Universal AG Drive (by ZORG)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    Yeah, that's pretty much what I've been thinking while reading through this thread.
  2. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    #262 bilboa, Mar 3, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
    The thing is, the default vehicle handling makes the vehicles have a very wide turn radius and slow response. It's not always obvious to a player whether that's how the vehicles are intended to handle, or whether it's because the controls are behaving unresponsively. I think the people who like the tilt controls from the start are the ones who picked up on the fact that the vehicle handling itself is intentionally unresponsive until you've upgraded the handling, and the people who think the controls suck are the ones who expected the vehicles to be more responsive from the start.

    Also, not everyone gets along well with tilt controls, and I do think the touch controls suck in this game. If you're going to use touch controls, I think Repulze's slide control is much better, and that's what I ended up using in Repulze. Another thing I like about Repulze's controls is it has a sensitivity setting for the tilt and slide controls. A sensitivity setting for the tilt controls in AG Drive would be great. I've gotten along pretty well with the tilt controls in AG Drive, but I wish I could make them more sensitive.
  3. adansantos

    adansantos Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2013
    Great game, but... how the hell do I play MY own music?

    I know it has a 'soundtrack', but it's boring and extremely repetitive. When I play my music, it stops every time I enter a race :mad:
  4. smegly

    smegly Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    NY, NY
    What's the timing on the gas pedal at the start of a race to get an initial speed boost? I did it one time and I think I got a "perfect start" message or something like that, but I wasn't paying attention at the time.

    Also, this is the only iOS racing game where I liked the tilt. I think some naysayers are over-simplifying the issue of sensitivity. Whether I'm using a craft with poor or fast handling, the tilt is still better than the competition; it's not just a sensitivity issue.
  5. FBI Light Rock

    FBI Light Rock Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    #265 FBI Light Rock, Mar 12, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2015
    When you JUST hear the countdown sound off ONE, hold down your gas pedal. It takes a while to nail it consistently. Speaking of the Perfect Start, it feels very stale because all that happens is you accelerate a whole lot faster with no other audible or visual effects to make it sound more rewarding.

    Either way, a great pure racing game. Would definitely agree the graphics are the best among any WipEout style iOS game. I still like Repulze a lot for its unique combat system, but I wouldn't compare AG Drive to Repulze. Tilt controls are great, better than Repulze (though I got used to Repulze's one already).

    While it has a great sense of speed (to me though, I'm a frequent racer, so I'm used to high speeds and have a tendency to find things still slow), I think a little more effects need to be added for cruising over a boost pad. This was one of the mistakes which made Flashout not feel like the ships were moving faster even with boost pads. Here the ships are already fast, but the sense of faster would definitely stimulate adrenaline! :)

    Personally I found the HUD in the middle of the screen not obstructive, but it would definitely be great to shift it, or take it out altogether. I have no qualms about it though.

    6 tracks and only 3 usable ships for any race feels quite little for now, given that some of the tracks feel quite easy. But I presume they would add more soon?

    Also, the final Cup which features elite pilots with fully upgraded ships: Can you really get gold with the fully upgraded Epsilon?
  6. smegly

    smegly Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    NY, NY
    I figured the timing out, but thanks for the input.

    The point I'm at now, it seems that I've gotten gold in every Tier 2 event with a partially upgraded Epsilon Mk.II. I still have some stuff in Tier one that is silver or bronze and there's that duel with Bourke I can't win; that's all with the benefit of a fully upgraded Epsilon. I'm working on maxing out a Sokudo for those events and I think that will wrap those up. So, if you're talking about Tier 2 then yes, but for some Tier 1 stuff, it seems you may need something with a higher top speed. Then again, maybe more stuff in Tier 2 opens up if everything in Tier 1 is gold? We'll see.
  7. henryfakesmile

    henryfakesmile Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lol are you trolling or something
  8. FBI Light Rock

    FBI Light Rock Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    Actually, the timing I said was slightly misleading. Yes it works, but there is a certain time frame in which you can start holding on to the gas pedal, but the timing I said is at the end of the time frame. So you can actually start holding on to the gas pedal between 2 & 1.

