Explore the Cosmos Encounter Exotic Aliens Reduce them to sputtering carbon Video - https://player.vimeo.com/video/256144848?rel=0&showinfo=0 Store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BoxedMayhem.AGAINSTtheCOSMOS Battle against twenty different types of alien spacecraft in twelve levels. Adjust your ships power to boost power to the shields or the engines or launch torpedoes and seeker missiles. As you progress through the missions you unlock random patrols for even more gameplay. Youll encounter a wide variety of enemies, some of whom will. in addition to blasters or beam weapons, have stealth, cloaking, energy absorption or anti matter field technology at their disposal. Youll careen around desolate moons and ringed gas giants, dodge asteroids and comets drifting by, and listen to strangely poetic alien warnings as you hyper warp jump between star systems. http://boxedmayhem.com/index.htm