
  12. blackjacky2k

    blackjacky2k Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    #392 blackjacky2k, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
    it would be that is why i am asking. is this how the top players get up there so fast by hitting on their old characters.

    anyone else notice that if oyu want to hit someone on the leaderboard, it says that the agent does not exist??

    i have enough intel to challenge one of the rich dude name dql. but when i attack him with enough intel, it says that agent does not exist. anyone having that issue? that is bull if ppl on the leaderboard cannot be attacked becuase they reached it....


    ps anyone can tell me how the trap thing works? i see it on my hitlist only once and when i tried to do soemthing with it, the game crashed and i have not seen that option ever since. this happened last night. thanks.
  13. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    I don't know, I don't even bother anymore with people on the leaderboard as I'm pretty low due to having reset. I don't even look at it to be honest..

    What I'd like to know is why when I place someone who has the "one hit kill" gun on my ignore list, it says they have level 0, and it still seems like they can find me.
    Does the ignore list do anything?

    New problem is that because levelling up is more challenging and you're pretty much fighting with people around your levels, I keep getting slaughtered by 2 bastards who must have hitlisted me after I made the "mistake" of trying to attack them once....instant loss/death for me, and now they just keep coming after me every day....grrr.
    Hopefully they'll still level up faster than me to the point it won't be worth their while to fight me....
  14. blackjacky2k

    blackjacky2k Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    i have one of those ppl on my list. lvl 0. i was trying to get revenge on him and i cna't fight him becuase he shows lvl o. very annoying.

    let me know who is hitting you charley. i will teach them a lesson, or die trying, hahahahahhhhaa

  15. djn_2004

    djn_2004 New Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    New issue: Gain only 1 EXP point if win a fight on lvl 18. :eek: LOL.
    Now i really want my money back!!!

    SGN, i'm very disappointed in you!!
  16. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    Yup, new bug. Only 1 xp for fights no matter how much difference in levels!!!?? Is this the new way to ensure longevity???
    I'm so close to giving up on this game...everything is telling me to stop, especially with Mafia Wars now, and that's free!!
    It's quick, highly polished and seems to be bug free...hmmmm which one should I focus on? Hmmmmmm :rolleyes:
  17. j-u-r

    j-u-r New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    Good you tell me! I haven't started playing again since I reset - and now I think I'd rather leave it anyway...
  18. blackjacky2k

    blackjacky2k Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    i noticed that i only gain 2 to 3 exp per fight won. it is kind of annoying. but it forces players to play missions more versu fighting ppl all the time if they want to lvl up.

    my gripe is that the joint missions are too random. i focused in on the black gold mission in bagdad. it costs 20 eng. i did it jointly at least 10 times, and only 1 of them succeeded with another agent. knife does not work, so gun and bomb would work. but when i tried it 3 times in a row solo, all 3 failed. i mean wtf. this is why i normally dont do missions because the outcome is completely random. what works before doesn't mean it will work in the future. and wiht more ppl doing missions, the more likely it would fail. evntually everyone would only join the small mission that costs little eng.

    i am just hitting away at people still, missions are meaningless to me. it's just a roll the dice game.

    i wish they fix the exp bug for fights. or did they intentionally did it that way?

  19. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    You're at least getting 2 or 3 exp points while I'm stuck still only getting 1 point no matter if they are 5 levels above me or not!!! I might as well attack someone at a lower level and gain that 1 point. This is actually causing me to bully the lower players rather than attacking someone of equal or higher levels than me!!!
    Did they really mean to do this on purpose is what I'd like to know as well!!!!????
    Sure would be nice to see the dev on here to answer any questions...

    And completely agree with the randomness of missions. So close to deleting this, so close....
  20. blackjacky2k

    blackjacky2k Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    i think there should an xp fix of some kind. i do think they are trying to slow down the pace in the fighting arena a little.

    but what they dont realize is that the mission outcome are so random that no one wants to do the mission, or the bigger payout missions. that is why i do fighting only. i can make more money fighting then actually doing the missions!!!

    the mission outcome does not seem to correlate with anything at all. hard to figure out what works and what doesnt. i ran solo mission on a 20 eng mission and all 3 weapons failed and i have the best weapon for each class so go figure!!

    it's a decent game still then others i have played. i am still playing it. hopefully some bugs will be ironed out.


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