Universal Age of Rivals (by Roboto Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by skoptic, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. pjft

    pjft Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011

    Thanks. Sounds about right, and a great fit for the iPad at least.

    I do wonder about stimulating simultaneous drafting - I suppose that's the closest you have to hidden information - but other than that looks good!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    DISCLAIMER: I love the game and I think it's pretty dead perfect right now....but seeing the dev so active and committed I have to ask....

    ....about the only two things that I'm missing right now.

    1) async, as already told.
    2) device sync....I mean...not games...but just what you unlocked and the quests. Right now I have two parallel progressions on iPhone and iPad....because I'm playing on a device when the other one is charging...game is that good. Also generally I play iPhone everywhere but home, where I prefer the iPad.
  3. When you connect, it should sync your progress to your account, which then carries over to other devices.
  4. NathanMeunier

    NathanMeunier Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2017
    Freelance Writer / Indie Dev
    Hey! Fellow card game dev here! Bought the iOS version of Age of Rivals and it sadly didn't work on my older iPad 2, but that's ok: happy to support the devs with a sale. Just bought it again on Steam last night and started playing...and yeah: REALLY COOL GAME. I super dig the balance of complexity with the general ease/speed of the way things flow.

    Great work! Hope to see you make more cool games like this! Will look forward to playing it on mobile once I can (hopefully) upgrade to newer hardware soon, but am enjoying it on Steam, too.

    -Nathan (Missile Cards developer)
  5. vmyneni

    vmyneni Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
    As AppUnwrapper mentioned, device syncing should already work. Just log in with the same account (same username/password) on both devices. If you're playing offline, that's fine, but you do have to come online whenever you want to sync your progress.


    This works
    - Play online on iPad, then play online on iPhone, then switch back to iPad. Just make sure that every time you switch, you restart the app so that it pulls down your latest progress from the other device. It only syncs when the app starts.
    - Play offline on iPad, then come online to save your progress, then play on iPhone online to sync down the progress, then go offline on iPhone to play some more.

    This does not work
    - Play offline on iPad, then play offline on iPhone. At this point, you've got two different sources of progress going on, and you're going to have to pick one to be the real one that gets saved to the server. When you go online on one device, it will save that progress to the server. When you go online on the other devices, it will inform you that you have a data conflict and it will overwrite your progress with the server's version.

    Even in the "does not work" case, we try our best to make it work. We can merge some kinds of progress, but others are too tricky. So the golden rule is that if you play offline, make sure to come back online to save your progress before playing on a different device. And whenever you switch devices, restart the app (if it was left running) to make sure it gets your latest progress.

  6. mkaen

    mkaen Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    Same issue here. Definitely a bummer to keep finishing games but not make any progress because they won't save.
  7. vmyneni

    vmyneni Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
    Yes, I have an idea of what could be the issue and how to improve it. I'll be working on it. One thing that may help avoid this (until a better fix) is to try to finish games without suspending the app in the middle of a game.
  8. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Sorry I'm dumb.
    For some reasons on ipad it didn't keep the log in and I didn't notice nor checked the settings.
    Works like a charm actually, awesome.
  9. TheProxy

    TheProxy Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    Chandler, AZ
    Any discussions on strategy? Effective online techniques? Best Rivals to use?
  10. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    I just know some real basic ones like make gathering resources in the first 2 rounds a priority and, unless you've got some real tricky combo in mind, it's best to keep a good balance of point earners and firepower. If you neglect either side of that equation too long, you will get hosed.

    P.S. Just from dogged determination, you can eventually get even those cards awarded in the Special Challenges from boosters. I've just recently gotten EVERYTHING in the game without ever completing the challenges.
  11. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Update is out. Wish the increased progression hadn't been tied to iOS 10, but no big deal. I should be making the move to a new iPad later this month, and now that I have three quest slots to work on, things are moving considerably faster anyway. It did feel slow before, but not so much now.
  12. vmyneni

    vmyneni Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
    That was actually a bug and has since been fixed. You will have to finish the challenges now to get those 3 cards. Sorry! :)
  13. vmyneni

    vmyneni Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
    I know, it was agonizing to type in that "10.0". But I just couldn't find a better option for stopping old iPad owners from accidentally buying the game and then having to ask for a refund. Sorry! I'm glad at least that Apple provides a way to keep downloading the older version.
  14. vmyneni

    vmyneni Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
  15. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Liking the new update! I felt the progression was a tad slow, but honestly, pretty good. It helps introduce the cards at a good rate and gives me that dopamine kick when I get a new pack. It helps keep the game sticky for me. The drafting mechanic mitigates any real advantage, so no problem there either. If anything, I think some of the quests are a bit too difficult/grindy (ie: "Win with X card") but not a major issue.

