Agency Wars

Discussion in 'MMO Codes and 'Add Me' Requests' started by spawn12345, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. DeejayKnight

    DeejayKnight New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    Web Designer / Developer
    Fort Bragg, NC
    I figured that one out pretty quickly, and it's been my friend ever since!

    It wouldn't be as much of a bother if the game could load in the background while you watched it, but when I start Agency Wars, I'm in a rush to get to some missions!


    On another note, what is the chance of getting some sort of "Cayman Islands" bank account for storing money?! It's disappointing to log off for the night with just over $30,000, then start up again with only $5k. How am I supposed to earn money to get new weapons if it's only going to be stolen while I'm offline?

    Every other Mafia-type game has some sort of bank feature that allows you to keep 85% - 90% of the money you add into the account. Why doesn't AW have one? :(
  2. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    As much as it can be frustrating to lose your money, it's also a lot more fun to find those people who have a lot of cash and take it from them...
    If everyone hid their money in the bank, there would be no cash incentive to attack anyone, so I'm actually really liking it.
    At first, it turned me off as I also thought about the need for the bank, but then I realized it's the same for everyone....and nothing feels better than putting tha thit on the person who has thousands of dollars for each hit...sorry if that was you! ;)
    Just remember, what goes around comes around and it's come around to me as well... :)
  3. unisonsports

    unisonsports Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Agency Wars 20 is now featured and in the top 100 paid apps! Thank you everyone that helped to make this happen!
  4. jcde7ago

    jcde7ago Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    Sweet, what's the status on the update? ;)
  5. unisonsports

    unisonsports Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    The update is nearly complete and will be available for download shortly. I can not give an exact date due to Apple's approval process.
  6. DeejayKnight

    DeejayKnight New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    Web Designer / Developer
    Fort Bragg, NC
    awesome. :d
  7. Steverd

    Steverd Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2008
    ANother add request:

  8. Illillilll

    Illillilll New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Hi all! this game is the best. Love all aspects of it. Much faster paced then the other mob type apps. I love the stats system and the ability to respec them. I find myself changing my points around after almost every fight to squeeze more Dmg or def. Everyone should know that it's also posible to win vs people much higher then you by doing this. That's how I'm the highest level char in game. So please someone else atack me you might win and get lots of levels while I'm asleep heheh

    Add agent 6636
  9. markparr56

    markparr56 New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    add me

    add me 25109
    i am on level 13
  10. jcde7ago

    jcde7ago Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    LOL, the guy above you is like, level 13,000 going on 14k :p
  11. DeejayKnight

    DeejayKnight New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    Web Designer / Developer
    Fort Bragg, NC
    #331 DeejayKnight, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
    I have a decent amount of contacts and would prefer to keep them, but at the same time, I'm lacking quite a few Attribute points. I was jumped from level 92 to 126 in one mission without the 102 attribute points that should've come with it, and that puts me WAY behind other higher level players.

    Right now, I'm lvl 130 and only have 258 AP. Shouldn't I have somewhere in the range of 390? I think I'll wait for the update to reset, but I really don't want to lose my contacts!

    Restart and spend nearly a week getting to where I am now or keep my contacts and be woefully underpowered... Not an easy choice. :(
  12. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    I don't think you lose the code as it's probably tied to your device ID...
    But you will lose your contacts. I reset my character (kept my bonus points from the purchase of the game), but had to reinvite all my contacts.
    I'd wait until the update comes out before resetting as you're just going to run into the same problem. In fact, once the update hits and stops this jump/missing the attributes, I'll be resetting as well due to having missed too many times due to the jump.
    Still love this game though. I dont' have that killer "one hit" gun but still think it's the best mafia game out there right now.

    Edit: In terms of contacts, there's enough here to get the sufficient number of contacts to be able to do all the's just a matter of when everyone logs on and accepts...
  13. DeejayKnight

    DeejayKnight New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    Web Designer / Developer
    Fort Bragg, NC
    #333 DeejayKnight, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
    I wasn't going to reset until the update, that's for sure, and I agree that this is the best mafia-type game on the App Store. In fact, I hadn't bought anything from the App store since last March until this game.

    You can bet though, that as soon as the update releases, I'll be resetting.

    Just to clarify - you reset and kept your same name and invite number? If so, that'd be pretty awesome. :D
  14. jcde7ago

    jcde7ago Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    No, if you reset you get a different invite number and you have to create a new name.
  15. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    I actually changed my name;)
    But I imagine it erases you as if you never existed so can probably just redo your name
    I have no idea about the invite number as I just sent out some invites to the folks here. :)
  16. jcde7ago

    jcde7ago Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    It does not erase you from their servers. If you reset, you will get a new invite number and you will have to get a new name. There are no other options (at least for right now).
  17. Illillilll

    Illillilll New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    level 14,291 now heheh. But with my math I'm missing 41,126 atribute points so it's not about how many points you have but how you spend them. You are aloud unlimited changes to the way you spend them, so try difernt things.
  18. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    Then what the game really needs according to your strategy is a slider bar rather than the +/- ;)
  19. Illillilll

    Illillilll New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    I actuly don't mind it as it is hit the + or - button like 50 time or so pocket my phone do some "real world things" then latter add them where I want.
  20. j-u-r

    j-u-r New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    You can even hit the - button 50 times or so, and immediately hit the + button of the attribute where you want to have them another 50 times and the skills will shift directly while you are doing real world stuff :D

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