    Yeah, that duel with Bourke is hard. I had trouble beating it but eventually did it with a fully upgraded Epsilon. Still, he was just milliseconds away when I finished. If you are comfortable with Sokudo's poor handling (personally I can't manage it), I think it might truimph against that Bourke. But knowing the course and not crashing is key, so it takes practice to know the course well.

    There's this Speed Record event I can't beat in Tier 1; it's on Gamma Dive (R). My fully upgraded Epsilon couldn't even break Silver with its Turbo boost. There is not enough time to reach a jump in that time frame so Sokudo's jump ability won't do (unless I just suck at handling it, but I think that the jump is simply too far away). Other Speed Record Events are easily golden with a Sokudo (Maybe you don't even need to full upgrade it) and its mythical jump ability.

    Tier 2's only Cup was hard; I think it's just the twisty new Mirloin courses that are really screwing my mind.
  9. smegly

    smegly Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    NY, NY
    I hit the gas as soon as 1 comes up but sometimes I miss the boost, so I'll see how far before 1 it works.

    I haven't fully upgraded the Sokudo yet, but so far it seems like handling isn't a huge issue. Maybe I'll wind up beating Bourke with something else ultimately.

    I have gold on the 1 minute gamma drive (r) in tier 1. I think the speed record events are good for Epsilon so long as you find the optimal part to have the turbo kick in. Seems to me Sokudo would be better for distance records.
  10. henryfakesmile

    henryfakesmile Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    Game Impressions

    can't believe a great game like this don't support iCloud save & ios 8 sharing extension Api
  11. Roxor

    Roxor New Member

    Jan 4, 2015
    I have gold on all events. But Tier 2 is missing at least 50 %, there is no Tier 3 yet and I am also waiting for Time Trial.

    I hate it when I buy an unfinished game!
  12. smegly

    smegly Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    NY, NY
    Still seems a lot beefier to me than the other similar games for iOS.
  13. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    How are you defining "unfinished"? This isn't an RPG with a story that was left without an ending or anything like that. It's just a racing game, and the number of events it needs to have to be considered complete is just arbitrary. Bottom line, consider that you paid $4 for the game, and consider how many hours of gameplay you'll get out of it once you've gold starred all the races, and decide if you think you got $4 worth of fun out of it.
  14. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    The virtual controls are bad but the tilt controls are okay for me, but I still grind on walls.
  15. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    Still no sign about MFI support,thats too bad.i played it the first day for a while but i lost interest way before i reached Tier 2.Both control methods are just not my cup f tea.Shame,could be my favorite iOS racer with MFI support.
    The request i sent to the dev right on day one was never answered.
  16. FBI Light Rock

    FBI Light Rock Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    #276 FBI Light Rock, Mar 26, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2015
    When you would meet a jump during the time frame, the Sokudo triumphs. I have tried using the Epsilon (Its Mk I version) in those speed events; it never shoots past 4000 km/h. The Sokudo has the capability to do just that. But for that Gamma Dive, only the Epsilon can do the job. I must suck at maintaining my straights or hitting my boosts right...

    EDIT: I have tried again today and clinched a Silver, and was 30km/h short of Gold. Retried a couple of times but still Bronze. Then, I just thought to try something...I went BACKWARDS. I initially thought the game would disallow this, but it simply let me go. So I swapped to Sokudo, went forward a bit to build up speed, and made the jump just behind the starting line. I backtracked more and then went back forward, building up speed via the boosters and finally made the jump with Sokudo's ability and easily clinched that Gold.
  17. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    Seems pretty abandoned unfortunately.The website is dead (http://zorgentertainment.com) and their facebook page is collecting dust as well.
    No reaction to mails as well.So we'll never see MFI support or at least better touch controls i guess.Well,i had one day fun for 4 bucks.But hey,i supported another premium experience.That's at least something.
  18. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    That's really sad if that's the case. I was hoping at least the Coming Soon stuff would get filled in eventually.

    : (
  19. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    The non existing support is also something that really put me off.I won't buy anything from this dev again.
  20. sandworm

    sandworm Active Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Game developer
    Alaska, the great land

    I've also gotten gold on almost all of the events. I checked out their website to see if the "coming soon" stuff was indeed coming soon. Apparently it isn't. Their website seems dead, facebook and twitter the same.

    So sad. I was really digging this game, wish there was more on the way.

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