    Any previews of upcoming concepts or plans for the games? I'd love to see some update to clans to make them a bit more meaningful.
  16. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    A few tips I've learned after playing ~20 games -

    - Understand how damage splitting works. When you assign damage to a target that can't handle the full amount, it splits - some of that damage is discarded and the rest you have to reassign. If you do this a couple times, you can end up discarding most of the damage. I would say this is the #1 tip that helped me to win more often. I'd keep 1 armor troops alive for the sake of it, when I could've been using those troops to split damage.

    - It's OK to let some units get KO'd. At first I tried my hardest to split damage to minimize casualties. I eventually learned that since only one unit per round is ruined, it can be advantageous to let your units get KO'd if it means soaking more damage. Remember - at the end of the round, the only cards scored are the ones with victory points, so if you KO your unit, it doesn't matter.

    - Don't overreach on military. My initial strategy was to go hard military. I was destroying lots of enemy units, so I was doing a good job - right? The problem was I'd destroy and entire kingdom, minus a couple key units with high VP. As a result, I'd do a bunch of damage (most of which gets recovered) and no VP. Now, I keep just enough military to cause problems for the enemy and steal some conquest points, but I don't over do it.

    - Cards that gain VP actually KEEP that VP between rounds. That means if you get lucky and get a card that stacks VP easily, it can be absolutely devastating if you can score that card in multiple rounds. One example (if I'm remembering correctly) is Danse Macabre. I believe it steals VP from your opponent. My opponent was lucky enough to draw it in several rounds, and by the end was scoring 15 points a round from that damn card. This is one aspect of Age of Rivals that I think is really unique - persistence of some statistics (armor, VP) between rounds. Someone asked why there isn't a physical copy of this game and I think this is the main reason. It's only possible to track this in a digital game.

    - Pay really close attention to the resource indicators. Blue circle = discount, red circle = tax. You don't want to give your enemy free money, so if I see more than 1 tax icon, I think hard if the unit synergizes with my deck.

    - Pay attention not just to your draft but your enemy's draft as well. Based on your enemy's strategy, you can often predict which card they might draft. You can use this to your advantage by either picking a counter if one is available or if you think your opponent might try to screw you over, pick a different choice. I had one draft where I was presented with a deep discount on a strong troop (War Elephants). I noticed my opponent had the possibility of drafting a card that kills my highest attack troop. Sure enough, he drafted that troop and I picked a building. If I went with the obvious choice and bought War Elephants, I would've been throwing money away. Instead, his ability landed on my 3 attack troop, preventing any real value.
  17. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    An interesting little exception to vp point collection at the end of the round. While knocking out a positive vp card will disallow any points to be gained from it, knocking out a negative vp card WILL NOT negate its negative penalty at the end of the round.
  18. vmyneni

    vmyneni Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
    Advice on the AI

    Hi all. So I'm trying to work through points of critical feedback one by one, and the issue that's been on my mind lately is people thinking that the AI cheats. I've written here and elsewhere on exactly how the AI works and how it does not cheat. I've encouraged players to play several games and record the draft results to show that the randomness is truly random. But none of that can stop a new player from having a few rough games and assuming that the AI is cheating and then giving the game a bad rating.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how I can address or counter this? Especially if you're someone who is suspicious that the AI might be cheating (in this game or in other games), what could a developer do to convince you otherwise? Thanks! (I also know in all likelihood this is one issue I'm probably just going to have to let go.)
  19. vmyneni

    vmyneni Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
    I'll try to post some longer-term plans in the not too distant future. There's a long list of potential stuff, but I'm still focusing on stability and player feedback at the moment.

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